| Astrogasm

The Diary of a Pro Astrologer, Tarot Reader, Numerologist, Psychic, Commentator, Social Worker, Mental and Emotional Athlete, People Mechanic, Biking Babe, Occultist, Artist, Meist, & YOUR Wisdom Guide.

How Self-Interested Are YOU? Are you a Giver or a Taker?

So… I have been going through “growing pains” ie. Doing self-work again, and I like to talk out loud while I’m repairing my problems, and hopefully get some careful feedback.

As a Leo Sun in the 7th, with Jupiter Libra (and there’s more indicators in my chart) I tend to give A LOT — far more than most people can reciprocate or rather CARE to reciprocate. Yet, I had complain/ed about reciprocation so I was advised to “do and give less” so there was room for the other to give.

I did. But this is what Isabel Hickey has to say about my Mercury in Virgo:
“[the native is] Apt to forget that the world is NOT ruled by reason, but by prejudice, emotion, and self-interest.”

Did I just hear that right? Me being reasonable means NOTHING to most of humanity?! LOL In fact, I imagine it would be a block in getting what most people want, because what they want isn’t reasonable, so no wonder! haha

Hickey said people are basically SELF-INTERESTED!!
Would it surprise you that I only thought self-interest occurred when people had to “pay for things” — not as it related to another human being?! LOL I’m in my 40’s!! And it wasn’t until about a year ago (through talk therapy where I have attempted to channel the SR Moon, Chiron, Neptune in 12th, constructively) that I was made aware of this fact.

I just thought people did the “right thing”, and it was always a head-scratcher when they didn’t.
But that could be my Virgo stellium getting in the way of reality (Saturn!). LOL

So anyway, I tried it out…

If I gave to people, but later recognized were “takers”, and then started to give less (to give them room to give) — what reality is there that would suggest they would start GIVING?! LOL…

Let me tell you folks: It doesn’t happen.
Some of these people may have been sociopaths (I know of one diagnosed case, after-the-fact). What they’re going to do is: Find someone else to give to them, and/or be the same as they were to you before.

How Self-Interested Are YOU? Are you a Giver or a Taker?

So the moral (antidote) of the story, is to: Hang around people who have good morals, and are givers (because I’m one, by nature). Your karma isn’t mine. Some people need to TAKE more (me), and others need to GIVE more (maybe you).

There are plenty of givers out there — I’ve met them. And frankly those are the people I need to spend more of my time with, because that’s where I will find reciprocity.

But my 8th house Virgo stell, sextiling my Neptune Scorpio 10th, is just not as attracted to healthy people, but I’m going to have to start. Because that’s the only way for ME to be healthy.

Of course, there’s an upside to being attracted to broken souls and that’s that I can care for them in a paid, therapeutic environment — where I don’t make them my personal problem.

Life, always a blast. <3

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Dream: Fixing a Flat Tire

Mundane Transit (at time of writing this):
Moon Aquarius Semi-Sextile Neptune Pisces

Related Personal SR:
Aries Rising. Moon, Chiron, and Neptune in 12th.

You know you’re a hard core cyclist when you start dreaming about flat tires, and being up for the challenge of fixing it. :)

In my dream, I had realized I was riding a “flat tire”. It was a little unnerving, because I wondered if I had done any damage to the rims, since I was thinking I rode them for a minute before it dawned on me that the tire was flat.

Anyway, once I got over the initial concern of damage AND changing a flat tire (I haven’t done this yet), I realized I had the tools and knowledge to do it.

So, as is usual with the way I view dreams — this is a metaphor for my life.

I’ve continued connecting, or doing things that could have (or did cause a little) damage, and it might be scary to think about how to make things right, with repairing, or fixing the damaged parts BUT I have the tools and knowledge to do it. The next step is to get it done.

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Part 2: Marriage Around the Zodiac: Part 2: Marriage Around the Zodiac: Being Married — Married Life – Houses 8-12

What the cosmos (Planets, Stars, God, Gods, Goddesses, etc) teach us about being ready for, getting, and being married — through astrology!

Part 2: Marriage Around the Zodiac: Getting and being Married – Houses 8-12
See Marriage Around the Zodiac: Part 1, Initiating & Developing Desire for Getting Married – Houses 1-7

In the 8th (Scorpio, Pluto) house — “till death do us part”… where a bond and undying love exists….

This is where a marriage or partnership transforms or destroys your psyche, finances, physical, and psychological health. This is the house where we learn dive deeply into all matters that develop or remove us.

Your marriage is consummated (ah, so maybe sex happens BEFORE the honeymoon?!), and explore sex with another person within the intimate bond that gets even deeper. Here, you create your wills, and change insurance policies with your new benefactor.  Bank accounts may be joined, or a decision made on how resources are spent. Secrets are shared, and a transformation of psyche with our loved one — desired.

The 8th house is also the place where issues around who controls what, is determined.  But before we get into the thick of all that, we tally up all the money received from our wedding from both sides of the fence.

Then in the 9th (Sagittarius, Jupiter) house, the house of long distance travel, spirituality, philosophy, religion, justice, foreign things, etc — we take that “wedding money” that are friends from far and wide gave to us as presents, and we go off on a honeymoon!

Here we learn more about our partner’s deeper thoughts, and our spiritual life together.

In the 10th (Capricorn, Saturn), we come back from our honeymoon, and introduce ourselves to the world-at-large.  We are now accepted as a unit to be taken seriously.  We did IT. And it’s an exciting time! Our Mother or Father (whoever is represented by our 10th house) may feel a sense of detachment, or loss at this time — as the parental recognition understands that we are about to embark on creating our own family separate from our biological one. Here, we, as a couple, begin to create our “shared identity” and explore and share our roles for society to know of.

In the 11th (Aquarius, Uranus), we begin building mutual friendships, make new contacts with service providers, and associations that support our new relationship status. We think of our hopes and dreams, and we seek out those who will support us and them. With all this couples work, we might also start to remind ourselves of our past independent life, dreams, and causes we had before marriage. Are they shared with our partner? Have they changed? Do they still exist? If not, do I want them to? The honeymoon period begins its end in the 11th!

In the 12th (Pisces, Neptune), we may hide our disappointments and sorrow for what what had hoped would work out, but didn’t. We feel lost. Marriage may feel confining — like we can’t breathe. Have we lost our identity? Who are we separately, and as a couple? We take some time out. We may not connect as much with our mate. We may hide our feelings, and thoughts of disillusionment and despair. We may feel shame or guilt for not having the same feelings that we had previously, or for potentially hurting our mate. We may consider divorce, but have no readiness for it. Should I stay, or should I go? We may bury ourselves in escapes, so we don’t have to deal with these serious questions, just yet.

Stay tuned for Part 3: Around the bend again

Starting with the first house, where we FIND OURSELVES AGAIN! And hopefully renew our commitments, and vows. Until next time…

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