Receive a reading or consultation. I use astrology, tarot, numerology, psychic, and other tools to deliver a simply sensational session.
Astrologers tend to be ‘intellectually arrogant’ whereas I have found tarot readers to be ’emotionally arrogant’. Remember that I’m both an Astrologer and Tarot Reader, a Leo, and can say without a doubt that I’m oft-times arrogant. :P
During your journey in astrology, consider becoming ‘intellectually arrogant’ or rather focused on the ‘mind’, ‘logic’, and ‘critical thinking’ skills. *This* will help your studies immensely. Basically remove the ’emotional’ part (right side), while studying, and get jiggy with your brain (left side).
Then when you have a good grasp on astrology, bring your intuitive skills back into the mix because they’ll be useful when interpreting charts.
So instead of ‘feeling’ things out, ‘think’ them out. Ask ‘conscious’ rather than ‘subconscious’ questions… TONS of them — to yourself and to others… Astrologers are researchers of data.