| Astrogasm

The Diary of a Pro Astrologer, Tarot Reader, Numerologist, Psychic, Commentator, Social Worker, Mental and Emotional Athlete, People Mechanic, Biking Babe, Occultist, Artist, Meist, & YOUR Wisdom Guide.

My *Sale* is Extended until Tuesday May 29th, 2012.

Receive a reading or consultation. I use astrology, tarot, numerology, psychic, and other tools to deliver a simply sensational session.

My *Sale* is Extended until Tuesday May 29th, 2012.

I probably won’t have a ‘social friends’ sale again so get it while it’s at a hot and happy price point. :D

First sessions are always going to be more expensive than when you become a client and we meet once or more times in the year.  It’s currently set at an intake fee of $139 but that will only go up as I gain more experience and knowledge.  Right now, you can get your first session around the price of a regular client.  And after you get my ‘first session’ at this price, I’ll put you on my ‘client list’ and they’re all enjoying 50% off ‘client rates’!!! So it’s in the $50-60 range… It pays to be a client; don’t delay and make your payment.

You can choose from The Kitchen Sink (astrology, numerology, tarot, psychic, etc.) or Astrology (natal, synastry, progressions, solar returns, etc.)

If you already know too much about astrology and are looking for complex answers from me (that you haven’t found elsewhere), focus on The Kitchen Sink (of which half or more is tarot).  If you know more about tarot and hardly anything about astrology, choose an astrology consultation.

If you’re at an intermediate to advanced level for both, you probably won’t get much more out of me but I’ll confirm what you already know to be true and may surprise you (may!).  I’m at an advanced professional level with mastery in bits and pieces, but I’m not a Master Astrologer or Master Tarot Reader. Give me another 10 years, or not.

P.s. I’m not here to perform the extraordinary (only that one *big guy in the sky can) even if my readings and consultations are out of this world. :P

*Guy, Gal, God, Guru, YOU, etc

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Let me provide some insights in your own life. And if you are interested in learning astrology, numerology, or tarot from a Jupiter-Uranus Libra in the 9th teacher, I'd love to be your guide.