| Astrogasm

The Diary of a Pro Astrologer, Tarot Reader, Numerologist, Psychic, Commentator, Social Worker, Mental and Emotional Athlete, People Mechanic, Biking Babe, Occultist, Artist, Meist, & YOUR Wisdom Guide.

Personal Reflections on the Wisdom & Force of Pluto: The Sun (Leo) Meeting Pluto (Scorpio) in the Strength Tarot Card

The Strength tarot card is ruled by The Sun (Leo) but it also has a Plutonian (Scorpio) vibe to it as well. The two signs (Leo and Scorpio) square off and are fixed, and in this image we see the Lion being subdued.

Which reminds me that one must submit to a Scorpio or get out of its way — there’s not must choice in the matter.  Scorpios are in it to win and Leos really don’t stand a chance, sad to say, without breaking their heart. So the Strength card can suggest bending to the will of another, subjugating and submitting to a pure substance or a force greater than oneself.

And while Scorpios get a bad rap (and for good reason!) they can be here to teach, transform, and purify the crazed soul within.  If you bow down, they’ll show you their softer, transformational, and healing side. So you can either die or cry when the will of Scorpio (Pluto) is being exerted upon you.

Respect is something Leo’s are strong on but it’s important for all of us (our Suns, and especially Leo — being domicile with the Sun) to respect the will of others too.

Pluto forces us to get over our egos (the Sun).  It always requires we acquiesce, and not fight.

With your transits, solar return, or natal chart, Pluto forces us to confront that which we do not want, is not comfortable, is against our every sense of what’s right and just.

You can manifest positive change or choose to be on cruise control or aut0-pilot (which I don’t suggest as that manifests as unconscious compulsions).

You can succeed (acquiesce) or fail (fight back). My suggestion is for you to introspect on what you’ve being given and then let go, give in, stop fighting. When you do that, you will see the light and become all shiny and new again – there are gifts in genuine strength — have the strength to fall-back.

Want to know more about the meaning of the Strength card?  Check out my Tarot Card Meaning.

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Personal Transit: Moon Opposition Pluto

Got blood work during the Moon Opposition Pluto transit and near the exact time of that transit being exact, the nurse caused a HUGE bruise — the biggest bruise I ever got from having blood drawn.

She came across as sweet, warm, and motherly yet she had no problem causing the bruise and suggesting it was nothing out of ordinary. :/

So Moon Opposition Pluto = Hurtful nurse, Nursing that damages, nurturing that hurts, nurses that kill, nurturing that destroys…

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World Transit: Jupiter Gemini (Very small post)

Jupiter moved into Gemini a few days ago:

  • Like Jupiter Conjunct Mercury … expansive communication causes friction and hurdles… people are made aware…
  • People are made aware of what they don’t want to know but can no longer hide from — causes upset but ultimately healing.
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Celebrity Reading on John Mayer: Reflecting on his Saturn Return , Pluto Square Pluto, & Other Things

In this video, John Mayer mentions achieving his goals, having to go back home to regroup, stardom, doing some immature interviews, and accepting the lessons and wisdom of Saturn, and accepting the undeniable force of Pluto forcing CHANGE.

Regarding the Rolling Stones interview, he says:
“It was sort of like rocking me into adult. It was a violent crash into being an adult. So for a couple of years it was like figuring it all out.” Sounds Plutonian to me. Actually the Pluto Square Pluto personal transit we go through around the ages of 33-35.

In his own words, he lets us know how he had refused to grow up, Saturn style and why he left the spotlight for two years.

“Go away. Be 33 and 34 instead of 28 for the fourth year.”

“Why not be happy after awhile. You get to a certain age where you prepare yourself for happiness, sometimes you never remember to get happy. So I remembered to get happy.”

As a Libra, he’s quite eloquent even if he says ‘off’ things now and then because he loves to tell the truth — publicly.

I find men who are 34 / 35 get a second wind if they were sleep walking through their Saturn Return or refused to grow up.

Unrelated: John has one of the most popular vocalist’s signature: Sun Conjunct Mercury and while we don’t have his time of birth, it’s probably in the 10th (if he has an interception) or 11th house which would make him a Sagittarius rising and that makes sense to me given his history with women (and his need to publicly SPILL — upside down bowl aspect pattern). I mean, Moon Conjunct Neptune in the 1st would account for why the women he dated felt so fooled.

About Pluto Square Pluto

Transiting Pluto squaring its natal position (Pluto square Pluto) brings on a process of deep psychological change and transformation. Pluto rules the shadow side of us and when it squares itself by transit it brings out whatever is seething in us underneath the surface. In many ways the Pluto square represents a purification process where we can eliminate emotional and psychological toxins held in the body…

I’ve found that for many of my clients the Pluto square is also a time when they are being challenged to purify their motives and the way they express their personal power. This is especially true for those who have Pluto conjunct (within a few degrees) one of their personal planets. For instance, if Sun and Pluto are conjunct in your chart (John Mayer has this!), the Pluto square will also be squaring your Sun. This can be experienced as a real breakdown of your sense of identity (the Sun) and may feel like a part of your self is dying. The Pluto square will also challenge you to more fully “own” your personal power rather than using it in a more manipulative, covert way. By tuning into the purification process of the Pluto square you can begin to experience your power with more integrity.

James Jarvis, M.A.

Saturn demands that you grow up and it looks like Pluto helped Saturn make that happen for John.

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Word of the Day: Sketchy

I don’t have much more to say about the sketchy word of today. O-o

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Personal Diary Update

WoW, I’ve been ultra busy (especially since the Venus Rx which hit my 5th house).

Has it been days since I’ve last posted?! Whoops.

I’m doing a consultation sale with my regular clients so that has been keeping me busy.

I also got a new Blackberry phone — a few months overdue as my old one (3+ years old) finally died.  Anyway, I’m now awake to the world of App’s! LOL And I’m trying to find a good Blackberry app for cycling GPS maps, preferably with turn-by-turn navigation.  Am I dreaming?  I want to also program my own route and maybe even be suggested one too.  Speed, distance, and hill incline are nice-to-have too.  So yes, I’ve been biking quite a bit.  I lost over 8 pounds in 4 weeks and I think a lot of it was due to cycling because I had some take-out, outside, and restaurant food (though I stuck with meat and vege, skip the bread / high carb items).  Oh and I finally got cycling specific rain/wind pants, a new huge bell, and rain / full finger bike gloves. Still need the fenders and back rack + bags for a tour I hope to do this summer – plus rain rides.

Saw the Snow White and Huntsman movie and I didn’t like it much — a forgettable movie except that I can’t seem to forget the cinematography was severely lacking in my opinion.  And because of that, there appeared to be a lot of over-acting.

Knitting is coming along.  I’m making a scarf and taking classes.  This year my family and friends are getting scarves, hats, socks, and other nicely knitted items.

I lost almost 10 pounds in one month.  I’m going for 12-13 a month.

Got a super fabulous hair treatment from my friend and hairstylist Roxanne Muir.  If you’re in Toronto, hit her up!


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Comments about UAC2012 Astrologer Predictions: Astrologers Speak Out

Since Aries is on my 3rd house cusp (with Chiron sitting inside), and Jupiter Libra is in the 9th (along with a whack of 8th house Virgo celestial objects, including Mercury) — I’ll naturally speak out when I witness a lack of logic or fair play — that’s if I can make the time, that is.

The following is a response to the comments about the news story on USA Today that reported on the predictions (that were done by a number of astrologers at the UAC2012 convention) of Obama winning the next election and that of Mercury Rx beginning the first day of voting later this year (crap, that was a run-on sentence if I ever read one… LOL.. Oh well, no time to fix!).

I was responding to these common sentiments from religious people:

“I trust in God and Jesus who created the heavans and all that is in it.” and “AMEN!! He is in control. As Nero was in Paul’s time. We are responsible to our LORD in all ways. I do pray for a better world for my children and sweet grandchildren. Jesus…I know you are in control~help me to pray more and trust you more each hour.”

Do you think astrology controls people?! No, it does not. It illustrates the human condition — the individual, as well as the whole, and it lays out God’s divine plan for us all. It’s like a treasure map or a gift from the heavens. Astrologers study the cosmos over time and look at patterns and signatures — similar to how the weather, stocks, or sports are forecasted and analyzed. If you agree that certain things happen, when certain things happen, then you’ll have a better understanding of how astrology works. It’s straightforward but can also be very hard to learn for many reasons. Astrologers are observers of connections. Astronomy is the physical and Astrology is the mental. Astrology is an art connected to the science of astronomy. Before you naysay, take some time to learn about the study of the stars. There are many astrologers who were once skeptics. Actually, I’m still a skeptic. I generally have to prove something to myself before I believe; however, I don’t put down believers such as those that believe and have faith in God even though the existence of God can not be currently, tangibly proven. And that’s what seems quite illogical to me regarding the naysaying. Now, did you know there are Christian Astrologers? I bet many of you didn’t know. And that’s the point. You’re not taking the time to fully explore all that God has given us. The Sun is warm, come out from the cave and bask in the glory of God. :)

There were really great responses from other astrologers.  Here’s a couple from Christopher Gilles:

“exactly my point :) most christians think that folks into astrology are star worshiping pagans, when in reality, most astrologers I know believe quite strongly that God created “the heavens and the earth” and that the stars don’t necc, control our lives, but that God created the stars as a reflection of our lives “so as above as below” Understanding the movement of the stars and planets, is understanding another language of God, that God has written out right before our eyes, how the manifest universe operates. If God created all of reality, then it only makes sense that God created the laws that govern the movement of the planets and stars within that reality. Observation of those movements over time by astrologers led to them becoming aware of certain tendencies when certain things in the “heavens” took place. Makes sense to me.” and “nicely said eric. The third law of thermodynamics or entropy, says basically what you are saying (yeah, Im a scientist :) It says that all matter in the “void” moves towards maximum dispersion or chaos, this is what we see when we drop a bit of food coloring into a glass of water, it eventually will completely and evenly disperse. In nature we observe this happening, things will break down decay, etc. But we also observe the exact opposite happening. Order springs from the chaos. Plants grow, humans reproduce, etc. Things are also moving in the direction of order, and refinement, something from nothing. There is an underlying principle that holds the chaos together, in a meaningful, conscious and divine way. Certain signatures of a divine creation are apparent in things such as the golden ratio, also known as the divine proportion, golden mean, or golden section (google if you dont know, it’s facinating) that pop up in all things around us ( the human body for instance, in all it’s various proportions such as hight to width, even down to your teeth, reflect the golden ratio). God’s signature? :)”

I wish I had time to read what everyone had to say. It’s amazing how wonderfully insightful other astrologers are — many of them unpublished!

And I finished with this thought, after reading a peculiar phrasing (though I didn’t post it because I don’t need the heat my Mars can bring on and it could be taken as inciteful)…

Please excuse my Virgo: “Mercury and Venus are in conjunction in the house of Taurus”.  The house of Taurus would be more clearly expressed as the 2nd house. Taurus is connected to the 2nd house but it is not the 2nd house. It can be phrased like this: Mercury Conjunct Venus in the 2nd house or Mercury and Venus are in conjunction in the 2nd house. Astrology is like another language (a symbolic one) and can be quite hard to learn but when someone tries, kudos to them.  At least they are attempting to figure it out, even if they don’t.

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Psychopath Astrology by Astrologer, Marina Darkstar (My Response)

In response to Marina’s most awesome article about Psychopath indicators showing up in Astrology.

Hi Marina,

Fabulous article — yet again!

Mars direct is a great time to write about or contemplate this topic. It’s been bubbling over in my mind ‘again’ so I’m so happy to see you’ve written about it as it’s very interesting to read!

I first wanted to tackle the topic last summer when the Cardinal T-square (Mercury, Uranus, Pluto) was activated but it’s such a HUGE subject. I wonder if you felt like you were opening up a can of worms when you delved into it.

I have a number of charts I’ve been working on for an article about the “Astrology of Bullying” and bullies are often sociopathic.

Anyway, with the research I’ve done so far — I can support your assertion that “Black Moon Lilith (also Pluto) in aspect to the AC” is a strong indicator especially if it’s on the DC and 1° or less.

And it seems that the opposition with Moon and Pluto (and BML) comes up the most as it relates to potential psychopathy.

Like you mentioned, not every native who has these signatures is a psychopath. And in fact, they may be a fighter of psychopaths, treat, or attract them so I’m glad you ended the article with that. It’s a sensitive topic, for sure.

Warm regards,

I’d also like to mention that my research indicates that Pluto in aspect to Mars and/or Mercury can also indicate sociopathic traits.  Saturn and Uranus can also be nasty beasts, attacking human life. Just remember, there’s good, neutral, and bad in EVERYTHING. No black and white.  Just because you or someone you know has this doesn’t mean they are disordered.  They may have an edge but that doesn’t mean they have a full-on personality disorder that affects their relationships, and life.

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World Transit: Moon Trine Neptune, and Personal Reflections on Chiron, the Sesquare, & Moon Conjunct Neptune

It’s been awhile since I’ve had music on here.
I feel like it’s a Neptunian day. Let me check the world transits…

And so it is — we have Scorpio Moon (1° when I checked it) Trine Neptune Pisces, also Neptune Conjunct Chiron.
I imagine we’ll have many spiritual days and soulful sounds in 2012 with Neptune in Pisces

I’m already in tune with these energies since I have Moon (Virgo) Sextile Neptune (Scorpio) and Chiron in Pisces.
And I’m working on my Neptune Sesquiquadrate Chiron in talk therapy for 2012 as these two bodies conjunct and land in my 12th in the SR this year.  I’m actually doing this in an institutional environment. Astrogasm!

I wrote about the sesquare aspect (three full posts on one aspect!) a long time ago…
I basically see this aspect as a different ability, and where you need help to rise to the challenges of society. It’s also where you’re naturally disconnected from society, with an unusual awareness that isn’t accepted by the masses.

As usual, there’s so many ways to read something and right now I’m reading my Neptune Sesquiquadrate Chiron aspect as if it were about me healing my spiritual wounds.  I’m doing this with the assistance of a vision quester through narrative therapy.

I can see the spiritual wounds of others but often they can’t see it.  And what’s worse, is that while I’m busy paying attention to others (other, public chart) I haven’t been able to readily see my own.    This is a challenge and one reason why I decided not to become a psychologist and work with my own psychology instead.  And I’ve decided the best way to help others heal, through me, is eventually through my art.

I’ll help heal others in the Neptunian way.

World Transit: Moon Scorpio Trine Neptune Pisces — Spiritual reflection, soulful union to Gaia or one’s mother, finding peace (yourself) in music, investigating feelings, feeling out your environment, foods that heal.

Recommended music for today:  Enigma, Cafe Del Mar, Buddha Bar, Julee Cruise, and Thomas Dybdahl. Listen on Youtube, Start here


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Commercial Manipulation: You Can’t Have It.

Just heard on a phone commercial:

Girl says about her phone “you can’t have it”… that’s a sneaky psychological assault.

We want what we can’t have.

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Tarot: Tower Card Meaning — Rain, thunder, change, potential for accidents, and uncertainty

Last night I asked the tarot (without using TarotSeek):  How will today go?

I got the Tower card.  Having originally learned tarot from a book, my immediate thought was BAD THINGS to come (accident, chaos, change) but my personal transits for the day are pretty good with no Mars/Uranus contacts.

What’s happened so far?  Rain and soon-to-be thunder. ;-P

This makes TOTAL sense.

It’s still my initial thought (a superficial one due to learning from a book and stuck on what I read which is one reason I now learn on my own before reading what others say!!) because I’ve been riding my bike (Julee – yes, she named herself today ;-P) only in good weather and I plan to ride in ANY weather (I have Aries rising in my SR this year!!).  Also, I think there’s a chance for car accidents and I need to be more mindful for the road to stay out of the way of drivers.

(Update on biking: Crazy hard rain weather but ultimately incredibly refreshing and healing.  The helmet and rain jacket held up well (upper body nice, cozy, and dry) but need rain/wind bike pants, a fender, full gloves that are water resistant, and shoe covers for ultimate comfort and health. Also, there were puddles of water and while I was so happy sliding down the water I had to keep reminding myself to go slow and break early, and I avoided taking chances. Wow, I am totally into extreme sports without getting hurt!! LOL  Someone said they had full respect for me going out to ride on such a day like this. Smile

Update on the tarot card:  Well, I experienced a small flame of fire that erupted from my toaster oven and I sliced my foot on a window that was taken out to get an air conditioner in.  Very Tower card too… I just decided to stay still after all that and do some work on the computer.  LOL… better safe than sorry.  Also, there was a major stoppage of our subway system today and electrical problems all over the city — a flickering but the power never going out.  This may also be related to Venus Gemini Rx on a Friday (Venus’ day))

After my bike ride, shower, and FOOD. I'm a happy Girl playing in the rain with Julee. ♥

Psychic Jucy’s Tarot Card Meanings, The Tower Card

Tarot talks, that’s for sure.

Happy day folks. ♥

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