| Astrogasm

The Diary of a Pro Astrologer, Tarot Reader, Numerologist, Psychic, Commentator, Social Worker, Mental and Emotional Athlete, People Mechanic, Biking Babe, Occultist, Artist, Meist, & YOUR Wisdom Guide.

Chart Reading Tricks: What Planet, Light, Asteroid, or Point is Most Prominent For You?

Here’s another Chart Reading Trick ™ *. (I’m going to go through my posts and find as many as I can so you’ll find them in one tag.)

What planet, light (Sun & Moon), Asteroid (Chiron), or Point (North Node) is most prominent for you?

I remembered this chart reading trick™ while my friend and I were arguing about something, so  I decided to do it for her and I. I already knew that my Venus was at the top and Jupiter was at the bottom but the other information was interesting.

The tabulation below doesn’t include my harmonics chart. If I were to use it, I’d have more contacts for each. I might do that later and it’ll change things up a bit but Venus is still the number 1 aspected planet for me.

So here’s what the numbers below mean:

The first number is out of 9 (Sun, Moon, 7 planets), the second – out of 11 (North Node, and Chiron), and the third – out of 13 (AC & MC).

Venus 8 8 10 — so I have 8 out of a possible 9 Venus contacts for the first number and it’s still the most aspected with the third number, 10 out of 13.
Saturn 7 7 8
Pluto 6 6 7
Neptune 5 7 8
Sun 4 5 7
Mars 4 5 7
Moon 4 4 5
Mercury 3 4 6
Uranus 3 4 5
Jupiter 2 3 4

Again, Venus is the most aspected planet for me, followed by Saturn. Pluto and Neptune then come close behind that.

So upon first meeting and truly getting to know me, if you can get past ego and my talkativeness, you’ll note me as a serious Venusian type (including being plump and curvy) who is deep, sexy, mysterious, magical, artsy, loving, tough, tested, and testing. I’d fall in love with me. ;-P

My Venus is also part of a stellium in the 8th.

Here’s one I did for my friend…

Neptune 7 8 9
Pluto 7 8 9
Mars 7 8 8
Venus 6 8 10
Sun 6 7 9
Moon 5 6 7
Saturn 5 5 7
Mercury 5 5 6
Uranus 5 5 6
Jupiter 3 4 5

I found her to be combative where there was no need to be. I said I didn’t like fighting and she said she didn’t either but I find her communication style to be spiky (and before now, I didn’t realize she has Mercury Semi-square Venus, and that’s the only Venus contact that isn’t aspected for me natally) so I turned to astrology to get the truth!

Fact is, my friend is naturally combative (with Pluto & Mars up on high, compared to where mine are and Venus-Mercury aspected disharmoniously). I imagine her large amount of Neptune contacts makes her believe otherwise. ;-P

To be fair, she does have 10 contacts with Venus (exactly like me) when her Ascendant and Midheaven (though both are disharmoniously contacted) are taken into account. As well, the middle number is the same as the three planets above (in the table), and the first number is only off by 1. And I have Mars in the 7th, Mars on the 3rd!

So I believe my friend wants to be more harmonious in her communication but can struggle with it and struggle getting past her Neptune, Pluto, and Mars — all very tough planets to deal with. And my Saturn, Pluto (on high) are no walks in the park either.

Also, Neptune is a higher vibration of Venus. To me, there’s no wonder why we are friends (even with the occasional arguments).

Again, remember that this chart reading trick is a part and not the whole. It’s like reading a juicy paragraph in a whole book!! Or rather a series of books, on the same topic. :)

So what’s your top three?! If one of them is Jupiter, we need to talk because I have very little luck in my world and maybe your luck will rub off on me. ;P

NOTE: After writing this post, I remembered this trick has been discussed before and is officially called: Astrodynes. I even have a book about it but I haven’t read it yet. So this is already an established (but possibly little known?!) chart reading technique or what I like to call trick! Upon looking more closely at it, my method of doing it must be different from the official way because upon closer inspection there’s stuff off. Meh! Who knows… haha. At least I’ve mentioned the official way of doing it and my way of doing it — so you have some options if you want to try this trick out! :)

You can download Astrodyne software for free. They’ve renamed it Cosmodyne and the free software is called Astro123.

Astrodynes is a technique of measuring the Power, Harmony, and Discord of the Planets, Signs, and Houses. It was invented to help the astrologer to evaluate the level of energy that will be expressed by the personality of the person at birth. This will be altered by conditioning and environment and progressed planets, as the person grows older. The system is fully explained in the Astrodyne Manual and Stellar Healing books by Elbert Benjamine (C.C. Zain). You can contact the Church of Light at www.light.org. For more recent research on Astrodynes visit the Light of Egypt web site at www.lightofegypt.com, and go to the Research section.  …  [Astrodynes can tell you about]the most powerful planet in the native’s chart, the planet that has more contacts to all other chart points, the planet which primarily characterizes the native’s approach to life. — Astrodynes

* by the way, on the Internet — at the very least, I’ve coined the term Chart Reading Tricks as it connects to astrology. 

There’s currently no reference to this phrase so here’s to a ™ because I’ll probably write a book about this one day and its title will be Chart Reading Tricks! Take note, because I am… ;D

In other words, if you see someone start using this phrase… consider whose doing it and be a friend and supporter of my work.  I have the lovely Gemini on my 5th and 6th house cusps and it’s in me to be a word smith and come up with original phrases (as it may be for you too!) but I’ve been copied from often (Gemini is below the horizon, hidden).

And seriously, see that my Jupiter is at the bottom of my table — I kid you not… I need all the help I can get to succeed and not have my work ripped off of me, without credit.

Inspired? ©redit

As a side, I find it unfortunate that I’m writing such a blurb but it’s my karma to do so, so I’m doing it.

Thanks for your support and understanding!

UPDATE (May 6th, 2012): O-o Looks like someone else came up with it before I did.  LOL … Isn’t that always the case?

And it was a Virgo too.  LOL…. Soul brother?!

Here’s the link to the topic of CHART READING TRICKS

I swear I didn’t see it before.  Weird!

Okay… no more ™ … Yeah, like I said:  No idea is original. LOL

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Artwork: Experiments In Shading. Getting Better, Me Thinks! :-D

These are 5-15 minute sketches.  They are experiments in sketching realistic portraits, which I have not done until recently.

There’s quite a few sketches documenting my development from the first shading experiment to the end, so scroll until you get to the bottom, and click on one to enlarge it.

I had no idea how to shade with the sketch below.

I got an ebook (see previous blog post) and picked up some tips on how to shade. It was pretty scary.  I’m still not comfortable with it and need to learn more but I’m sticking with it.

The girl below is the same one as above but I’ve done some adjustments to the shading, eyes, mouth, hair, etc.  It’s amazing how much a picture can be changed. Drawing portraits (from my imagination) is like playing with dolls! :-)

I’m not too keen on the next sketches but a few people loved the curly haired one.  I sketch everywhere and people tend to stop and chat!

A 10-12 year old girl stopped and said, “Sorry for being nosey but that drawing is Very Good”.  Awwww, that was sweet of her to say. Another lady said, “Is that an animal?” I thought, “Heh, maybe a poodle?!” I think she was joking. She was funny.

The thing I love about art, compared to astrology and tarot, is that no one wants anything from me.  They are happy to share their appreciation and thoughts on my drawings and that’s it, so far.  It feels darn good, and I hope to eventually make a living doing art.

I think it’s also cool that the universe keeps shoving me in the direction of an art career and putting me in touch with soul friends.  A cashier at a cafe remarked on this drawing as well.  She asked if I did figure drawing too and suggested a place to go.  Awwww… I knew of the place but I haven’t ventured out there yet.  The universe does another nudge.  I asked what her sign was — a Taurus, and mentioned that she was probably into art and jewelry making — sure enough, she was. :-)

So yes, on this drawing (which I don’t like much except for the hair and a bit of the shading, etc.) there were four people in the span of five minutes that commented on how good it was.  LOL.  What fun!

After this and so many people asking if I’m an artist (even when I’m not drawing anything) — I guess folks, I’ll now say:  I’m an artist! and just get used to the vibe.  It’s a different feeling, different kind of love.  Art is something I can share, that others will feel good viewing, and where I don’t feel overwhelmed (at least, not yet… lets hope, never!).

I did this one (below) on April 10th, after African Queen…  I was listening to Adele, saw the album cover, and loved the shadows.  So far, I’ve shaded the whole face so I wanted to see how only shading ‘parts’ would go.  I like the eyes (well, not exactly, but the concept of it).

It’s incredible how scary it feels to draw shadows! LOL It feels like I’m going to ruin the picture.

With this Adele picture, nose, eyes, mouth is all off, skewed, forehead not high enough, etc. I drew this for about 15 minutes very early in the morning (before bed — ie, exhausted but not enough to not draw! haha).

I haven’t spent enough time with my drawings. One day I’ll sit for an hour and try to make it all nice, feature and position accurate! That’d be interesting. :-) I think that means I have to try the ‘grid’ method instead of the freestyle I’ve been doing. Then hopefully, when I get used to that, I can go back to freestyle.

April 11th, Another sketch without full shading.  I took 20 minutes on this! LOL… Working my way up to long sittings. This is the first time I’ve drawn teeth. The features are still off and it’s still not a professional drawing BUT it’s still a lot of fun.  Someone said this looked like a basketball player.  I actually drew it from a still from a video.  I have no idea who that guy is.  His face is wider than this, his eyes are not as close, and his nose is supposed to be wider too. His eyebrows are thucjer and I’m still making the foreheads too short! What’s with that?! And his face has more depth.  I wonder if he’d cower in horror if he saw this drawing of him!

April 11th, later on…

I like the eyes and nose here.  I took more care and another 5 minutes! But the mouth is too ‘lined’… I couldn’t seem to avoid that. but if you put your hand over the mouth the eyes and nose look pretty good, I believe! :)

Finally I added a mustache since I was having a hard time with the mouth.  I usually have trouble with the nose, and not the mouth but maybe by focusing on the nose, the mouth lost out.  I do like the lines between the nose and mouth – that turned out fairly well. Unfortunately I don’t like the eyebrows.  They’d be better closer to the eye.

Oh, a short forehead again!! I’ve got to stop doing that.  For some reason, I think it’s so big while drawing it.  I guess I just need to make it ‘really big’ so it will be normal. :)  Adding the mustache and eyebrows, really changed this drawing.

The portrait (from my imagination) lacks proportion and realism again. Back to the drawing board. ;-)

These two (below) are the ones I like most.  I think my style will be real, imaginary, and abstract.  You’ll be able to figure out what it is, to a certain extent, but then there will be some abstract elements and a philosophical, political, or cultural statement through the imagination.

African Queen, Unshaded.

I’m pretty sure a visit today to the Mayan exhibit at the ROM inspired this drawing.

African Queen reminds me of an ancient Egyptian. To me, there’s something mystical about her. Her headpiece reminds me of a symbolic brain, and traveling through time — through cultures, and peoples. The headpiece holds the colorful roads and peoples of the earth. A wise woman, indeed. :-)



The eyes are a bit flat, a few things could be adjusted, but all in all — this is my style. :-)

I started with the head piece.  I start the abstract, find something familiar, draw what you will know, and then add some ‘meaning’ to it. So much enjoyment!


I did this on the bus.  Drawing helps me zone out.

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Uranus: What Do You Need To Feel Content

Want to feel content? Look to the sign that Uranus is in.

My Uranus is in Libra.  I need harmony, partnership, beauty, sweetness, delightful conversation, love, art, music, and balance to feel content.

If I have this, I 1) sleep like a baby, and 2) I smile a lot.

I generally feel very comfortable, yet intellectually stimulated, around Libra Sun’s because they don’t upset me. In fact Libra’s have a calming effect upon me.

This is also why having a Mercury-Venus contact with someone, in syanstry, is VERY important to me whereas it might not be as important for you to have.  I need that because I have strong Mercury-Venus in my chart and I want, like, and need to speak my truth but, in harmony.  However, with Mars in the 7th and on the 3rd, it’s a challenge with most people. So a Venus person, who is Mercurial (preferably Virgo), cancels that trouble out!

But of course, it’s not really as simple as that.  There are so many moving parts in a chart.  However, this is how I begin to personalize your natal chart when I read it.  There’s no blog post or report that can currently do this.

So back on track — this is one reason why it’s important to have a harmonious connection between your Sun and someone else’s Uranus and vice versa.  If it’s disharmonious, it causes discontent. In that vein, this also means that if you have a disharmonious Sun-Uranus contact natally, you are likely to feel discontent.

And note that (Sun) Leo is Opposite to (Uranus) Aquarius naturally, so there’s already a planetary disharmony (that can be adjusted).

Another Uranus-sign delineation?

Uranus Scorpio may need sex, secret investigations, power (em), control (self), and tarot reading (for examples) to find contentment.

What’s your Uranus in and what do you need to feel content?

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Word Play: Is it Arrogant or Ignorant? or Maybe Aigroance

One of the negative traits mentioned about Leos (by the way, the Sun is in domicile in Leo) is arrogance.

To me, there’s nothing wrong with earned and healthy arrogance.  Arrogance generally comes from a learned individual, who has a set idea on how to do something best because they have the knowledge and experience that has confirmed its success — it works for them and others.

They are assertive (and sometimes aggressive) in their assertion of what is the best way of doing something, and that can tick off individuals who lack their own sense of mastery in something.

Unhealthy and unearned arrogance, to me, is something I call — ignorance.

The two words are quite similar.

Note that the only letter difference between arrogance and ignorance (other than an extra r) is i. Ignorance comes from incorrectly perceived rightness rather than actual truth. And I think it also comes from a sense of ‘i’.

When people do that and are unwilling to get their facts straight, while attempting to aggressively force their ignorant views upon others, this can be perceived as arrogance but to me, it’s not — it’s really aggressive ignorance.

Someone is ignorant when the speak upon their high horse and don’t have any experience or knowledge to back-up what they’ve said.

Perhaps this could be called aigroance because it causes a groan to witness such behavior. LOL


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Horoscope Drinks! Bubble Tea in Toronto

I was out and about today in Toronto when I realized I had not ate in awhile and needed a calorie injection.

There didn’t seem to be any food places around, to my liking, but I saw a couple walk across the street with a bubble tea and they seemed pretty happy.

So I scanned the environment and found a tea palace (my name for a tea shop). In I go and what do I find?  After ordering a Taro drink, I noticed the  Horoscope Drinks!! LOL Interestingly enough, the only zodiac drink on the board with taro was Capricorn and I have a Capricorn rising! Oddly, I also had Red Bean (The Libra / Capricorn drink) on my mind.

Find your horoscope drink and if you happen to be in Toronto, visit TenRen’s Tea on corner of Dundas.  454 Dundas Street West, http://www.TenRensTea.com

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Artwork: Perspective Drawing & Portrait Shading

I’m currently working on perspective drawing and shading.  Gee, who knew art was so technical?! :-)

I just hope it doesn’t ruin the fun of doing art.  In other words, one of the important things about art is seeing — I mean, truly seeing.  I hope I can turn off seeing like I often have done with my psychic stuff.  Because right now, I keep looking for the shadows and shades in everything.  haha

I’ve been working with the Drawing Mentor series ebooks by  Sarah Bowles.  I’m currently working with Drawing Mentor 3, Perspective & 3D Shapes, Drawing Mentor 9, Sketching People & Animals, and Drawing Mentor 13, Portrait Drawing.

These ebooks are quick and simple, and are giving me a taste of what I’ll need to do to get better at drawing. Eventually I’ll be taking a special course to further develop technique but I hope my style will remain.  As much as I want to know how to draw realistically, I really like idealistic and abstract drawing.

Libra on the 9th house cusp. :-)

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Art Supplies: Above Ground Art Supplies & a Visit to The Art Gallery of Ontario

Part of my Big Day Out in Toronto.

Visited Above Ground Art Supplies.

Got some new art supplies.  A gradient of yellow and orange pencils (FaberCastell) to do some sunny pictures. Some yummy conte crayons. A new drawing kit (Pro Art) with pencils and charcoal. Tiny tortillon‘s for blending very small areas like a tiny eye, and the most amazing Quattro CretaColor  multi-color pencil that I thought would be a novelty but turned out to be one of the most happiest Piscean purchases I’ve made.

As I was checking out my new art supplies, downstairs in the AGO, I got a sudden and unexpected stupid grin when I used the ‘multi color’ pencil.  I couldn’t believe how much joy a pencil gave me.  LOL

So I have decided to start offering portraits with face readings.

Yeah, that’s how my 5th and 6th / 11th and 12th houses (Mercury-Jupiter) works.  haha…. My hobbies turn into work. Stay tuned.

Checking out what the new art supplies can do. There’s a sexy all black pencil in there too.  Me, wearing all black.  Pencil, black. Mmmmm. Sexay! If I do say so myself. ;-P

This has got a Lioness quality to it… I messed up on the lips but this was just practice stuff to see what I could do with the new art supplies.  Oh my gasm, I couldn’t stop smiling with joy!

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Will Smith: Music – Get Jiggy With It

Want to get jiggy?! :D

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Quotes: Confucius

Life is really simple [and beautiful], but we insist on making it complicated.

Was Confucius a Libra?
More Confucius quotes

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Education: Cancer on the 9th House Cusp

A number of possible educational study options for Cancer on the 9th house cusp:

  • Hotel & Restaurant Management
  • Business (for running a family business such as an Inn or Restaurant)
  • Bartending school (more 3rd house but I’ll add it here anyway)
  • Interior Decorating
  • Baking or Cooking
  • Nursing, Pediatrician, or Healthcare
  • Early Childhood Education
  • Real Estate Agent
  • Home Staging
  • Film & Television (ie TV Host, Cooking Show)
  • Art Therapy
  • Fine Art
  • History

This list is not exhaustive! :D

Do you have Cancer on the 9th?  What did you or are you considering studying? Do you have anything in your 9th?  Change of sign? How does that modify your educational pursuits?

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2nd House: House of Special Talents – What’s Yours?

The second house is the house of special talents (amongst other things).

It’s so cool (astrology is so cool, that is) that I have Uranus on the 2nd with Pisces intercepted and I’m both a professionally paid Astrologer & a Psychic. :)

I also have Pisces North Node and my Part of Fortune in Aquarius. I’m doing what I should be doing. *yay*

What do you have? What’s your special talent?
More on 2nd house talents.

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Statistics: Mundane Astrology & Horoscopes

Statistically it’s amazing how many hits a mundane post about world transits will get in comparison to regular astrology posts or how-to astrology posts.  Actually, I imagine the same is true for horoscopes.  This tells me, in some way, that readers would rather be delivered the goods than learn how to read their own charts.

Because I’m a natal astrologer, I’m focused on personal chart readings.  This is one reason why mundane astrology or writing a horoscope column hasn’t interested me as much.  But from time-to-time I get the bug to write about an astrological event, as I did below with Venus Rx.


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Quote: Colin Beavan

I believe the most radical political act there is, is to be an optimist. The most radical political act there is, is to believe that if I change, other people will follow suit. Colin Beavan, No Impact Man

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Your Best Ego & Subconscious Cop-out Ever

Gasp, it’s almost 12am and I haven’t written a post for the day — no can do… Here’s one I wrote back on May 4, 2009 @ 11:46am and it’s 11:43 pm right now!

Do you do YOUR best or do you do THE best?

Listen to yourself and others when they talk about doing something well. Most of the time you will hear them say they will do THEIR best. However, is their best the best that can be done? I think not. I think that the “I will do my best”, is a subconscious cop-out. It’s along the lines of “I’ll try….”. It allows one to make an excuse in case something one does isn’t good enough for others. It makes one feel good.

Doing your best can be not very good at all and if you are not in a good state of success, then you may not even do as well as what you normally can do. Doing the best is pushing your ego aside (backwards theory), jumping out of your energy field and giving it your all — your best way to accomplish something. In effect, it has nothing to do with you and therefore it can truly be the best.

So push your ego to the back of the line, take responsibility for outcomes, go outside of yourself, and do some hard work. I say, “Hop to it!”.

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Venus Retrograde: April 12th (Shadow period), May 16th (Rx) 2012

Out goes Mercury (April 4th – April 23rd, 2012) and Mars (direct on April 14th, 2012) and in comes Venus (April 12th, shadow) to eventually smooth it all over with Mars and Mercury or is that the other way around?! ;P

This Venus and Mars may both like to think but they don’t like how each other processes and communicates their thoughts (Square).

Venus Gemini is in the shadow phase, starting on April 12th at but meets with Mars Virgo for a couple of days to decide what they’re going to do next.

After Mars hammers Venus with a lengthy analysis about the problems he’s figured they have had, Venus feels confused, verbally assaulted, and overwhelmed and so they decide to take some time out and reflect upon their relationship, how they spend money, and how they enjoy love and life. Mars also wants to get some clarity on their sex life and make some future plans about the relationship.

Then on May 16th, Mars is still a little steamy over the discussion he had with Venus and he’s nattering at her but she can’t really hear him and has essentially withdrawn her love because she’s still unsure and wants more time to have an internal dialogue with her inner twin, Gemini at 23° Rx.

However, on June 28, 2012 — about a week past the shadow period ending for Mars (June 19, 2012) — Venus comes around (turns direct) at 7° Gemini but it takes her until July 31, 2012 (Gemini 23°) to get completely out from under the shadow and gain the sweetness she desires from Mars again, who at this point is in relationship and communication friendly Libra at 15°!

In the thick of the summer, all will be in harmony (trine) again with Venus and Mars in the stimulating, warm, and creative Sun of Leo (sextiling Libra, by orb and Gemini, by sign)! Hot, summer love!

And Mercury gets into the ‘love-in’ at a Leo 4° conjunction with the 8° Sun on the 31! I could go on with this love parade of the planets but I think this is enough, for now. hehe

What house will Venus enter and exit for you?

For myself, I’ll have Venus Rx, direct, and shadow phases in the 5th and 6th house. I believe I’ll be looking at bringing more art, money, cerebral play, and romance into my life. And I’ll be working out how to beautify and balance my thinking and speaking with a daily meditation and self-love practice as well as re-formulating communication tasks and the environment I do them in. I also have a good feeling I’ll begin work on the physical design (I feel this is essential) of my TarotSeek ebook and decide if I want to self-publish or work with an established publisher for Volume 1. Also, I’ll be selling some jewelry and clothing that I’ve been meaning to do for some time now. I’ve had a lot of ‘starts’ but haven’t went through with it — now is the time, I hope. And maybe I’ll record the vocals to Mad World or some singing opportunity will resurface.

And it’s been said that Venus Rx is often not a good time to get cosmetic procedures done or commit to a relationship because the results may not last or be what you wanted. This is also why it’s important to take a look at where Venus will transit and what it will aspect. One size doesn’t fit all.


Mercury Direct April 4th
Shadow period over April 23rd

Mars Direct April 14th
Shadow period over June 19th

Venus Shadow April 12th
Retrograde May 16th
Direct June 28th
Shadow July 31st

And lest I forget to mention that Pluto goes Retrograde in Capricorn on April 10th.

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Long Lost Art Supplies: Charcoal & China White Rules

Cleaning up and found some long last art supplies. I’m totally getting back into charcoal… very good for shading… Straight pencil and smudge stick doesn’t forgive as much nor give as much 3D definition. Also my Chinese White stick is much better than regular white – it creates sparkle.

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Last Two Tarot Cards Of The Major Arcana

I’m itching to do the last two tarot cards of the major arcana.  I think I’ll try to focus some attention on that next.

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Astrologers & Knowledge

The great thing for astrologers is that we can find a signature in more than one place and in fact, we often want to do that as emphasis and importance is placed on duplication.

Astrologers don’t have to be perfect or know everything.  Somehow, what we need to know is found in a way that works best for us.

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2nd House, Self-Worth, & People Who Affect Your Self-Esteem Badly

Have you ever found someone behave like someone who undermined your self-worth and put your value down while growing up?  What’s their sign on the 2nd?  There’s a good chance that that person has the  2nd house sign of the Sun of the person who put you down in your youth. Is that true for you?


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House Delineation: Capricorn on the 2nd, Saturn in the 2nd House

With Capricorn on the 2nd or Saturn in the 2nd house, natives are likely to value: Status, Symbols of Achievement, Money, Age, and Resilience (amongst other things).

This native wants to amass and hold onto wealth, would do best working in executive or leadership positions but often find themselves doing work that is beneath them. But in many ways, this is due to the native limiting opportunities for achievement and authority (out of fear of success) so they undermine themselves and often attempt to stay in their comfort-zone.

They feel most comfortable and able to stay in-love for long periods with a secret desire to dominate or control their partner and having their partner carry out their needs and interests. In fact, they might even attempt to buy attraction or love with the stuff they’ve acquired. Money can’t buy love? Saturn on or in the 2nd would likely disagree. However, its best they learn to get their own needs met, be more self-sufficient, self-managed, and earn love through merit.

In youth, people can take advantage of these natives as they tend to have money or resources tucked away and others want to make use of that.  In older age (after being mistreated in this way) they can become stingy with their hard-earned money, and can feel used and unhappy if someone else (especially young people) depend on their money for sustenance.

It’s important for this native to not become cold but rather to encourage others to make their own way, with their leadership.

These natives may feel like it’s a struggle to get ahead and they can never reach their love, status, and money dreams. But the fact is, they will eventually reach their goals with time, goal-setting, and ambition. Also by letting other people help them. It’s important that they know they don’t have to go it alone and to learn to believe in the ability for other people to get the job done well or even better than the native.

Unfortunately, over time these natives can whittle away their self-esteem and get depressed if their position, what they own, or how much money they have — is seen as not enough.  And they can belittle, blame, or diminish others if they feel that they got in the natives way of achieving their kind of success.

Saturn in the 2nd can indicate a native who earns a living and self-esteem through having a structured, focused, and disciplined mentality. In older age, with determined ambition and taking responsibility for their own actions, they are able to obtain all the personal wealth and status symbols that they desire.

These natives are most suited to earning a living in a solid and hierarchical industry such as big business, show-biz, government, and banking; however, if the Aquarius energy is running through their Saturn, they may work in industries that value science, technology, or teaching. They may find work very stressful as they feel they have little authority to get jobs done and save money in the way they see best.

To learn more about the 2nd house, visit my in-depth astrology blog.

Please also note, this is a small superficial blurb.  I welcome your additional insights and/or corrections in the comment section, especially if you have this placement.  And this delineation is based mostly on lack of awareness of the house.  If the native is conscious to house themes and has been working on challenges, everything I’ve said may not or no longer be true for the 2nd house Saturn native.

And just like looking at only the eye of a person won’t tell you what the rest of their face looks like or how that eye fits in with the rest of the face, delineating a small astrological part doesn’t give the whole and necessary picture of how that part fits in with the rest of the chart.

This is why it’s important to read the whole chart and not rely on delineations like this, as the rest of the chart modifies the meaning.

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I’m Published by Norton. ;P I’ve Been Quoted About What Intuition Means. :-)

“Intuition is a combination of historical (empirical) data, deep and heightened observation and an ability to cut through the thickness of surface reality. Intuition is like a slow motion machine that captures data instantaneously and hits you like a ton of bricks. Intuition is a knowing, a sensing that is beyond the conscious understanding — a gut feeling. Intuition is not pseudo-science.” Abella Arthur

Am I quotable?  Apparently, I am. :D

Part of the  quote above shows in a W. W. Norton, Independent Publishers book about Intuition, as an epigraph (opener to the book), in Chapter One! I’m even ahead of Ralph Waldo Emerson.

‘Search inside book’ for my quote.

I was officially contacted by the author, followed by the publishers last year, to get my consent for use of the quote.  My contact information and one of my website addresses is also provided in the book.

The book is called Clinical Intuition in Psychotherapy: The Neurobiology of Embodied Response and was written by Ph.D psychologist Terry Marks-Tarlow.  It looks pretty good —  high minded, yet useful! What’s also interesting is that Terry loves art and draws profusely, like I do.  A kindred spirit, for sure — possibly even a Leo.

So yeah, I’m officially not self-published only!  LOL

How’s that for the inspiring Sun in the 7th?

Available in Paper or Kindle

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Song: Laid Back, Blue Lagoon (Don’t worry… shout-out to Virgo types!)

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Quotes: Sun Conjunct Mars

Just because I fear something, it doesn’t mean I’ll ‘fall back’. Sun Conjunct Mars is like Aries: Brave, Courageous, Choosing life. I’m a fighter!

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What Rises Before Your Sun

What rises before the Sun, in the natal chart, shows an emphasis of experience, excess, or combustion.

What rises before your Sun?

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Astrology Articles To Read

I’m setting up a new blog post that’ll contain some links to articles to read and what I learned.

This will also help me stay honest as to what I learned from others.

I normally and will still record this in private notes but doing it as a blog post, for a lot of it, is much better!

I’ll keep coming back to update this with ‘read’ and ‘to read’.

To Read

Liz Greene: Transits and Progressions
Astropost: Planetary midpoint combinations, focused on Venus

Read, Take-away Notes, & Inspired Thoughts

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Developing Art Career: Progressed Venus Conjunct Natal Midheaven, Progressed Sun Conjunct Natal Venus

Having or had an astrogasm today?!

Mine? Well, I got to thinking: Why am I suddenly (what it seems like) so interested in art as a career? Then I thought to myself: Check your progressions! And sure enough, My progressed Venus is now Conjunct my natal MC. It’s currently applying at 1°21

Natally, I have Sun Semi-Square Venus, Venus Septile AC, and Venus Semi-square MC and the rest of my Venus contacts are  Conjunct, Sextile, or Trine. The only planet not aspected to Venus natally, is Mercury.

After researching some art schools, I’m actually thinking of signing up to a special portrait course and then selling small sized portraits (5×7) packaged in keepsake containers, and focused on long-distance lovers.

I’d still like to get a degree in art history, and curation leading to the ability to buy and write about art.  And I’d like to get a minor in psychology.

When I first wrote about changing directions from psychology to art back in September 2011, at that time, the orb was at 1°49.

I took a guess as to when it would be at 0° and I figured it would be about 2 years from now and on or around the day I originally wrote (September 16, 2011) about my new (or rather, conscious) interest. And on that day, it’ll be 0°11!! And that’s not all, transiting North Node will be conjunct my natal Neptune in the 10th on September 16th, 2012! And what’s also cool is that transiting Venus will conjunct my natal Sun two days later!

But December 8, 2013 is the BIG Day, when that aspect will be exact!

8 means power, wealth, and health and the whole day delineates to an 8! Jackpot. :P

I predict I’ll make my switch to an art career (while retaining all my occult, metaphysical goodness) over the next few years with a potentially very rewarding Christmas 2013, God Willing! :-)

During this time, I’ll also have…
Progressed Sun Conjunct Natal Venus
Progressed Mars Sextile Natal MC
Progressed Jupiter conjunct Natal MC Applying
Progressed Venus Sextile Ascendant
Progressed AC Trine Natal AC

But I’ll also have…
Natal Sun Square Progressed Venus
Natal Venus Square Progressed MC

It won’t be an easy ride but it’ll hopefully be a rewarding one to overcome! Natal Sun Trine Midheaven

* I’ve only mentioned what I don’t have in my natal chart and that has some significance to this pursuit.

Progressions are a great way to see what and when something is bubbling under the natal surface.

Everything in your future, is already here today.

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Artwork: Abstract Barbie & Ken, 2004

Abstract Barbie & Ken, 2004

Tonight, I discovered this colorful doodle I did on the back of a notebook!

With the upcoming AGO Picasso exhibit being on the mind, these drawings remind me of the Picasso style – sort-of!! :D

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Full Movie: Yoga, Inc

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Quotes: “lefty lucy, righty tighty”

“lefty lucy, righty tighty”

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April 4th, 2012 Drawing

You Jest, April 4th, 2012 (I wrote the wrong date!)

I often prefer just simple pencil sketches but I figured color may add some life to it…

Colored Pencil

Playing with Photoshop settings

A cartoon drawing I did awhile back based on ‘shaping out’ features.


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Mercury-Pluto-Mars & Intellectual Dominance

Someone once called me intellectually dominating. When I think of that, I think of Mercury Conjunct Pluto, Pluto in or on the 3rd or 9th houses.

I don’t have any of that but I do have Mars on the 3rd house and Mercury in the 8th (Mercury Conjunct Pluto) so there’s a touch of that, for sure.

However, as much as I’m Saturnian, the most aspected planet for me is Venus and she’s aspected pretty well.  She wants harmony, balance, and sweet nothings.

Mind you, the only planet she doesn’t aspect is Mercury! :P So I wasn’t born to have smooth conversations with others.

I’m pretty sure I was born to challenge judgmental, closed thoughts, and opinions.  And to shake up beliefs (Jupiter Conjunct Uranus and Uranus Conjunct Pluto, by house analysis).

Here’s the thing: I imagine I come off as intellectually dominating when the other person is asserting themselves forcefully (aka arrogance) or presenting the material as a matter-of-fact about a topic they seem not to have researched or know well. If they were Venusian, in their approach, it’s unlikely I’d pull the Mercury-Mars-Pluto card.

While I respect the thoughts and opinions of others, I will often fearlessly assert my thoughts on a subject and yes, I’ll smack you down in a debate if you go there with me, I’m up for it, or I’m not injecting enough Venus into my day.

So yes, I’m smart and yes, I’ll enter into debate about things I know or have experienced so I’m not to be underestimated. And that can be frustrating for someone who seeks a lesser mind. O-o  But I’ll open my ears to what I don’t know and welcome new input.

Funnily enough, the person who said I was this way has Mars in their third (Mercury Conjunct Mars), Uranus on the cusp (Mars Conjunct Uranus), and Saturn Leo in the 9th (Sun Conjunct Saturn) and my Sun and Mars is in Leo! Um…. Projection and suppression anyone?! :P

I <3 astrology. Logic, at its best!

As a side note, you’ll find many writers, and communicators (who have a stranglehold on information in their industry) have prominent Mercury-Mars-Pluto configurations.  That’s because if anyone comes in with new material that goes against or doesn’t support what they’ve said, they’ll try to smack that person down.

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Self-Development: Do You Experience Enough Pain To Change?

Do you experience enough pain to change?
As much as you want to change and say you will change, do you experience enough pain to change?

Pain is the catalyst to doing something. Human beings do not enjoy pain that they haven’t intentionally inflicted upon themselves for pleasure. We, as human beings, want to get as far away as possible from pain and will do almost anything to make that happen.

So if change is not happening in your life, ask yourself: Am I hurting enough? Do I have enough pain to want to remove myself from whatever it is that is causing the pain?

Some humans have a high tolerance to pain. I’m not certain why that is but it is. And because of that, they are willing to place themselves and stay in situations that cause them negative pain.

(Originally published Apr 29, 2009 @ 22:56)

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The Farmer’s Almanac

I ♥ the Farmer’s Almanac.

I first learned of the book when I was a teen and grew up in and lived near farm country.

I’d use it to plan my summer holidays in Toronto. I always wanted those days to be sunny and bright and the Almanac never steered me wrong! Good days!

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Volunteering: Chatting With Older Folk

I’ve been itching to do some volunteer work.

And after being in the hospital emergency (non life threatening section) recently and seeing the joy in two older ladies chatting me up with both of them basically saying, “Gee, if I want to get social, I should come to the hospital again!!”, I realized again what good I can be to older folk.

I’d like to work with older people (65+)… go in and chat with them. I’m good with chatting, and sharing smiles and love to hear stories of days gone past. I don’t want to do much (if any) metaphysical work.

I have Venus Trine Saturn and a Saturn ruled chart.  Ever since I was a teen, I wanted to work with older folk but that never came about but I enjoyed spending time with my grandparents while they were still around. I think during my Uranus Opposition Uranus, I’m wanting to do things I haven’t done yet.

I like older people because a) they have history, b) they have lived through a lot and generally know what’s really important in life, c) they tend to not put on airs — are authentic, and d) they’re stories are a hoot! :D

So if you know a project that could use someone like me (a chatterbox who enjoys socializing with older people — Gemini on the 5th), let me know. I’d love to volunteer in the Toronto area.

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FREE Crisis Lines & Kids Help Phone (Toronto, Canada)

Just got a request to do a reading for a 17 year old. I normally only do 18+ and anyway, I think she’s better served through other free options…
I gave her these numbers:

Kids Help Phone (for teens): 1-800-668-6868

Distress Line: 416-408-HELP (4357) for Toronto

The distress line is available for adults and the kids help phone for 20 and under!

Here’s more crisis line numbers:


Local, Canada, and the US
General:     Telephone # :
211 Toronto     211
Dial 211 around the US and Canada for health and human services

Assaulted Women’s Helpline:      416-863-0511
SOS Femmes (French):      416-759-0138
North York Women’s Shelter      416-635-9427
Toronto YWCA Women’s Shelter      416-693-7342

General crisis Lines:
Toronto Distress Centres:      416-408-4357
Distress Centre of Durham Region:      905-433-1121
Kids Help Phone: (not just for kids)      1-800-668-6868
Community Resource Centers

Drug Addiction / Detoxification:

Centre for Addiction & Mental Health:      416-535-8501
INFO ARF:      1-800-463-6273
St. Joseph’s Health Centre      416-530-6400

Gay Lesbian Bi & Transgendered:
Toronto Area Gays & Lesbians:      416-964-6600
Lesbian Gay Bi Youth Line:      1-800-268-YOUTH

Toronto PWA Foundation:      (416) 506-1400

Information and Referral:
Community Information Toronto:      416-397-4636

Mental Health:
Gerstein Centre Crisis Line:      416-929-5200
East Metro Connections:      416-439-8686
Ontario Distress Centres
Ontario Psychological Association
Ontario Bereaved Families

Rape/Sexual Assault:
Toronto Rape Crisis Centre      416-597-8808

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For The Love Of Art

Art, in all its forms (dance, drawing, music, etc.), makes me INCREDIBLY happy. :D


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April fool’s?! Oh, nothing like that go …

April fool’s?! Oh, nothing like that going on here with a Saturn ruled chart (Aquarius was out for the day, and Capricorn stayed home). haha!!

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World Transits vs. Personal Transits

When I fist started learning in-depth astrology I didn’t know a) where to find the transits or b) what the difference was between world and personal transits, because most astrologers just say the word by itself, transits.

I’m sure if I leafed through one of the many books I purchased on astrology to find out, I would have learned right away.  But I’m an autodidact and try to learn things on my own without much assistance elsewhere.  I don’t like to have things handed to me on a platter but I do love to be inspired (Mercury Semi-sextile Uranus).  And I like to discover ( Aries on the 3rd house cusp, with Chiron inside).  And this is how I teach, by the way (Jupiter-Uranus Libra in the 9th).

So, for me, transits were not self-explanatory just by looking at them.

I can’t remember the moment I figured it out but I had pieced together what Internet friends mumbled about, along with looking for patterns in the ephemeris, and what astrologers said in their Facebook notes and in their blogs!  So I figured out world transits first, and then I moved to learning about my personal transits.

I remember myself being totally like a fish out of water: Check where I have 15° Gemini?! Huh. How do I figure that out?  I don’t have any Gemini signs.

Everything seemed more complex than it had to be (see my Virgo stellium).

Anyway, bottom line:

Transits are like the weather — always changing, and often having an impact on us.  What we do, how we feel, etc.

World transits: These transits are what mundane astrologers write about.  These are the Twitter messages, Facebook notes, and blog posts that talk about what’s happening in the cosmos (no matter where you live on Earth) and how it affects the earth and its people, plants, and animals.

These transit delineations have some affect on you but it’s your personal transits, combined with what’s going on in the skies, that have more personal impact.

World transits tend to be external, and connect to an overall vibe of a people or environment (for example). Like, have you been out and about and most people seem grumpy, sad, or happy?  It may be due to the astrological weather. But because it’s external, we can sort of get away from it with skill. But other people’s vibes have a tendency to rub off on us. Like contagious laughter.

Mundane astrology is mostly used to determine world geological weather patterns, politics, and what’s happening with a large number of people (i.e. movements) because it does not include your personal natal chart.  Again, it’s not generally used to tell you about what’s going to happen to you personally, because of that.

World transits are found through reading an ephemeris. You can also use a website like planet watcher.

Personal transits: These transits are what natal astrologers write about (that’d be me). These are the personal transits that you’ll often learn about in a one-on-one consultation or through buying a transit report.  Some websites and blogs delineate a large number of planetary personal transits (cookbooks), and blogging astrologers often talk about their own personal transits.

Personal transits are internal and not only affect you, but affect the people around you as you interact with them — just like their personal transits affect you.  Many times, there’s some karmic contact happening between your transits where astrology can explain both of your parts in the karmic interaction.

Personal transits incorporate what’s going on in the sky but it gets connected to your natal chart (and other personal charts too) which is drawn based on your month, day, year, time of birth, and location of birth.  So if Sun is in Aries today and you have your natal Moon in Aries, by sign, you could have the transiting Sun Conjunct your natal Moon. Many astrologers will use abbreviations to describe this such as tr. Sun 0° na. Moon.

Natal astrology is mostly used to determine your personality, psychology, daily life, major goals and milestones, strengths, challenges, talents, joys, and things that have happened to you, are happening to you, and most likely will happen to you.

Personal transits are found through reading an ephemeris and your natal chart or reading your natal chart that selects a transit option to be overlaid and connected to your natals.

I think I’ll spend some time exploring this topic, with pictures and a how-to Screenr video, over on my VirgoVault blog.  This post is getting a bit too long and pedantic for Astrogasm.

Visit Skyview Zone to learn about how to find aspects in your natal chart.

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Music and Street Life

Music makes life much more bearable.

People are like maniacs on the street.  So much negative and nervous energy I pick up. Ugh.

Headset and sunglasses do a good job at tuning out the unpalatable stimulus.

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Carpel Tunnel Syndrome

Lately have been having some twitches in my thumb and a couple of fingers.  The doctor thinks it’s because I’m writing a lot.  LOL. He was so funny.  He did an air-typing animation for me too. Better cool it for awhile on the writing — overuse of hands / fingers. Occupational hazard (Gemini on the 5th / 6th house cusp). ;P

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Work: How to Enjoy It More & Have Success

When you do a job or a task have these three principles to work by:

1. Enjoy it for yourself

If you are bored, how can you make it more fun? Can it be played like a game? What parts do you like about it? Can you do more of that? Listen to the music; find the music within the work, the flow. Talk or write about the work, in a productive way, to people. Take initiative; own your job.

2. Excel at it and be the best

Can you make your job more efficient and productive? Is there something that you can do to your job to make it better than anyone thought it ever could? Can you run a seminar, write a column, become an expert? Excelling at your job means you can move on to more enjoyable activities of your own choosing.

3. Better it for others

Tweak and document processes and procedures so you can have someone take over your job (with ease) once you have reached excellence. This is very helpful for when you want to move on to bigger and better things quickly — onwards and upwards.

Please note: Do NOT use these principles if you want to perform in a mediocre way or do a job just for the money because by following these principles you will be excellent and acquire passion for everything you do.

(First published Apr 16, 2009 @ 8:5)

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Quotes: Opinions & Facts

An opinion is not a fact.

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World Transit: Sun Square Pluto

Had huge plans for today that went to the wayside… I actually said to someone: I feel like everything is against me (bus was late, slept in, unprepared, etc.). And I rarely talk like that. One lady was commiserating with me too and she was quite nice about my whining.

That’s Sun Square Pluto for you! It felt like my personal power was taken away from me and I had to share my sorry-self in order to get some relief (overcome an obstacle). But of course it didn’t help that tr. Moon is squaring my natal Pluto today either.

So I cancelled all my appointments, and I’m staying in to throw some stuff out. haha! Working with the transits.
How has this day affected you, if at all?

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Just this minute, where I live, it’s th …

Just this minute, where I live, it’s the hour of the Sun, day of Jupiter!

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Astrologer Kim Rogers-Gallagher: An Astrological Story-teller

I have a special treat for you.

You may or may not be familiar with the astrologer (Kim Rogers-Gallagher) but her work is an absolute delight and she’s so incredibly mentally creative.

Like Astrofix, another innovator, Kim’s astrology wisdom is something to cherish, admire, and sink your brain into.

I learned about Kim’s work from a Facebook status share that my friend Quinn did.  And anything Quinn posts is worth a look-see.

Kim writes creative stories involving the planets, signs, and aspects that are currently in the skies (world transits).  Her stories bring astrology to life and the stories are also a really great learning tool as they contain accurate astrological data and Geminian facts.

When teaching astrology students, I sometimes act out (astrodrama) in a similar way in how she writes her stories (but I come up with my own original oral stories to tell!). I’ve done this because a) it’s fun, b) it brings the material down to earth, c) makes it vivid and easier to understand because it gives life to the cosmos, and d) makes it more meaningful.

With Kim’s permission, I am posting one of her amazing stories…

The following story contains the following world transits for today:

Moon in Gemini, Moon Semi-Sextile Venus, Venus Taurus, Mercury Rx, Mars Rx, Moon Square Mercury, Venus Sextile Mercury, Asteroids, Baikal (heh, I probably missed something…)

Moon and Venus (see “semi-sextile”) were doing a crossword puzzle over coffee this morning when Mercury skated into the kitchen (backwards).
[Ooooh, a puzzle! I “love” puzzles! Can I help?]
Moon looked doubtful (see “Moon square Mercury”), but Venus pulled out a stool for him at the counter. (See “Venus sextile Mercury.”)
[Sure, honey! Have a seat.]

Moon read off a clue.
[“Ringed planet.” Six letters. Well, that’s easy. “Saturn.”]
Mercury thought for a second.
[Actually, there are four of us with rings. Jupiter, Neptune and Uranus have rings, too.]
[Yes, but most Meres don’t know that, Mercury.]
[Well, that doesn’t mean we should keep perpetuating the rumor! Put “Uranus”
in there.]
Moon sighed.
[“Uranus” doesn’t fit. The last letter is an “n.”]
Venus leaned forward.
[Well, what does the “n” connect to, Moon?]
[It’s the last letter of four and the definition is “Zodiac Beast.” So that’s got to be “lion,” which makes the “ringed planet” Saturn. See?]
Mercury shrugged.
[“Zodiac Beast” could be crab, too, or goat, or…]

Venus sat up.
Mercury shook his head.
[No, really. That’s what it says, Venus. I wouldn’t lie to you.]
[No, it’s Bull! The answer is “bull!”]
[Oh, yeah, that’s right! “Bull!”]

Moon tapped her pen on the counter impatiently.
[That doesn’t fit at all! That would make the last letter of the “ringed planet” an “l,” and none of you end in “l!”]
Mercury thought for a second.
[Well, what about “Baikal?”]
Moon rubbed her eyes.
[Baikal! He’s in the asteroid belt! The Meres found him back in ’76!]
[Does he have rings?]
[I’m not sure. I haven’t seen him in a while.]
[Well, if he doesn’t have rings, he can’t be a “ringed planet!” Besides, he’s only an asteroid!]
Mercury crossed his arms.
[Oh, so he doesn’t count because he’s “only” an asteroid? That’s not very nice! You remember when they tried to take Pluto’s Celestial Status away? He’s *still* mad about that “dwarf” thing, and I don’t blame him! It’s bad enough being small without somebody calling attention to it!]

Moon rolled her eyes.
[Okay, let’s try another one. “Inflicts serious harm upon.” Four letters.]
Mercury stuck his hand up.
[Oooh! Oooh! I know! Rams! That would seriously hurt you!]
[Doesn’t fit. Look, it’s “mars.”]
Mercury looked around.
[Mars is here? Where?]

Moon closed her eyes very, very tightly and counted to ten.
[No, Mercury, I meant “mars,” as in to “mar” something.]
Venus pointed to the grid.
[Well, what’s the down word? Does it end in “m” or “r?”]
Moon pointed to the clue.
[It’s “Sign of spring,” and it’s six letters.]
Mercury jumped right in.
[“Shower!” A spring shower!]
Moon shook her head.
[I think they’re talking about one of “the signs,” Mercury. One of “our” signs…]
[Oh, I get it! Well, that’s easy! “Taurus.”]
Venus squeezed his arm affectionately.

Moon shook her head.
[Can’t be. The second letter is an “e.” It’s got to be “Gemini.”]
Venus looked hurt.
[Why can’t it be Taurus? You know, you might be a little biased with that answer, Moon.]
[No, I’m not! The second letter is an “e” because the answer that fits with that “E” is SIX letters and it’s about an ASPECT, and the answer is “SQUARE!”]

Mercury wrinkled up his brow.
[Why does it have to be “square?” Why can’t it be “sextile?”]
Mercury nodded.
[Oh, right. Sorry….Well, maybe it’s “trines.” That would fit…]
[Well, what’s the definition?]

Moon threw down her pen and clenched her hands into fists.
Mercury considered.
[Well, maybe it’s “rashes.” Sometimes I get rashes when I’m stressed…]

[Oh, FOR…..AAAAAARGH!!!!!!]
Moon stomped out of the room.

Mercury looked at Venus.
[What’s up with her?]
Venus shrugged.
[Beats me. She was fine before you got here. Too much coffee, probably…Hey, you want breakfast? I’ll cook…]

(See “Moon in Gemini square Mercury in Pisces.” See “Venus sextile Mercury.”)

What’s also incredible is that Kim is prolific in her astrological story-telling. I believe she does two stories a day! Another soul-sister, for sure.

You can follow Kim Rogers-Gallagher on her Facebook page and I believe you can purchase a personal natal astrology story from her as well.

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Leaving Comments On My Blog

I really appreciate blog comments. There’s a lot of the same people visiting my blog (glad you’re enjoying it) , but not many replies to my posts.

I think people feel they need to come up with something smart and long for me to like what they have to say (see 7th house post below). No, that’s not true. A few words, is quite nice. Having said that, if a long comment is left I might only reply with a short one (if I reply with one at all).

Comments that are too long are generally too much but I welcome them nonetheless. It’s been suggested on the Internet to write up your own blog post and then link my post to your post, and tell me about it, if your reply is too long. But if you don’t have your own blog or public forum, just leave your wonderfully long comment if you desire.

And if you have some additional insights or questions about what I’ve said, that’s very welcome too.

Unfortunately the comment section of a blog is like an empty dance floor.  Not too many are willing to be the first to get on the floor and strut their stuff first.  I imagine they’re cautious and want to see how I’ll respond, and how they should respond.  As chatted about in my 7th house post, I’m not this way at all.  If I have something to say, I’ll say it and I’ll say it outloud. Be authentic.

I guess it’s the courageous Sun Conjunct Mars, Aries temperament to do so.

I have installed Disqus so you can edit your comments and you can also use an anonymous name (though I’d really like to know who you are) but if you use your twitter account, you can hit the ‘bird’ and post back to twitter so I’ll and others will see your comment there too.

Every now and then be brave and leave your thought, feeling, or impression instead of hitting and running or there may not be much in the future for you to hit.

So say hello, introduce yourself, and dive in.
Much love ♥

p.s. And ‘sharing’ my posts and linking the website and post, so that others can discover it too, is nice and helpful as well. Thank you!

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The 7th House & Sun Leo, Mars, Aries

The 7th House: Committed & withdrawn relationships, Contracts & obligations, Projection & ownership, Giving & getting, Attraction & Retraction, Conflict & co-operation, Domination & submission, Self & Other Development

In this blog, I find it best to mostly write about my personal and professional experiences when sharing astrological insights. It flows better and faster. Hope that’s welcome.

I have my Sun Conjunct Mars in Leo in the 7th house.  I might as well be a supercharged fire sign because this aspect is like being an honorary Aries and Martian and I’m already a Leo.

I can see why they say Sun Conjunct Mars can ooze sex appeal (David Bowie!).  However, I’m not as self-oriented as this aspect might suggest because it’s in the natural house of Libra, which is just the other side of the coin of Aries.  I’m also a good sport, if the other is too.  However, if the other goads at my loss — I’ll want to smite them! So play nice.

Also, while I’m an extremely sexual / sensual being, I have a stellium in the 8th in Virgo (with Venus being in there) so I’m not sex-crazed in the classic sense. My Virgo gives Leo a dose of humility, chastity, and honor.  Again, this is why I’d have to read your chart to see how (for example) Sun Conjuct Mars affects you personally.

I’m not a typical Leo in that historically other is just as important as self, if not more-so. But it also means that I have tended to be happiest taking a leadership or creative role in any partnership, while continuously encouraging and requesting equality, input, and assertivness (getting needs met) from the other (and that includes clients!).

Whenever you have planets in the 7th, relationships become a heightened theme for you and partnering, being in a committed relationship, and getting married is almost a given. What’s in your 7th, decides your partnering fate.

With Mars in the 7th, I attract a lot of different things to me. Given it’s also the house of projection, it’s hard to sort out what is mine and what is theirs.  And who initiated an action, thought or, feeling first. Thankfully, my Virgo stellium keeps me in check and honest as well as holding a mirror to the other person when they’d like to suggest I’m the only one who has an edge.

However Mars in the 7th or Aries on the 7th house cusp can cause the native to be aggressive, assertive, active, competitive, sexual, passionate, and initiating action.  But it can also cause the same in return, especially when the native asserts themselves in anything Aries related.  Even non 7th house Mars people, who are normally more docile, can get their back up with a 7th house Mars partner.  In fact, they can incite a similar Martian response.  Remember that Mars in the 7th is in the house of Libra and Libra likes to mirror – hence the projection.

We all have Mars and Aries in our charts and with a 7th house Mars, that energy gets directed into 7th house themes.

It’s kind of a damned if you do and damned if you don’t scenario in that a Mars in the 7th is limited in how they want to naturally express themselves before the boomerang effect gets ignited.

I personally strive for conscious self-awareness.  I opt for co-operative sports and games with partners.  I do my best not to play against my partners.  And when I play on my own, I do my best to have horse blinders on (after scoping out what’s there) and just do my own thing. But I can also be too cocky sometimes and the occasional statements of “I won” (in a non-partner thing, that is) is something I really have to keep in check.

I also like strong characters who will stand up for themselves and if they didn’t before I met them, they will after knowing me for awhile.  And that’s one gift a Mars in the 7th can give to others, if they allow that to happen.

Having said all this, people (readers and witnesses to my work, even) can become competitive — even  clients sometimes .  I think this is due to my Sun inspiring their confidence.  If she can do it, I can too. Or I want to do what she’s doing.  She appears more powerful and greater than I.  I want to be greater. Unfortunately with Mars hanging out with the Sun, I can have people get competitive with me and that’s not something I enjoy at all.  I support the star in every person.

But let me tell you something…  Sun Conjunct Mars is no wall-flower.  We work crazy-hard — too hard.  Often, nothing is handed to us on a platter for us (Aries, self-directed!).  You get to see the end result but the hours, effort, and sacrifice, you probably don’t.  Our success doesn’t come cheap. So when we have someone ride our coat-tails and get the rewards, we generally don’t like it.

And also know that I’m constantly in awe at the brilliance of others.  In other words, I’m not thinking that I’m more powerful or greater than anyone else.

Leo is in domicile with the Sun for a reason.  Positive Leos appreciate, enjoy others marketing, belief in themselves, and their starshine.  While I wouldn’t probably date a Leo man, I do love watching them dance like a peacock. It gives me great joy to see them feel so good about themselves.  I rarely perceive it as arrogance, an oft thoght of word from non-Leos when thinking about Leos.

So if you find yourself getting your back up, feeling competitive, etc., know it’s probably my Mars in the 7th and try to be gentle.  It’s an opportunity to connect with your own competitive, aggressive, fearless, and sexual nature. Also, just let me know.  Seriously, it’s okay. Be real.  Be authentic.  I F-up, a lot.  I just realized I did that tonight when I mentioned I had done something one year before someone else.  It wasn’t to discount their success though I can very well see it could be taken that way (as competitive).  It was my Virgo being precise and my desire to say: Hey, I relate.

But in saying that, I will absolutely tell you that I AM competitive but generally with myself. As in, I like to break my own records and do my own thing. And the worst thing that a Sun Conjunct Mars native can do is watch what anyone else is doing.  Always, always either a) applaud the greatness of others or b) don’t look! ;)

Sun Conjunct Mars has been my biggest problem in life until astrology came along to let me know what the problem was!  It was really hard to get my head around.  And many Mars in 7th can’t believe or accept that they might be inciting aggressive and competitive behaviour in others.  We’d rather think it is the other.  But that’s the case with projection and the 7th house.  And before any non-Mars person gets smug (smile) we ALL project.  We ALL have a 7th house.  And we ALL, at some point or another have thought:  He or She did it.  It’s them.  They’re the unreasonable quack-job.

Hate to be the bearer of bad news:  You’re a quack job too. ;P

Now back to Mars in the 7th.  It’s like having Mars Conjunct Venus so the opportunities to get jiggy with someone else (very early in life too) is quite immense.  And with the Sun in there, you’re shining your warm and light on your partners.  They get a happy pill if they can keep you happy and not meet your assertiveness with a counter-attack.

Well this got a whole lot longer than I expected!! I have a lot to say about this aspect and placement because it hasn’t been easy on me and I have been determined to make it a completely positive experience for myself and hopefully, you too.  So I’ll be doing a series on the 7th house, over time.

Busy day today.  Much love, happiness, and success to all! ★ ♥ ★

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Neptune Pisces… Models are made

Neptune moved into Pisces on February 4th, 2012.

Quotes from Stephan Bollinger

  • Magic is made
  • Every single image you see… is Photoshopped!
  • …to create the perfect illusion.
  • Models are nothing magical.  Models are made.
  • …appreciate the amazing work that has gone into such pictures from makeup, to hair, to light, to cameras, to angle, to experience, and knowledge, and retouching — all coming together and then the magic is made.  But really there’s nothing magical about it!

I think modelling is magical and the end result is often glamourous but hopeful models may get sucked into the illusion of it being an easy or glamourous job — which it is not.

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How to Read Tarot: Make It Up.

When you are reading tarot for yourself forget that you are trying to come up with anything ‘real’. Instead, make it up. Yup, that’s right. Tell yourself a story. Learn & Know Tarot

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