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I was teaching a student about astrology.
I’m not formal and I like the student to think for themselves but I find many students feel initially frustrated with my fortified teaching technique and it’s no walk in the park for me either when I’ve got to jump over those hurdles. :P
Thankfully I have this blog and other written ‘traditional’ work in case they think I’m pulling their leg and know nothing about astrology when I ask: You tell me what it means?
I sometimes think the student is wondering if I even know my stuff and if they think I’m off my rocker. LOL
Tonight, I asked a student: What do you know about Saturn?
The first thing that came out of their mouth was: I don’t know anything about it.
Okay, how about the Moon?
The student says:
It comes out at night. It changes shape (crescent, full, etc.). There’s a glow around it. And people act a little weird when there’s a full Moon.
Yes, that’s right! The Moon illuminates the dark, what is hidden. It has a cycle, like a woman’s cycle. It’s mystical and magical.
She was pleased.
I said, Saturn is about a lot of things and one thing it is about is restrictions and blockages. And squares are about blockages and obstacles.
So Moon Square Saturn can mean a block in a woman’s menstruation cycle when viewing the chart with a medical lens. It can also mean not being allowed to see what is hidden, and mystical. And it can also mean repressing or suppressing one’s crazy and irrational feelings. Or on the flipside, it can mean having crazy and irrational feelings (Moon) that block (Square) stability and progress (Saturn) — this is often why astrologers say Moon Square Saturn natives can have depression.
I basically said: Don’t get frustrated. Rather, if you’re going to read anything, you’ll want to develop the skills of: making connections, seeing patterns, and joining seemingly unrelated things.
Rules will only get you so far. Rules, memorization, and perfect answers are mediocre at best. Personal connection to the material, leaps of understanding and faith — now, that’s excellent reading.