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The Diary of a Pro Astrologer, Tarot Reader, Numerologist, Psychic, Commentator, Social Worker, Mental and Emotional Athlete, People Mechanic, Biking Babe, Occultist, Artist, Meist, & YOUR Wisdom Guide.

The Astrology of Projections & How to Heal Them

Projections are insidious and pose a difficult paradox to solve, as one attempts to weave through the labyrinth. Projections are extremely hard to get a handle on, as our unconscious often finds the material too upsetting to handle openly and directly.

In astrology, personal projections are the domain of the 1-7th house axis.
Non-personal projections are the domain of the 4-10th house axis.

Have you had someone project their shadow or gift on to you, and after self and external reflection — your impression is that while the projection may have something to do with you, it is more likely material that the projector is attempting to work out?

Are you saying: I’m fine or comfortable with that? I’m not too much, or too little of what they’re saying about me? Then the projector may be using you as a scapegoat to work out their issues.

If that’s the case, here are six ways to respond to, and resolve projections from others so that you don’t get tied up into the drama of their psyche AND so they begin to do their own dirty work:

1. Yes, I know. And…? (Alt: I know I am, but what are you?)
2. Oh — so you’ve been working with that (doing that, etc.)?
3. Thanks, but no thanks.
4. Let me tell you about a time when…
5. That’s interesting..
6. Oh — Is that what you think about yourself / your motive? (Alt: I know you are, but what am I?)

Four ways to learn from what you project:

1. Notice the negative and positive things you say about and to other people. You know — the judgements, assumptions, and character flaws and character brilliance.
2. How does or has that manifested in your life? Do you want more of less of it?
3. Resolve, Redeem, or Renew. Resolve, Redeem, or Renew. Turn negative, into positive. Enhance positive, and see the dark side. There is no light, without the dark.”
4. Forget about it. Stop noticing it in others. When you do, nod. When they do, nod. Don’t give it energy, or weight. Understand. Have compassion.

If you haven’t learned much about projections (outside of what I wrote above), here are a few informative links:

Wiki Answers on Projection & Transference | Shadow Projection is Its Own Medicine | The Astrology Place Note: The out of print Liz Greene book noted at The Astrology Place is probably connected to this book (a less expensive option). Barriers and Boundaries: The Horoscope and the Defenses of the Personality. I haven’t read either so I am not certain of their contents.

One day I hope to gain a degree in sociology/psychology. And I would like to institute “Projection therapy”. Which would be as simple as: What don’t you like about another? And the therapeutic dialogue part would be to help the patient acknowledge, accept, and resolve that within their own make-up. As well as find solutions to problems, as all answers are contained within — and are connected to the universal mind.

Projections are a painful truth, and is a self-healing tool.

“The unconscious side of us has a different schedule to the conscious side. It wants to get a certain experience by constellating into our lives those lessons the unconscious needs. It does this by manifesting outside events and influences that override the efforts of the conscious to avoid them.” Alison Chester-Lambert from Astrology Reading Cards.

If you were not aware before, be aware now — anything, I mean ANYTHING you say about someone else can easily be connected back to you. There is an interplay between yourself and other or the internal and external.

You can’t know, what you don’t know exists.

The one exception (that I can readily assess) is if you are *trained* to observe and see something in another such as a psychologist, officer of the peace, etc. and without a doubt do not possess that particular trait in abundance, or of note. Another example is if someone points out a trait or projection to you such as a friend, family member, or the projector themselves.

Do note that even if you do not utter projections out loud, they are still occurring. And just because someone says something about someone else, does not mean they are not aware of that very same thing existing within their own selves. In other words, not everyone is ignorant to their projections. You can find this out, if you will, by questioning them (see Six Ways above).

And if you find yourself saying something nice or naughty about me, do consider that it’s probably a projection — for good or evil and may not actually be my truth.

Astrology Angular House Projection Examples:

Mars in or on the 7th (Barack Obama, Colin Farrel, Stephen Arroyo, Sylvia Brown, Janet Jackson, Demi Lovato, Tina Turner, Mariah Carey, Adolf Hitler, Tom Cruise, Rihanna, Whitney Houston: The native may think that others are the one’s being aggressive and competing against them. This may be true, as the native attracts similar creatures, but they TOO are also of such a temperament. The positive projection of Mars in 7th is attracting sexual, active, and fearless partners.

Neptune in or on the 10th: The native projects the unconscious of the people. The people also project their collective conscious on to the native. This placement is often great for spiritual leaders (Jesus, Mother Theresa, Oprah Winfrey, Liz Greene, Aleister Crowley) who are in a position to redeem and rehabilitate their sisters and brothers. But also great for actors and performers, who need to readily connect to and carry away the spirit of the viewing audience (Orlando Bloom, Clint Eastwood, Russel Crowe, Trent Reznor, Bob Marley).


Listen to Paul Levy speak about Wetiko / Projections…

The following is an example of 4th/10th non-personal projections. Alanis Morissette: Mars on 10th, Moon Scorpio (Pluto) in 4th. Moon Square Mars. Mars in 12th. Mars Square Uranus, Venus, Moon.

“Not All Me”

I wear their faces all on top of my face
I am the perfect target screen
For your blindly fueled rage
I bare the brunt of your long buried pain
I don’t mind helping you out
But I want you to remember my name

It’s not all me
It’s not all my fault
I may remind you, but I won’t take it all on

Past riddled rage
I see the buttons I engage
With my dignity in place?
I’m all too happy to assuage

It’s not all me
It’s not all my fault
I may remind you, but I won’t take it all on

Lest I find my voice
Find the strength to stand up to you
Lest I stay to my limit
And only take on what is mine to

We are a team
I’m here to help mend and reseam
All I trigger unknowingly
A job I hold in high esteem

It’s not all me
It’s not all my fault
I may remind you, but I won’t take it all on

It’s not all me
It’s not all my fault
I may remind you, but I won’t take it all on
I’ll only take some of it

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Astrological Sign Tolerance: One doesn’t exist without the other

Astrological opposition tolerance: One doesn’t exist without the other.

For example: A Leo, is just as much of an Aquarius — flipped over. An Aquarius is just as much of a Leo, flipped over. And in the middle, they meld and mesh.

Take the keyword for Aquarius as being *intellectual* and mash that up with a keyword for Leo – *vanity*. What might you get from an Aquarius? Intellectual vanity!

How about a keyword for Leo being bossy, and a keyword for Aquarius – teacher. A Leo might be a bossy teacher.

Now lets use entirely positive or neutral keywords. A keyword for Leo is creative. A keyword for Aquarius is unique. So together, both Leos and Aquarius’ (when firing on all cylinders) are Unique creators.

What’s your Sun sign, what are two distinct keywords for each of those signs, mash them together, and what do you get?

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