I really want to create a 2012 Transit Calendar. I also want to finish up my tarot card meanings, at least the major arcana very soon — they are the toughest! And I really need to write up a 2012 Newsletter for clients as well as get my ‘April special’ details out there.
Drawing: Garden & Grow
March 7th, 2012 Drawing: Garden & Grow
During AGO, Ian Baxter& Exhibit
Different angle with sweet purple-blue positive candle!
Head of the Family by Kevin Hayler
Crystal Post
On March 9th I visited Gifts From the Earth. I wasn’t feeling grounded and was still getting over my cold. I gravitated to a Selenite wand, a geometric clear Calcite crystal, a Septarian Nodule with a natural heart shape meshed within the light yellow Calcite, and a Rhodochrosite pendant and necklace.
The Selenite Wand
A customer was talking about having this wand in her bedroom and someone asking her if it was a dildo (haha). She proceeded to say that she never thought of such a thing. The cashier agreed. Funny that, because that’s EXACTLY what I had in mind when I first picked it up. I was like, “Gee, I wonder if this could be used a a dildo”. haha Guess I have a dirty 8th house mind! ;-) And no, I won’t be using it for that purpose. haha
Libra, Leo, Aquarius, Gemini Love Learning From Me
Later degree Libra, Leo, Aquarius, Gemini Suns love learning from me because of my Jupiter in the 9th house. Aries, Leo, Sag, Aquarius also enjoy learning from me as I have Mars on the 3rd house cusp. Having said that, it is a Mars placement so there could be competitive, overly aggressive, or testing elements there.
Other signs will enjoy learning from me as well because it’s not just the Sun sign. I’ll just make those Sun signs feel great while they are learning from me but say you have those signs in your Ascendant, Moon, Mercury, or Venus we may get on very well with each other too!! And, of course, since I’m teaching occult subjects — anyone with Virgo will benefit greatly from and admire my style of teaching.
Also, my Jupiter is late degree and Uranus is early degree Libra. I could also expand the consciousness of early degree Scorpio, for example. Basically if you feel good about how I express myself (wisdom), you’ll probably enjoy learning from me.
Astrology Play: Find Your Niche or Special Offering
Astrology Play: Read your chart as if everything in it is for everyone else. For example, I have Moon in the 8th. I open up the psychic and psychological pathways in others to discover.
Saturn in the 4th gives others a stable and secure home base, grounds others in reality and responsibility in home life. Neptune in the 10th gives people the ability to make me up, to provide magical and spiritual experiences for others. My Jupiter in the 9th Trine North Node in the 2nd provides an expansive and abundant learning experience for others to help them actualize their full potential. With North Node in the 2nd house, I’m also able to help others get paid doing ‘psychic’, ‘spiritual’, ‘dream’, or ‘art’ work since I had the same struggle. Mars Square Midheaven challenges others to get off their behind and fight for their rights and their dreams.
What have you discovered? What’s your niche? What’s your special offering to the world, for your clients, friends. or lovers?
This post semi-inspired by DreamerGame. More on this topic can be found on my Virgo Vault blog.
Self-Tarot Reading Training by Abella Arthur, CPTR
I teach in a way that provides you the confidence to eventually earn a living being a psychic, if that is your destiny. If it is not, you’ll become empowered and receive tremendous value in being able to read (with certainty and confidence) your own tarot cards.
Where’s Your Mars? What Do You Ignite For Others?
Where’s your Mars? What do you ignite others to act upon or be assertive and self-oriented? For me, my Mars is in the 7th. I inspire others to assert themselves in partnership with me. I encourage partners to get their needs met while meeting the needs of the other. The style (Leo) in which I do this is dramatic, animated, dominant, warm, and friendly.
You know you have chatted too much when …
You know you have chatted too much when you get this message from Twitter: “You are over the daily limit for sending Tweets. Please wait a few hours and try again.” haha!
Female Leo Sun’s, With Lots of Virgo Energy Make For…
Female Leo Sun’s, with a lot of Virgo energy make for this image: The Queen serving food in a soup kitchen. A noble leader.
Where Is Your Sun? What Do You Bring Others?
Where is your Sun? What do you bring people? My Sun is in the 7th. I bring people improved self-confidence, and identity in: partnerships, beauty, art, and money!
Do Bad Aspects = Bad People?
A bad aspect doesn’t make for a bad person. What makes for a bad person with a bad aspect, is a lack of conscious awareness and desire to improve.
Aspect Delineation: Putting a Planet, Sign, & House Together
1. The PLANets have “plans” for us. That’s easy to remember because the word PLAN is part of the word planet.
2. Signs indicate the style of carrying out a plan [whether that is natural house ruler or planetary]. The sign is like a signature and it says something about the personality and nature.
3. When two or more planets get together they ask us to ‘do something’ extra special. This is called an aspect. I like to think of it as the type of conversation the planets are having and how it affects us. Yes, we can be worked like marionettes down on Earth.
4. The planets are quite specific in where and what they want us to do and how they want us to do it.
The house(s) that the planets reside within and the signs that are connected to the house, determine what and where we will carry out the plan.
Update: The sign on the cusp of the house tells us the style in which we display the natural house ruler (planetary) concerns.
For example, Mercury is in Virgo but Aries is on my 3rd house cusp so my style of communication is direct, fast, assertive, fearless, bold, etc.. And I like to talk about health, analysis, facts, the details, daily activities, working, etc.

photo modified from http://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/
Astrology: How to Find Your Dispositors (Video) by Astrologer Kevin B. Burk
My twitter friend, @VenomHearts shared this with me. Thanks! This is her website for Empaths.
Fishead: Personal Sociopathy & Corporate Psychopathy
If you are looking for the ‘home page’ …
If you are looking for the ‘home page’, here it is: www.astrogasm.com
What Makes an Aspect Minor or Major? (Astrology, Zodiac)
I do not agree with so-called “minor aspects”. I rather call them “shadow” aspects. And major aspects — “common or popular”. Every degree on the wheel has something to offer us. I’m fairly certain there are 360 aspects out there just as there are 360 Sabian symbols.
It’s all about “patterns” for me…
The clients I work with often have sesquiquadrates (traditionally considered a minor aspect). I’m beginning to think it’s why they come to see me. They are coming to me for what is hard for them to understand and solve on their own. They come to me for what they can’t see clearly on their own.
Since I believe people are smart, knowledgeable, and capable — they are not seeking “common or popular” knowledge, as it would be right in front of their eyes (what the problem was) — they would have already caught on to it and wouldn’t need me much to help them get to the light.
Shadow aspects (minor) hide in the background. They are hard to see and hold on to but they are still extremely important in solving often long-standing and difficult problems or hard-to-reach destinies.
Scorpio Energy: What Lola wants, Lola gets — Damn Yankees
The Soul Zodiac: Cannonball Adderley, Jazz Artist & Vocalist
Leo Sun
Moon Virgo & Stellium (which becomes honorary Sun)
Rising Capricorn
Jupiter & Uranus Libra in the 9th
Gemini, my house of play and work (5th and 6th)
Find yours… Type “The Soul Zodiac [sign you are seeking]
Artist: Cannonball Adderley
Astrology: How To Find Your Correct Time of Birth
Don’t know your correct time of birth, without a doubt?
In Canada, contact the hospital’s health records department where you were born.
In US, order your “record of birth” long form (not all cities have it recorded on there) from the state department of vital statistics or you may want to use VitalChek. American Astrologer, Steven Forrest has a great article on how to order this. Fees currently range from $10 – $30.
Overseas? Check with the hospital you were born at and/or the attending physician or you can try VitalChek International.
My time of birth was off a bit from the baby record my Mom filled out in a scrap book she made up for me. As an astrologer it made the world of difference to know my exact time of birth. And it will make a world of difference for you if you are deeply interested in completely fulfilling your life with clarity.
For example, meaningful fixed stars and asteroids use a much tighter orb so it’s very important to have your exact time of birth when using these.
In Toronto, it can currently cost between $30-$60 to get your time of birth from the hospital. Make sure they know you only want the time of birth or they will charge you a lot more. If you are not sure about which hospital you were born at, order the long form birth certificate. In the province of Ontario, it can be ordered online. Your time of birth will not show on the long form birth certificate like it often does in the United States.
If you have any questions or comments about getting your time of birth, comment here.
Without an accurate time of birth time (or any time of birth), a chart can still be read — just not with complete accuracy and with much less detail.
It’s also important to know exactly where you were born, location wise. Some cities are now amalgamated. Some cities changed names, etc. For example, the exact location where I was born is no longer seen on a map but it makes a difference in the chart. To be even more accurate, you’ll want to know the exact spot where you were born, if you can (latitude and longitude).
A birth chart rectification can also been done by astrologers. I’m generally within an hour of your time of birth and I do not specialize in birth chart rectification services.
Whose Who in Your Company?
Fire signs start a company and ignite passion.
Earth signs grow a company and make it solid.
Air signs innovate company products & services.
Water signs nurture and take care of its clients.
Whose who in your company?
Opposition: Glasses, Look Closer To the Other Side
Meeting New Friends or Lovers During a Retrograde
Any connection begun during a retrograde may only be temporary. The other possibility is that there will be a re-connection during the next retrograde period as the person reflects the connection, re-connection, or disconnection. We could say then that any new relationship, friendship, job, etc. that starts during a retrograde will not only end or be on shaky ground during a retrograde but will also be renewed again on the next one because a retrograde forces us to examine, introspect, and judge as per what the planet and sign that it’s retrograding in governs.
Natal Astrology Aspect: Mercury-Uranus
Harmonious, neutral
Sudden, exciting thoughts. Thinking about exciting things. Communicating ideas and thoughts about inventions. Idea generator. Mental breakthroughs. Change of thought. Innovative new ways of approaching a subject, learning style, or lesson. Communicating in an electric way. Genius. Epiphanies. Likes to talk about technology, inventions, difference, working in a new way.
Sudden headaches. On the tip of your tongue. Unable to figure out how to make something different. Surprisingly hostile debating.
The 8th House, Virgo Stellium & Knowing the Truth Before You Do!
I was chatting with a friend on Facebook and we got to talking about how I want to believe what people say to me but I have had to stop believing in the lies they tell themselves to ensure safety, security, well-being, and good flow.
“I crack up because most the time I think, “Is this person that stupid to think I don’t see through their mud pile of dung?” It’s a really funny thing we experience with [Virgo] 8H stellium…. We [know] things before the actual individual knows.” ~ DarbyDarcy
I’ve said a number of times to intimates: Do you think I’m THAT stupid? That offends me.
I have to remind them I’m not a norm buying or pretending to buy their crap. Few people don’t know the past, present, future like I do, like an 8th house Virgo stellium does.
What’s cool is that DarbyDarcy isn’t even a professional psychic, like I am. She’s just an 8th house Virgo stellium, like I am. That makes what she says go even further than it already does…
It’s actually pretty annoying to be right. We often want to be wrong.
Respect is a big thing for me, so for the longest time I treated people the way I would want to be treated. Bad move. When I speak, I speak with personal clarity and thought. My natural inclination is to think that other’s do that too. That they think of consequences, the well-being of the person/s their responsible to, and important minutia. But they rarely do. They’re in the moment. They’re into themselves.
So that’s another ‘popular line’ that isn’t my karma. My karma is NOT to treat people the way I would want to be treated. Why? Because most people are nothing like me. They play by a different set of rules (NorthEast ones) and I need to play by ‘their’ rules, not mine (SouthWest). It’s only fair.
The 8th House in Virgo: House of Privacy, Intuition, and Intimacy
Some peeps are just going to have to go through the Plutonian fire wheel of tests before they are let in.
They can scream paranoia and too private all they want; but 8th house, Scorpio, Pluto, Virgo stellium people — don’t buy what they’re selling. Their intuition is not as sharp (don’t easily believe the lies people often tell themselves) nor is their integrity.
A certain level of privacy is important to me. Intimacy is something that is earned over time, and given when comfort is there. Many people do not understand or care about the fragility of others. They often do not hold the secrets of others very well. A well-adjusted 8th house person does, especially a Virgo stellium in the 8th house. The gravity of some people’s casual and random intrusion is often not understood by them. I get that they believe they’re being harmless, but they’re not. If a person has a depth of character and sensitivity, their spirit can be easily screwed with.
Anyone who respects someone else would not be so readily and bossily nosy when they have no right, connection, invitation, or privilege to do so.
Pestering ought to be met with rudeness if nosy people try to move past boundaries! In the past, I would have felt it wrong to be rude but some people do not take a simple “no, I’m not comfortable sharing that” with graciousness. Today, I recognize the other person is being rude so being rude back is fine if that’s what is needed to get the point across.
The other annoying thing is that people who are nosy and have an expectation for you to share your secret bits, often are quite secretive themselves and have little intention of reciprocating the one way telephone conversation. Go figure! The world is backwards!
Goading anyone into telling you their secrets is not the way to open them up; it’s classless.
The best way to deal with that classlessness is to give them some of their medicine and pester them about sharing something personal about themselves. Watch how fast they try to squirm out of it or lack disclosing anything of importance to them (similar to of what has been asked of you).
I see people. I see you. That’s what I do for a living. See. If I don’t openly call you on your crap, there’s a good chance I’m just being Venusian.
p.s. Celebrities, and people who earn a large chunk of their living from public affairs, are by the nature of what they do, often exempt from a certain level of prying by the general public and commentators. It’s not really the same thing when reporters, etc. are trying to get the story of their lives out of them or is it??
To orb or not to Orb: THAT is the question…
An Orb is something that occurs when two or more celestial objects and hypothetical points contact each other within a certain number of degrees, based on the laws of harmonics.
I use a wide orb (10-12°) for most planets and the lights and a smaller orb for fixed stars (3°) and asteroids (6°) for my person chart. In synastry, it may need to be a tighter orb because it depends on the awareness and consciousness of the other native.
Having said this, I have these thoughts about using or not using orbs…
- sign-to-sign can be felt
- sign-to-sign shows up over-time
- tight orbs are used to focus on the strongest feeling the native may have
- tight orbs are used to reduce number of aspects to look at
- conjunctions are most definitely felt even if having a loose (wide) orb or are sign-to-sign only
Favorites: Chakra Candle Votives
I love the way these candles burn and easily come out of the jar. They do not stick to the sides like wax. It’s a clean burn. Great energy to them too. Check out my blue candle and jar.
Aspect: Venus Square Moon
Remembering past love.
Rihanna – PS: I’m still not over you
How to View & Fix a Problem
A problem is not an opportunity for an excuse. Take action; Find solution.
Be a Solution Generator unless it serves to be a Problem Finder.
1. Identify / acknowledge problem. 2. View problem outside of yourself. 3. Take a look at it. Ask other people to take a look at it.
Cup your hands, put your problem inside of it. Now the problem isn’t a part of you. It’s something to look at, external. And if you are not sure exactly what it is, then motion your cupped hands (filled with the problem) to someone else to look at. Ask them if they can help you with your problem. Make solutions internal and problems external.
Memorization: Tarot & Astrology
If you want to learn tarot or astrology well, do NOT memorize someone else’s tarot keywords or descriptions for the cards, nor astrology keywords and descriptions for the planets, signs, houses, etc.
I didn’t memorize astrology (because when I did that with tarot, it ruined my experience forever) just as I don’t encourage tarot readers to memorize tarot meanings. It does take a lot of personal thinking, research, and meditation about what something means, but it’s worth it.
Become ‘one’ with the material. Own the material. Yes, there’s a structure and if anything, that’s what I suggest memorizing. With the rest, I suggest ‘filling in the blanks’ on your own. And that’s how I teach.
iTunes Music Purchases
Well, I broke down and got an iTunes account and purchased my first card so I could take Thomas Dybdahl with me wherever I go! ha!
For now, I got songs that I didn’t have on a CD I have or one’s that are on a compilation album or where they are featured on the work of another artist.
- Just Can’t Seem To Give A Shit 4:05 Thomas Dybdahl & Mélanie Laurent This Day (World Hepatitis Day)
- U (Live) 3:54 Thomas Dybdahl The Six Sessions (Live) Singer/Songwriter
- Je t’aime moi non plus 4:21 Serge Gainsbourg & Jane Birkin Serge Gainsbourg Musique francophone
- Monsters (feat. Randi Laubek) 7:58 Rosa Lux Monsters
- Be Here Now 6:23 Ray LaMontagne Till the Sun Turns Black
- You Are the Best Thing 3:52 Ray LaMontagne Gossip In the Grain
- L’espace d’un instant (feat. Thomas Dybdahl) 3:37 Mélanie Pain My Name (Bonus Track Version) Musique francophone
- Free Fall Debut 3:31 Randi Laubek Mona’s Verden (Original Soundtrack)
- Crazy (Live) 5:05 Gnarls Barkley iTunes Live from SoHo – EP
- Crazy 3:02 Gnarls Barkley Crazy – Single
- Superstitious 3:56 Symon 1+1=3
- Ne me quitte pas 4:10 Jacques Brel Les 100 plus belles chansons de Jacques Brel Musique francophone
- Sugar Hiccup 3:42 Cocteau Twins Head Over Heels Alternative
- Song to the Siren 3:30 This Mortal Coil It’ll End in Tears
On my wish list… Siren, Nightwish, and Melody Gardot – Les etoiles and Over the Rainbow. Actually I already have her My One and Only Thrill CD so I’ll see if I can transfer that music onto my music player.
More ear candy… and what do you have in your music player? Any favorite songs to share?!
Ear Wax Cleaning
They ought to make ear wax cleaning part of a spa feature. Felt so good to get that crap out of my ears. I can hear again! *woot*
Toronto Coffee, Baristas, and Beauty: te aro, TeAro, Te Aro
So I went into my favourite coffee shop today, te aro. I rushed myself in, was looking at the cookie section while what looked like a street bum, was talking up the cashier. He finally stopped talking and just left without anything.
Then I made my way into the same position, looked up and hark, the angels sing — the most perfect and stunning face I ever saw in person looked down at me. I stuttered out my order (his beauty invoked temporary amnesia as to why I was there… lol) and kept wondering why he was working there and that I wished I looked better after my recent bout with whatever and that my hair wasn’t in braids and a ugly hat. I’d also forgotten my wallet in the rental car so I had to go and get it. I did such a girl thing on the way back, I instinctively removed my braids and ugly hat before I got back in. haha
If you’re into Rhys Myers without the alcohol and addictions, this man will serve your eyes well. It must be hell exceeding the limits of ordinary beauty. I mean, really, I don’t think I could stand to face that face every morning. lol I couldn’t even bring myself to ask his sign, name, or anything like that. I was stunned and felt I was nowhere near his beauty level to even have such a discussion — again, I’d just be a stuttering fool.
Anyway, geez — that Aussie needs to be discovered (if he hasn’t already) by a modelling agency. Heck, maybe I’ll call a talent agent and let them know about this beyond hottie — lol…
The barista who made my mochas was the normal range of hottie material and a sweetie. I got a leaf with a little heart at the end. I was just so flustered with the eye candy, otherwise I would have taken a picture of that piece of art. Yum too! At least I let them know his work of art was beautiful and he smiled with pride. Yay!
Who needs to go to a watering hole when you can go to te aro and check out the hotties behind the bar and enjoy a delish beverage.
The 6th House: Being Sick But Still Being Able to Do Your House Thing…
After about two weeks of aches, pains, and chills, I’m finally feeling more like myself.
What many find strange is that I am often still able to communicate in one way, shape, or form — even if I’m feverishly sick. And I can do errands of a short distance as well — mind you, I often have felt like I was in a fog while doing it! Gee, I even once worked through pneumonia until it got really bad and I had to finally take the time off to recover.
The last couple of weeks on Astrogasm is an example of continuing to communicate, while feeling sick. However, a lot of the posts were (and will continue to be) from something I wrote previously — many unpublished. What I considered a stub from another blog, has become a full-on post in this blog. This is so Gemini, 5th / 6th house, which means I get a lot of joy publishing in this blog on a daily basis. And many of the posts were /are scheduled. But I still got my word out, even though I was sick.
Anyway, I think the reason why I can still communicate (knock on digital wood) under the influence, is that I have Gemini on the 6th. What does go down the tube is focus, accuracy, speed, and consistency. Anything that takes effort to think about, isn’t going to get done or will take much longer than it normally does. I’m also often ‘out of verbal and cerebral character’ when sick.
So that makes me wonder: What sign is on your 6th? Do you find you can still do that 6th house thing even though most people would find it odd given you’re sick?
Venus, Neptune, Moon, North Node: Song by Randi Laubek – Madness Sadness
music & words: Randi Laubek
It was a night of cancer full moon
The water was a quiet grave
He didnt know if he was mad or he was sane
But he did it just to ease his pain
She had a voice that moved the angels
She seemed so innocent and yet so wise
It didn’t take him anytime to fall in love
But he did it just to ease his pain
Oh, madness, madness
Oh, sadness, sadness
So sang the siren on the sea
Oh, madness, madness
Oh, sadness, sadness
So sang the fisher on the sea
But are you still in love with me?
So he got drawn in to her love sea
He swam like weightless in her eyes
But in their ecstasy the question did arise
Did he die or did he stay alive?
Oh, madness, madness…etc.
By the way, Randi is another strong LEO female vocalist. Tori Amos, Kate Bush, Madonna, me?! :D
Tarot is Neptunian; Astrology is Uranian, both are grounded in Saturn – the Real Truth.
Tarot is Neptunian; Astrology is Uranian, yet both are grounded in Saturn — the Real Truth.
Interestingly, a lot of tarot readers act in Saturnian ways. They want to know tarot through memorizing keywords and being ‘sure’ that what they say about tarot is what is said by an authority on the subject.
About Astrology, Horoscopes, & Private Consultations
Astrology is a living & breathing system partly based on observation, and empirical study. It’s also a language. Interpretations can & do change slightly, over time — just like words and meaning change in a dictionary. Astrology evolves, as does any language, with cultural and other changes of the people it imitates and describes.
Astrology is a combination of freewill AND destiny. Paper horoscopes are limited but if the astrologer is good, it will ring some truth to everyone of that sign. It will be vague because it’s general to a ‘sign’, not a specific person. Stop getting the free paper horoscope to help you live your life. Invest in yourself by getting a professional astrological consultation. http://www.KnowTheWay.ca
Cashiers: The Art of Counting Back Change
Tonight, a cashier held back $1.00 from my change.
When I was a cashier, I counted back the change. So if you gave me $10 and the amount was $4.61, I would state the charge, hand you back the amount of change that brought it up to the next dollar, in this case — $5 and then keep counting back. So I would say $10 while handing them the $5 or if I was handing twonies and loonies, I’d say each dollar until I got to $10 such as $5, $7, $9, $10 while placing the two twonies and a loonie into their hand at the same time. That, along with the original change that rounded up to the $1 that was already in their hand.
Today, they just hand you everything all crumpled up in one go. They don’t say how much the total was or count back the change. Either that or I just did things differently. I’ll also say I was rarely over or under on my till and when it was, it was a very small amount and I questioned the person counting my till and that’s because I counted back change (double check!).
Anyway, I got this weird feeling that I was short changed and I asked what type of change I got back. She seemed surprised, looked over to her supervisor quickly, and then handed me the withheld $1 while mumbling, “oh, yeah…”.
What’s interesting and happens frequently is that I can actually see the person processing a transgression against me, a dislike, a mal-thought, etc. in slow motion. In the past I’ve ignored it because too much is going on but lately I’ve actually started following through on my hunches and it hasn’t steered me wrong yet!
Of course, often times a) I wish I was wrong and b) I wish I wasn’t so highly observant. It’s not very nice processing other people’s negative thoughts. I think I’ll take up knitting and wear horse blinders! haha
Virgo: Coin Sorter Machine
Finally got a coin sorter tonight. The Virgo stellium in me is delighted! This is a great mind numbing (relaxation) activity for Virgo types.
Just a meta note. I have a lot of posts …
Just a meta note. I have a lot of posts and tweets pre-scheduled. I may not be around when you see one of them!
Becoming an Astrologer or Tarot Reader
It’s not easy for everyone to learn and translate a foreign language. It takes a certain kind of person to absorb and assimilate the information into something that is understood by others. Being an astrologer or tarot reader uses a variety of skills such as story-telling, consultation, and giving advice (even if that’s just to you). A knack with seeing patterns and combining is also helpful.
Be the Star That You Are
Be the Star That You Are
Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate, but that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, handsome, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We were born to manifest the glory of God within us. It is not just in some; it is in everyone. And, as we let our own light shine, we consciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
–Nelson Mandela, 1994 South African Presidential Inaugural Speech, quoting spiritual leader Marianne Williamson of the Church of Today in Detroit.
Transits: Scorpio Moon
Ah yes, it’s that Scorpio Moon time again. (Transits in the sky). No wonder I’m chatting about Plutonian themes!
Pluto: Transform or Be Destroyed
As a kid, I loved the movie Transformers. I imagine it was in preparation for what I would endure as an adult!
Pluto is totally kicking my arse again and is inflicting wounds upon me like a biatch. Gonna have to put a fast healing bandage on this one!
Mantra: Transform or Be Destroyed! Grrrr… Okay, okay, I’ll take transform, Transform!
Mantra#2: I have zero control. Be. Accept. Feel. But know that I have no control whatsoever. Give in to the pain or the pain will do me in.
Gah, maybe this is why I loved Yoda so much too. May the force be with me rather than against me! And who said television isn’t good for kids!
Astrology: How To Get Rid of Bad Natal Aspects
How to get rid of bad natal aspects? Synastry is one answer.
Sometimes we meet another and we find the same negative aspect in synastry. This generally means we haven’t worked out that issue yet and this person is here, as our soulmate, to hammer it out.
But lets say you’re tired of going down the ‘soul-mate’ road and you just want to have a joy ride… then not having your nasty bits duplicated in synastry, will help you feel more joy.
Awesome synastry can cancel out your natal problems. In this case, you’ll want to know what you don’t want duplicated and set about not attracting your kind of person.
Do keep in mind that you’ll want to learn from the relationship, should it ever end, so that you can be healed by it rather than using it as a crutch!
Human Nature: Should have’s and could have’s
Never beat yourself up for would-have, could-have. I have had the opportunity to go down different paths with the same pattern, people and the end result is always the same. We’re all on auto-pilot. Destiny awaits us. Better to focus on what we are here to accomplish within rather than what we want to change without.
Where Are You Mean? Where’s Your Capricorn?
Where Are You Mean? Where’s Your Capricorn?
Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, can be a mean old man. Where’s your Capricorn and what does it say about how and why you can be mean? I have Capricorn rising. I can look mean but deep down, I’m not (Opposite Theory! Cancer on the DC!). I can, however, be mean like a gnarly dog, guarding his masters (The Sun & Moon and the other inner bits).
My Capricorn meanness acts as protector.
The Second House (2nd House): Prostitution, Sex, Money, Self-Worth, etc.
Just had a chat with one of our ‘event readers’. We were talking about self-worth and money. I was talking about how a lot of organizers don’t value our service (because readers, worldwide don’t) and it’s difficult to go over this year after year as to why our service is valuable and why we are worth our professional fee.
Anyway, that snapped me over to the 2nd house. A house that relates to money we earn, beauty, value, sensuality, etc.
The house of Taurus places value on things and that’s why our self-esteem gets affected and ties in with 2nd house issues: Being highly valued, increases our self-esteem.
The 2nd house is also where we find our personal security. Again, it’s often through money, sex, and beauty that we possess. When we don’t have these things, we are likely not to feel secure in our world.
With Taurus on its cusp, and being ruled by Venus — the prostitute archetype came to mind. And many of us have heard quips about ‘prostituting’ ourselves or selling our soul for work, to get accepted as being worthy.
The reader and I talked about how money is often the ‘value’ exchange in today’s world but anything can be exchanged to earn our keep: sex, love, beauty, etc.
When organizers ask us to work for free, readers ought to ask for a ‘tax receipt’ or something else that acknowledges the readers value and that is also something the organizer values. Without it, the organizer can and will not value the reader.
But if the organizer acknowledges the reader’s worth through something they do not value themselves, the energy exchange is null and void. There must be the Libran (Venus) win-win for the 2nd house to be balanced karmically.
If a community or organization has already done something for a reader, telling them how much the service is worth lets them know what you have essentially, paid back.
A debt repaid, and giving back to one’s community, etc. increases self-worth and personal security. Let us not suggest this behaviour is only altruistic and sacrificial (6-12th axis) because it often isn’t. And if it is, there’s a hefty price that you pay.
Which got me thinking… I often say that tarot is 12th house, Neptunian material and this also collaborates my story in how difficult it is to get organizers (for parties) to regard our work when so many tarot readers are making a ‘sacrifice’ in devaluing their work by giving it away for free (ie not asking for tax receipts, etc.) — essentially, telling organizers that we need to pay and serve ‘them’!
Perhaps many tarot readers are paying back a karmic debt in this lifetime but that’s not my path nor the path of the readers who work with us! Ours is to gain self-respect, self-worth, and value!
I have an intercepted Pisces-Virgo 2nd house which is likely to account for why the oft traditional ‘sacrifice’ is being intercepted and has been replaced by a revolutionary spirit in this matter, having Aquarius (Uranus) on the 2nd house cusp. My North Node Pisces resides inside the 2nd!
What do you have and what does that mean to you? What makes you feel valued and valuable?
Emotional and Intellectual Arrogance: Tarot Readers vs. Astrologers
Astrologers tend to be ‘intellectually arrogant’ whereas I have found tarot readers to be ’emotionally arrogant’. Remember that I’m both an Astrologer and Tarot Reader, a Leo, and can say without a doubt that I’m oft-times arrogant. :P
During your journey in astrology, consider becoming ‘intellectually arrogant’ or rather focused on the ‘mind’, ‘logic’, and ‘critical thinking’ skills. *This* will help your studies immensely. Basically remove the ’emotional’ part (right side), while studying, and get jiggy with your brain (left side).
Then when you have a good grasp on astrology, bring your intuitive skills back into the mix because they’ll be useful when interpreting charts.
So instead of ‘feeling’ things out, ‘think’ them out. Ask ‘conscious’ rather than ‘subconscious’ questions… TONS of them — to yourself and to others… Astrologers are researchers of data.