The Diary of a Pro Astrologer, Tarot Reader, Numerologist, Psychic, Commentator, Social Worker, Mental and Emotional Athlete, People Mechanic, Biking Babe, Occultist, Artist, Meist, & YOUR Wisdom Guide.
Click on one of the pictures to find out a mini 2013 Chinese horoscope for your Chinese sign. I’m a Dog. :-) What are you?
Like western sun sign astrology, Raphael has done much the same with his horoscope; however, he is available for full size Chinese astrology consultations that use the full date, location, and time of birth — just like western astrology.
Mercury is in Pisces 8° right now.
My Mercury is in Virgo at 8° (it’s in exact partile today). I am/will be experiencing a Mercury Rx Opposite Mercury transit.
And have been feeling / experiencing the effects for about a week now.
The shadow period is from the 9th to 22nd. We’re already in it! Double AND Triple check EVERYTHING.
The Retrograde (Rx) is happening between Feb 23 (19°) to March 17 (5°). And we are hardest hit, March 1 to 10th!
Mercury rules communication (spoken, phone, email, snail mail, written, etc), trade, sales, contracts, siblings, and travel (over short distances).
It’s a time when things traditionally slow down — including sales so pull out all your advertising mojo to make the sale.
This is also a great time to think about your dreams, meditate, do art, and commune with nature and animals.
When the planet Mercury appears to travel backwards, any word with re: in front of it is what we’re likely to experience — reward, renew, refresh, revisit, redo, renegotiate, redress, etc… In some cases, a retrograde is very welcome, and necessary. Similar to when rain and snow helps cleanse the land, and grow food — reigniting life — a retrograde can also cause havoc.
We are also, transit wise, experiencing Mercury Conjunct Chiron (the wounded healer, wounding healer, and where we receive wounds from others). It’s a good time to mind your words and thoughts, and keep them healing and helpful — for and to yourself and others.
I’m taking note too, and although I find myself wanting to give people a piece of my mind — I’m putting a lid on it. Oh, time to meditate.
The shadow phase, on the tail end — starts March 18th, and ends April 6th.
The following music video, Retrograde, was released a couple of days ago — just on the cusp of the Mercury Rx shadow!