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The Diary of a Pro Astrologer, Tarot Reader, Numerologist, Psychic, Commentator, Social Worker, Mental and Emotional Athlete, People Mechanic, Biking Babe, Occultist, Artist, Meist, & YOUR Wisdom Guide.

Help Predict Your Own 2013: Making & Keeping Your New Year Resolutions, Astrology Style

The Gregorian calendar marks the new year as January 1.

January is the first month of the year.  In numerology, 1 represents starts, beginnings, initiatives, and innovations (amongst other things). January 1, 2013 adds up to a 8. This day is a power, wealth, and health day. It simply is a wonderful way to start off 2013 — with a bang!

January 1, 2013 is also in the sign of Capricorn, ruled by Saturn.

Saturn is a task master.  It likes to oversee, test, turn, and try. And Capricorn is just the right sign to deal with these hardships, and make the grade. Capricorn is a serious and responsible sign, and it’s a great sign to get the job done. So this is a great time to make your intentions known to Saturn, and Saturn will take you seriously.

Now, lets say you slide and you don’t have a lot (or any) of Capricorn or Saturn or it isn’t aspected well in your chart, and you’re finding it hard to make or keep new year resolutions — don’t fret because March 21, 2012*  is in the sign of Aries, and it is the next best time to carry through your intentions (New Year Resolutions).

Aries is ruled by Mars.  Mars is the planet of action and passion. Aries is a self-starting sign that comes first in the zodiac.  Now while Aries is great for being fearless and courageous about whatever it wants, it doesn’t always last for the long haul like Capricorn does.  But not to worry, Taurus (April 20th) is right behind Aries — ready to take it all the way home!

Help Predict What Happens to You in 2013 by Manifesting Your Own Desires

This year, I plan on writing out intentions based on my natal chart and solar return and then putting them in a jar. Then I’ll review the jar now and then for how far I’ve gotten and to remind me of what I want to do. If I’m struggling with a particular intention, I’ll put it in a visible place for me to pass daily.

A couple of my New Year’s Intentions

One thing I’m working on is independence.  Numerology wise, I will be in a 1 year so I’m doubly focused on intention making and this intention — this year.

The First House

As strong as I am, with the ability to take initiative on my own — with my Sun in the 7th, I can easily become co-dependent and lose myself in partnerships.

So I’m focused on independence and getting my needs met through myself because historically I’ve come second, even if I’m leading a relationship or partnership of any kind. I have also skipped doing something because my partner (business, romantic, or otherwise) didn’t want to do it — rather than going out and doing it on my own because I want too.

I have Capricorn rising, and the sign Aquarius inside the first. I have no planets in my first, but I do have Uranus in the 1st in my Solar Return and that’s in Aries until the summer of 2013. So I still have more to do with becoming fully independent, and relying on my own resources even if there is someone else I could lean on. That has to now become a conscious choice, with the understanding of the future consequence.

The Second House

The next thing I’m working on is fixing my physical self, and helping me make money through my own talents such as giving astrology & tarot consultations as well as teaching it (Uranus on the 2nd, Pisces NN inside — intercepted) rather than through my other business (where I employ other people, and earn money from them because I have a full 8th house including my Venus in there).

I’m very good at fixing others and my own psychology, as well as helping them make money and be grounded in the real world (Virgo stellium in the 8th, with some formidable planets in there including Pluto and Mercury — not conjunct), but my 2nd house is empty with erratic Uranus on the cusp with Pisces NN inside (intercepted). I need help, and I need to help myself for a change!

In my 2013/2014 solar return, the Sun enters my 2nd house. My self-esteem, physical stability (body and resources) and creating a stable income, from my own efforts, are important to my health, in all ways. Meditation, outdoor excercise, body wellness, and spiritual connection to other human beings becomes a priority.

So those are a couple of my new year resolutions, astrology style.


  1. Astrologically, what are some of your intentions for 2013?
  2. Where’s Saturn, Pluto, Mars, Capricorn, Scorpio, and Aries in your chart and the ones you love? This is where you’ll want to note, and focus your good intentions.

* Transit Watch Notes:  March 21 is the day that Pluto is in 11° Capricorn, and Uranus is in 8° Aries. Pluto Squares Mars in Aries 6° and Uranus Conjuncts it. These are signs (Capricorn and Aries) that I mentioned above. Then two months and ten days later (May 31) Uranus catches up to Pluto at 11° Aries with the Moon (Aquarius), Mars (Taurus), Mercury (Gemini), and Black Moon Lilith (Gemini) all in 29°.  So watch tempers, and the dark side.



If it’s in your budget to do so, share the wealth and increase your happiness, by booking your very special astrological consultation(s) with me in 2013.  20% off for you! Just let me know the name of my blog, at the time of requesting an appointment. I currently read Tuesdays to Thursdays, by phone, 12-8pm EST.

astroresponse @ gmail.com



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Mental & Astrological Mechanic — Toronto Astrologer / Astrology Abella Arthur, by phone – 2013

Like other vehicles (such as a car), humans also have operating and repair manuals. I consider myself a mental and astrological mechanic. If you’ve wondered about how you operate, and what to do about faulty system parts — book a session with me in 2013. From your friendly Leo Sun, Virgo stellium in the 8th astrologer.

20% off for my Facebook and Twitter friends. Mention my blog name.

astroresponse @ gmail.com

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The 2nd House: Self-Esteem and Making Money

The 2nd House: Self-Esteem and Making Money

Making money through your own efforts improves self-esteem.

Employees who are Taurean in their approach to their work, come out ahead.

Putting in a mediocre or less than your best event reduces self-esteem.

Work diligently, persevere, don’t allow yourself to be misused, dedicate yourself to amassing resources, stabilizing, and securing. Share your wealth, and your self-esteem will grow.

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The BASIC Topics for Astrological Interpretation

Learning Astrology

Fixed Stars
Arabic Parts


Aspects & Interaspects
Aspect Patterns


Generating & Reading Charts
Gylphs & Symbols
Reading the Ephemeris
Chart Interpretation
Chart Balances


Intermediate to Advanced astrology

  • Puts the theory into practice. All that is learned is used in actually reading the charts of strangers.
  • Special techniques (such as midpoints, harmonics, hypothetical planets, depositors, eclipses,  AstroDyne, and planetary hours), often developed by modern astrologers, are used.
  • Other specializations, branches, and charts are explored and practiced. These include, but are not limited to: Horary, Solar Return & Arc, Progressions, Vocational, Medical, Mundane, Uranian, Hellenistic, Synastry etc.
  • A personal approach is found.


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World Transit: Void Course of Moon – Scorpio

Today, the Moon is feeling invasive. My Saturn Taurus has been Opposing it since early this morning.  The Void of Course Moon is currently at 28° 38′ 9″ Scorpio at 20:10 UT time — just riding the critical degree of 29° that Mercury was at yesterday.  So it’s no surprise that the Moon has been on my mind, and the mind of other astrologers today.

Awhile back, I asked a group of professional astrologers why we were experiencing so many Void of Course Moons. Along with the mention that it was because many of the Moons were in early degrees (this one is in a late degree, soon to change signs), this reply from astrologer Hal Bahr, stood out:

November 7 at 2:01pm The first thing that strikes me is not the VOC moon periods [how many we have been having lately] but rather the acknowledgement that all the planets representing the great gods of change are in early degrees of signs signalling a new era of sorts and pointing to new places and themes we must revolutionize (this has been going on/building up for some time but Saturn finishing up in Libra has been acting as a braking mechanism). There is a greater and greater push to do tangible things that provoke change. All the VOC moon periods speak to me of what can happen when we use that youthful energy (youthful folly – I-Ching) to initiate things without taking the timing into consideration. Many initiatives come to naught if they were not launched with attention to detail, practicality, and timing. On the other hand I find VOC moon periods to be excellent times to dream, vision, and employ non-linear techniques to problem-solving and to going deeply within to discover creative ways of changing ourselves and coming into alignment with the energy of the times., Hal Bahr, of Soul Design

Late degree signs are also about starting something new by putting an end to the old (what’s matured and ripened — has born fruit already), and all with a child-like wonder. The fact the Moon is in Scorpio right now, emphasizes this theory. Scorpio is regenerative and about ends and beginnings. Also, Mars (the planet of initiation) co-rules Scorpio.  Coincidence?!

What was my Void of Course Moon day about?

It was about making a decision to start pouring my long winded writing into books, and then taking snippets of those books and putting them into blog posts (either before OR after publication).

Given that my Virgo stellium is in the 8th (the house of Scorpio) and the topics I write about are Scorpio-like, it makes perfect sense that I made an emotionally difficult decision to put an end to something (that needs to end) when Scorpio was void of course in a late degree. And this had been on my mind for awhile too.

It is said not to start anything new during a void of course, and I haven’t.  I’m still writing here.  I haven’t begun my outlines for the books I intend to write.  That will all happen in 2013.  No, this was a time to dream up my future, make peace with the past, and when this Moon has begun to wane — I will begin plotting out my future writing strategy (Scorpio style! ;-).

So this late degree VOC Scorpio Moon was Opposed my Saturn, and because of that I was emotionally damp today.  But working through this upcoming change in my writing (one I haven’t wanted to do) — will help me finally get ‘serious’ about it.

At the time of publishing this article, the Scorpio Moon is now at: 29° 41′ 59″ 21:53 UT time.
More coincidence? I think not. :D

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Synastry: Improving Human Relations w/ Astrology — the AC (1st house) & DC (7th house)

I’ve come across astrologers saying that person A’s Ascendant on person B’s Descendant makes for a good fit, but it wasn’t until tonight that I realized why.

Basically it goes like this: The 7th house is about what we need from others, and what we project onto them as doing or not doing.

7th house others, can be: romantic partners, a school-mate, a best friend, a business associate, etc. — basically someone we are strongly committed too by verbal, written, or action-oriented contract (for example).

If you don’t have a partner in life, who has their AC on your DC, you’ll probably be left wanting.  You’ll probably even find that your partner (if you have one) wants you to do your DC for them but are in no way prepared or interested in doing that for you — snubbing reciprocity, and fairness.

Example: I have Cancer on the DC. I find that my partners are often needy, and emotional.  Fact is, I am too.  I notice that they need or desire mothering, and nurturing.  The fact is, I ALSO want to be mothered and nurtured.

The 7th house is the house where we tend to want (subconsciously) to have our conscious actions to be mirrored (by the way, the reverse is true here! An insidious house this is), and where we can be co-dependent given that Venus Libra, and Juno naturally rule the house.

When we don’t get our DC needs met through our partner(s), we reduce our effectiveness and can feel unloved. In my case, it also causes emotional anxiety, instability, and uncertainty due to the at-home Moon sign of Cancer being on my DC. So…

Tip: Do your AC for others, and your DC for yourself.

Example: I have Cancer on the DC. I need to make MYSELF comfy, and give myself a dose of self-care. It is better not to put this kind of focus onto another, especially when they haven’t done so for me first, or haven’t asked for it.

It may seem selfish (Aries) at first, to use your DC traits on yourself when it’s natural to do it for others (Libra), but it’s what will ultimately create balance and harmonize the Aries-Libra polarity.

It’s also what will keep you honest. The fact is — you secretly want others to give you those DC traits and you’re or you’ve been role modeling in hopes that it will come back to you (and rarely will it, unless your partner’s AC is on your DC or some other signature mimics it). And if you’re unattached, you’ll want to take care of yourself so that you can a) attract healthy partners, and b) feel satisfied. “Have a relationship with yourself”.

To further harmonize and balance this polarity — and still do for others, you can share your ascendant qualities freely and without the pain that comes with sharing your descendant qualities.  That’s because you just do the ascendant really well.  In fact, you may not even know you’re doing it because it comes so naturally to you. It’s like a baby who may be unaware of its own body, being that Aries is the natural sign on the ascendant and is the baby of the zodiac. So it’s not going to hurt you to share this with others because you already posses these qualities in spades (unlike the descendant qualities that you feel were, has, or are missing and that you secretly hope to get resolved through another)!

So what can you give without hurting yourself?

Example: With Capricorn on my ascendant, I can share my Capricorn traits freely and naturally:

I can and do encourage self-management, seriousness, responsibility, productivity, organization, and dedication to one’s craft, or work. I provide jobs, and pay people. I inspire goal making. I give business advice. And I share my living example that the vow of in sickness and in health is not just an empty promise, or one to take lightly — it’s a commitment to honor, and is honorable.

I don’t need to gain any of this through someone else. I already possess these skills, and traits. I am not in need here. And when I provide this to my partners (committed others), I feel more empowered and stronger in my own life, and business.

What is better to give more to yourself (the descendant) than to others? What can you give (your rising sign qualities, the AC), with glee, to others?

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Fixed Star Capulus: Off with their Heads, Persecution of Improper Conduct, and Male Sexual Energy

Fixed Star Capulus

23° or 24° Taurus

Last month I wrote an article titled, Fixed star Algol, Taurus: The Sexual, Emotional, & Psychological Drives of Heterosexual Men with Algol

After I wrote it, I realized my question about my own involvement with Algol men had not been fully answered.  That’s when I started to take a closer look at Capulus. I don’t have Algol in aspect, or paran to any of my planets or angles but I do have Capulus Conjunct Saturn in the 4th house, but not in paran to anything.

The Perseus  Myth

Fixed star energy is deeper, and stronger in my opinion, and basically sets the stage for our life.

The fixed star material I’m bringing up in this article is not easily accessed in talk therapy because it resides as a hidden layer under our regular natal chart (an undercurrent). When I say, “regular”, I mean the standard planets and signs that we readily find in a chart.

And while I find the planets of our natal chart describe who we are, the fixed stars seem to be the myths we play out, often with our soul mates (SN stuff). Fixed star energy is deeper, and stronger in my opinion, and basically sets the stage for our life. Therefore, it’s very important to know what river flows beneath the sand, and work towards applause, rather than boos.

And that’s what I hope to accomplish in this article.  I hope that you’ll be able to uncover compulsive (covered and deep 8th house material) behavior so that you or the ones you care about may begin healing and putting an end to destructive myths being played out. But not only that, I want you and those you care about to achieve greatness — to take the next evolutionary step of self-awareness and self-development.

View images of Perseus (sexual, brave, ego, courage, victory, youth, dare, daring, vitality, strength, virility, potent , fearless, getting the job done)

Legend has it that “Zeus visited Danae in the form of a shower of gold and got her pregnant with Perseus. As a young man Perseus undertook a mission to kill the Medusa. He was furnished with the sword, cap and wings of Mercury and the shield of Minerva (Athena). He killed the Medusa by cutting off her head and afterwards killed the sea monster Cetus and then rescued and married Andromeda. [Robson*, p.56.]”

About the Perseus Myth: Greek Mythology site

To sum it up, for the purpose of exploring the effects of Capulus on a native, an oracle of Apollo told Danae’s father that her son would one day kill him.

So when Acrisius found Danae (his daughter) had a baby, he cast them out to sea in a large chest.  They were saved by the brother (Dictys) of the king, and the king, Polydectes, wanted to marry Danae but she rejected him.

Polydectes set up a rouse to egg on the ego of Perseus. He challenged Perseus to bring him the head of Medusa!

In his journey to slay the head off of Medusa, he received help from Hermes, and Athena (Minerva) — giving Perseus the sickle of Cronos (Saturn) that was used to overpower Uranus and that Zeus used against Typhoeus. Athena also gave him a shield to protect him from the image of Medusa.  Hermes gave him winged sandals. He also received from the Nymphs of the North, the cap of darkness (invisibility), and a “magic wallet” to put the head inside.

In the end, Perseus successfully slayed Medusa.  He also accidentally hit Acrisisus with a discus in a game on the way back to King Polydectes, and that’s what killed him.

The main players in this story

  • Acrisius, father of Danae
  • Danae, mother of Perseus
  • Perseus, immaculately conceived and is the son of Danae & Zeus (Pisces transformed into Aries or Scorpio?)
  • Zeus, father of Perseus (Jupiter, Sagittarius and yet connected to Taurus as he at one point turns himself into a white bull)
  • Polydectes, the savior (through his brother) of Dane and Perseus
  • Adromeda, whom Perseus got released her from the rock, and married. Poseidon had punished her for her mother’s misstep by chaining her to rock to be sacrificed to a sea monster.
  • Hercules, son of Zeus and also a descendant of Perseus and Adromeda

Supporting players

  • Mercury (Gemini, Virgo)
  • Minerva (Athena, Mars, Scorpio, Aries)
  • Pegasus

To learn more about the fixed star Capulus, go to the VirgoVault blog for the full article.

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Divine Languages: Astrology & Other Oracles

As we speak, we divine. We are oracles. We are gods or god is within us. ~ Abella Arthur

I was thinking today about astrology being a language, an ancient symbolic one — one that can tell us a lot about ourselves, the past, and the future. Then I realized that our own native language — whether that be French, Italian, Russian, or English can also do the same.

All languages — whether oral, written, visual, ancient, symbolic, or physical — are divine.

My native language is English. When I read people’s words, hear what is said, I can divine the future. Even within a word, such as “persecute” and its mythological roots of “Perseus“, there is so much that can be known as to what is about to happen. When using language to communicate messages — past, present, and future – we are all acting as oracles.

When I think of medieval times, I think of the ‘common people’ tending to and enjoying physical things but when speaking or reading occurred, words seemed to be weighty and serious. Serious times bring to mind declarations, rules, and laws spoken in big ominous halls, spells cast in caves, or speeches uttered upon a 19th Century soapbox.

There is something sacred in the words we speak. Words hold power: They can change our opinion, tug at our emotions, or cause us to take action.

Quotes like the following suggest the power in words:

If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.

Don’t speak until you’ve been spoken to.

When I went to find quotations about speaking, the majority (if not all) of the sayings on one website said not to talk unless you want to be considered a fool, because only the wise speak.

To speak and to speak well are two things.  A fool may talk, but a wise man speaks.  ~Ben Jonson

Don’t speak unless you can improve on the silence.  ~Spanish Proverb

Let a fool hold his tongue and he will pass for a sage.  ~Pubilius Syrus

Or the suggestion is that if you’re going to say it, you better stand by it, or water it down so it doesn’t have as much strength.

If you wouldn’t write it and sign it, don’t say it.  ~Earl Wilson

Euphemisms are unpleasant truths wearing diplomatic cologne.  ~Quentin Crisp

Words have been dumbed down, and have lost meaning. People rarely speak with authority, or wisdom — rather waiting for someone else to say it or re-quoting because they may fear saying it themselves.

We’ve been told to shut up, don’t think, and surely do not express ourselves or have a voice. Because of this constant oppression, we’ve forgotten our voices.  We’ve forgotten the power to love, and heal through our words, as well as destroy and hurt.

Did you know that Logos means, Gods word or The Word of God. Whereas a logo is a “graphical representation or symbol of a company name, trademark, abbreviation, etc.” Source The fact is that logo is derived from logos.  The God(s) have chosen to speak to us in symbols. The language chosen is a universal one that is visual and symbolic. Astrology and tarot are two languages the Gods use to speak to us. Everyone can learn how to read astrology and tarot.  We are all oracles.

Logos is logical. Logos is related to thought, and reason. God is rational. We are rational, in an irrational world. The world is backwards, with the law of opposites. We are irrational, in a rational world. Whatever we think to be the case, isn’t.

That is one reason why it is so very important to LISTEN to what others have to say. Often what is said is backwards. If they say they *don’t*, they do.  If they say they *do*, they don’t. People tell us what’s going to happen, especially in relationship to them.

As much as we, as a people, have diluted our speech to be less charged and more palatable with double speak and euphemisms, people still can’t help being oracles; it’s in our DNA to speak logos.

John 1:1 – In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

John 1:14-18 And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth; we have beheld his glory…

When we speak, we divine. We are oracles. We are gods or god is within us.

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Interpreting Astrology

When we interpret one language into another, like I do when I interpret astrology or tarot into a language my client or friend understands, we will be imperfect and probably come up with something slightly different than another interpreter. That’s because language is an art, a humanity. Each human being has a slightly different perception of their reality, so we will divine different insights from what we hear and see.  Because of that, no interpretation is perfect; therefore, no astrologer will be perfect in their interpretation or express something in a way that the client will understand. Take the best, and leave the rest.  If it sounds off, it is off.

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Divine Language: Name & Word Divination Through Language

Name or Word Divination

In and around 2007, I interviewed a wonderful pixie of a sweetheart.  Unfortunately her skill couldn’t be used in my company; however, I will never forget what she taught me.  She taught me to divine information about a person through their name. She learned this from someone else, and now I’m sharing this bit of wisdom with you…

Try this: Take your first and/or last name and try to find words in it, by sound or otherwise. For example, Arthur has the words art, and her as well as hidden or shadow words: rut, rat, and wrath. Glean meaning.

Again: Take your name, scramble it around like an anagram, and what do you get? What do you get without scrambling it around? What does it ‘sound’ like phonetically? What if you say it quickly? What does your name tell you about yourself? That’s what it will tell others subconsciously.  Your name is a logo.  Your name is logos.

My name is Abella Arthur.

I get:

  • Bell
  • Bella
  • Art
  • Be (meaning: just be yourself)
  • Abe (meaning: man, or American president — Abe Lincoln)
  • Phonetics: her (hur)
  • Phonetics: author (Arthur)
  • Phonetics: true (tru)

If I were to give myself a reading, I might say something like this:

Abella, You are a bell ringer.  You are a bringer of truth about people being ‘real’, and just ‘being’ themselves.  You have a spiritual and authoritative nature which is meant to free the people from thought slavery. Beauty is important to you, and art surrounds you.  In your life, you will write about the art of being.

Each word or name holds meaning (beyond what can be found in a dictionary definition). Each word is sacred, and divine.

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