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Hey, what better time to think about how Mercury (and my Mercury) works in a natal chart than during Mercury Rx!
My Sun and Mercury have home signs (Leo and Virgo), so I’m seen as a strong thinker / communicator. It’s my natural talent.And Aries is on the 3rd so I process information quickly, if I can get it quickly enough. I was considered a scatterbrain (my grade 6 teacher called me that) because I could think faster than I could talk. Yup, I’m a fast speaker and typist.
With a Virgo Mercury (and Aries on the third), I’m a fact hunter. I love the pure truth and knowledge. Combine Aries on the 3rd with Virgo Mercury, and you get an “interrogator” which is similar to (but not exactly like) having Mercury Aries, or Mercury-Mars. Now, from my perspective I’m just trying to get factual information quickly. And if I don’t integrate the Libra side of Aries into the picture, I can appear as pushy or aggressive — hence the “Interrogator” but that’s only if someone has a tendency to look on the negative side of life. My combination, in its neutrality, just says: Wanting to process facts quickly or Fast Facts. And I’ll cut people off from embellishments, and fluffy stuff to get it.
Inside my third house, I only have Chiron. Here are some ways this plays out:
* I’m a fearless communicator for those who can not speak their truth.
* I was wounded about my speech. My grade six teacher calling me scatterbrain.
* I took speech therapy for a lisp (I have a gap tooth) and my father didn’t want me to get surgery to correct it.
* I can wound people with my speech. I’ve been called intellectually dominating, have the ability to cut someone up, and be a hardcore debater. However, I have a high mind (Jupiter & Uranus in Libra) so it’s unlikely I would do that for kicks. I really think I could have been a lawyer.
I have no other celestial objects in Aries, other than Chiron.
Now, I was checking out my friend who has a lot of Aries and Virgo in his chart (including Mercury Aries, and Mars Virgo — he’s really a Mercury-Mars thinker / communicator too) but he doesn’t seem to have any sympathy for my communication challenges. Then again, he’s got Taurus on the 3rd. He likes to take time to process his information (slower talker, thinker)– this, of course, is in direct conflict with his Mercury Aries — who would usually want to process information quickly.
He also has the ability to tear me a new one, but it’s not usually logical or pin pointed enough for me (sorry hun!) so it doesn’t get him far. This makes his Aries (in to win) angry. But thankfully, since he has Taurus on the 3rd it’s similar to Venus-Mercury or Mercury Taurus so he caves and smooths it all over — eventually. ;-)
Going back to my natals, I have Mars in the 7th. My Mercury is colored by Mars so knowing what Mars is doing is very important. It means that I generally have what my partners, associates, and clients may consider “interrogation sessions” — well, my clients would consider it “therapy” ;P. I would rarely (if ever) behave in this way with strangers, people who are not in my inner circle, or people whom I am not trying to help.
If I’m in to win, it’s to win at gaining my own sense of clarity and understanding about a topic. I love being clear. I love clear thoughts. I love knowing things clearly. I have great difficulty being in the fog, and unknown (Pisces).
I love other people sharing clear thoughts. I am in respect, and awe at the clarity of other thoughts — when they rarely shine through (excuse my disdain at lack of clarity). I’m like, “Go you. Sure, I can get behind that”.
I don’t want to sit and process my own thoughts, if your clear thoughts are right in front of me. I’m in for the solution. But I may piggy back off your thoughts, to arrive at new thoughts. It’s all about learning more, moving forward, and getting to the absolute bottom of things.
What sign is your Mercury in? What sign is on your third house cusp? What rules that sign, and what house does that planet reside in?
(Side-note: It’s also interesting to note that Mercury Rx Pisces is currently conjunct Mars! Astrology, got to love it.)