Teaching & Consultations
In regards to teaching and consulting, my specialty is natal and synastry readings. I currently read the following charts professionally: Natal (birth chart), Progressions (maturity), Transits (past, present, and future events), Solar Returns (annual birthday reading, year ahead), Synastry (couples – what attracts and detracts), and Composite (purpose of the relationship). I also now practice Horary, and Lunar Returns.
What I teach…
I teach the basics, with a special emphasis on how to interpret and read various charts, wholly and well.
I’m not a master astrologer. There are much better technical astrologers, that will teach you the math and astronomy, that’s also a part of astrology.
I’m best working with the absolute beginner to intermediate students. I won’t be your last teacher, even if that means your last teacher will be you!
What I consult…
Natally, I focus on personality, psychology, help you face yourself, commiserate with you, and then give you some solid ideas on how to overcome problems and develop yourself — that takes not pointing fingers at your external environment. And while I’ll do that too and rant about it, once I’ve got that out of my system — I go back to me, internal. If you and I don’t do that, we can not improve our situations or ourselves.
Synastry wise, I focus on what attracts and detracts between yourself and a loved one. I look at the ‘red flags’ — areas where there’s likely a ton of tension and disagreement, and what to do to overcome those challenges. There’s no easy fix and if the other person is not in the session with us, that means you’re probably carrying the weight of the relationship and that makes it more difficult to resolve the situation. However, I’ll give you as many tools as I can and be truthful with you while compassionate and open-ended. In other words, I can’t decide for you what to do but I can tell you about outcomes if you do certain things.
I ONLY do serious consultations by phone. Not instant message, not email, and not in-person.
I used to do it any which way you wanted and over the years I found the phone was most successful, all the way around for serious one-on-one consultations.
Every astrologer is different and this is my preference. My second preference — if I really gel well with the client and they are honest, comforting (energy givers, as well as takers), and strong peeps — is in-person! But that would cost more since I would spend much more time with someone in-person. I just can’t get away from people when I start reading them. They want… MORE, More, more. haha … and I LOVE what I do — bad mix! LOL
I also provide a session package before your consultation because I have a special way of conducting my sessions. What you can be sure of is that we are coming together to look at your chart (s) and that I’ll have given you some solid insights and tools to help you know the way. Everything else may or may not be what you expect, so keep an open mind.
Clients Who Know Astrology & Me, In Session
I have found that people who have read my work and know a bit about astrology already, and myself, tend to demand more out of me from a first session than a client who has not learned astrology. And if they don’t, I will!!
The biggest difference with this scenario (for me) between a regular client and someone who knows my value, is that I haven’t been charging more, yet I’ve been giving more (even much more time!), and I’ll tell you now that that doesn’t make me happy. Please excuse my Capricorn rising!
So be aware that I’ll be treating you as if you know nothing about astrology and will go through the same motions I do with ANY client. That means I’ll go over stuff you might already know (about your chart) because I need to know that about your chart too.
And even if we have discussed, at length, your birth chart details in a social networking context — I probably won’t remember anything we talked about unless it gets sparked. I have far too much stuff in my head and like to dump that kind of personal information out of my head so I can lead my own distinct life and not get caught up in psychic debris BUT when I’m in session, I’m fully present to you and your charts.
You’re the only person in my world, at that time!
Skip The Usual Consultation, Begin Learning From Me
There’s an option to skip all that and get straight to my Learn & Know sessions where I’ll answer your chart questions and you’ll also learn more about astrology. It costs less, per session but overall, costs more.
So please go directly to my professional reading website and become a normal client by making a payment and booking your session. My website is called: AstroResponse.com or if you prefer a .com extension YOUR Wisdom Guide.
Or use the contact button here.
And there’s an FAQ there too.
How To Book Your Consultation, A Little More About Me
I’d like to say please or avoid but some people think that means they have the option of doing something else but I really don’t want you to use that option so I’m going to be direct…
Do not ask for a reading on my blog, or social networking websites, or any email address you may have because it pulls me in all kinds of directions and it lacks a professional serious approach and potentially cuts into my ‘private time’.
I have Sun Inconjunct Ascendant.
I DO compartmentalize my business and personal life. I’m actually very happy with that but it’s other people that have a hard time dealing with that. And of course, I DO want to get along as well as I can with people, and make them feel comfortable but for now this is what it is. Eventually I might be able to figure out how to be personal, at work and vice versa but I’ll probably be doing something that doesn’t actually require me to interact in a business way prior to the service being rendered.
Another reason why I’d like you to contact me on my business site is because I don’t respond as quickly to messages sent to me at social sites as I do in my business email box because social sites are mostly personal spaces for me and as a Capricorn rising, business comes before pleasure.
But also consider that mental dumping on social sites often comes before business. I need a clear mind, to work well! So I use these sites for mental well-being.
And still another reason to book your session in the way I do it with everyone else, is because you’ll connect with me as a professional rather than the Internet friend or presence you’ve come to know. When we are in consultation, it’s all about you, and I’m focused on delivering a special consultation. I don’t want ‘me’ to get in the way of that.
Remember I have Neptune in the 10th. What you see isn’t what you’ll always get. But you’ll get a great consultation even if I may not be what you imagined so it’s important to be clear on exactly why you want to consult with me and respect my consultation style.