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The Diary of a Pro Astrologer, Tarot Reader, Numerologist, Psychic, Commentator, Social Worker, Mental and Emotional Athlete, People Mechanic, Biking Babe, Occultist, Artist, Meist, & YOUR Wisdom Guide.

The Social Psychology of Takers & Givers & Why It’s So Wrong

Do people understand that eventually if they keep “taking”, the “giver” is going to stop giving?

Some guy on a blog said there needs to be givers and takers for an equal balance, but said straight-up that most people are “takers”. Well, if most people are “takers”, and few are givers (I’m one) — then how the heck does that work?

I agree with him that ideally there are takers and givers between us; however, in equal or reciprocal measure. I take sometimes, you give sometimes, it switches — and it all works out in the end without keeping score.

But eventually the givers will stop giving because you don’t have to keep score to notice you’re on the losing end (giving, and giving and others taking, and taking).

I imagine the takers will go elsewhere when the giving stops. And if they never appreciated what they got, I guess then it doesn’t really matter — good riddance to them.

But it’s unfortunate when I have to hold back (against my own very generous nature) because there are too many takers ready to suck me dry. In other words, it comes down to me doing self-care, self-interest, and self-responsibility.

And if people, in general, gave more — I wouldn’t have to concern myself with holding back. I wouldn’t have to think about not exhausting myself, or avoid giving too much so I don’t give the message that it’s okay to use me — when it’s not.

But I’m Sun Leo in the 7th (ruled by Venus, Juno, Libra) and have Jupiter-Uranus Libra — so my views are a little skewed or screwed! LOL

Quinn commented on FB post I wrote about this topic: I can see why the business world was needed, most people are too tight fisted and have to be practically forced to hand over their cash. And I believe that to be sadly true. Another commenter said that they think it’s a “fear of loss”, “so they hold on so tight to what they have”. And another said, “I think people fear maybe that the giving will cease, and fear makes us all fucking stupid.”

What I find strange is that Takers like to think of themselves as decent people. And they are the first to say they don’t want to be lied to, cheated, or used — so they will go out of their way NOT to give you anything for fear of that happening… which means the have NO Problem doing that to you, even if you give to them!! LMAO… Can we get a Hell Yeah for PROJECTION?!?!?!

My mind boggles and bobbles at some people’s antics.
A selfish “friend” of mine said the other day that he had “nothing to give”… Oh My G! Really?! I will give these people the benefit of a doubt, and figure their sense of worth is soooo low that all they think they should be doing is taking since they feel they have NOTHING but that’s farthest from the truth.

I said, Can you help out? Can you move things? Can you do an errand? Can you make me a coffee? Can you use your musical talents to brighten my day?! I mean seriously, it’s as COP OUT to say you have nothing and the other person has everything so you must take from them.

Admit it: You’re selfish, and/or you feel worthless. And the one way for you to feel better is to take from those that aren’t, and don’t.

Some Guy’s Thoughts on Givers and Takers

My notes are in (parentheses) and in red.

A comment from the website, LovePanky, regarding an article on How to Stop Selfish People from Hurting YouHow can you recognize a selfish friend or partner, and how do you stop them from affecting your life? Find out how to deal with selfish people here.

“their are two types of people.
givers and takers. in order for a relationship to work you have to have a balance between the two

two takers will never work for obvious reasons (Very true)

two givers will work but only for so long until (Not true)

a giver is a person that likes to please people (TRUE!), and will go out of their way to do so (Because they want you to enjoy life as much as possible!!), givers how ever want appreciation in return (um, yeah!!), and two givers wont work because they will fight for appreciation , i know it sounds ridiculous (say what?!) but its true.

(Yes, I DO want appreciation but two givers CAN work. You BOTH appreciate each other. This guy is likely a Taker and doesn’t understand reciprocity in the first place. LOL.. Oh and you don’t have to “fight” for appreciation — just give it, where and when appropriate. hehe).

the reason why a giver and a taker work so well, is because they compliment each others personalities. one will be appreciated, the other will be content (if you’re being used, I’m not sure how the taker is appreciating that beyond seeing you as LESS than them and feeling smug about that), the fact is that there are more takers in the world then their are givers (can I get a Yeah-HA… you nasties… LOL), identify who who are and be honest with what you want, all humans are selfish in the end (well, this is true… more or less… due to humans wanting to survive but there’s a difference between greed, being selfish vs. sharing and being self-interested)“.

From All Things Healing, June’s Top Five Astro-Events by Michael Wolfstar

Jupiter enters Cancer on the 26th where it remains through mid-July 2014. Empathy increases tremendously over the coming year, allowing a renewed spirit of generosity, forgiveness and tolerance to enhance all relationships, especially between family members. Over the next three weeks, as Mercury retrogrades through Cancer, think about where you can feel most at home.

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