I’m intoxicated by the scent (bourbon vanilla?!) of john masters organics, blood orange and vanilla body milk. There’s something about heavenly scent that can cut through negative vibes. It’s almost like putting up a shield from the negative intrusion. If only the scent lasted more than a half hour!
How to Interpret Your Own Eighth House
In order to help you understand the nature of your Transformation, Obstacles & Longevity karma, we will walk you through a few steps. First you will learn which Sign contains your 8th House and how that sign affects your transformations, obstacles, longevity, legacy, chronic health issues and other 8th house indicators, such as inheritance, gains through others and sexuality. Then, we will get more specific in accessing your 8th House by examining the planets placed in that house, and also where the “ruler” of your Eighth House is placed.
Reading Returns by Astrologer, Kim Falconer
A link on how to read returns by Astrologer, Kim Falconer.
Favorites: One of my Blue Candles.
Running & Starting a Business: Having a Business Plan
Starting a business is a HUGE responsibility one enters into. It’s like being pregnant, and having a baby.
Once your “baby” is born, there’s often a long way to go in nurturing and maturing your baby towards being a successful adult. And bumps and bruises, joys and pains are often the norm.
If you are a new parent (business owner) a lot of mistakes are bound to happen along the way…
And no matter how hard it gets, most of us wouldn’t give up on our children and in fact, it would often be considered a social disgrace to do so.
When you start a business, you are often tied to that business forever. Having said that, others have decided to just give it all up: Dead-beat Dad’s (i.e. closing down the shop) and Mom’s who give their children up for adoption (i.e. selling your business) for examples. And sometimes, some people have babies and they know they won’t be keeping them such as the case of being a surrogate mother.
Whether you choose to start a business to sell it down the road or keep it and pass it on to your living relatives when the time comes, having a business plan is essential in keeping your eye on the prize and being focused – emotionally, physically, spiritually, and financially.
Having a “business plan” is important and suggests a seriousness in “thinking through” who your obstetrician will be, delivery, hospital considerations, and the first five years of your babies life when few others will be able to care for him / her. A business plan helps you figure out how much money you will need to raise your new born, what you need to buy along the way, and your “plans” for upbringing, etc..
I could continue on with this “business like a baby” analogy; however, I’m sure the point has been received. :D
When considering starting a business, consider the investment and sacrifices you’ll be making because they are HUGE; however, the rewards are just as big and sometimes even BIGGER.
The other thing is that once your business reaches about 5 years old a new plan will often need to be made. Every five years 16 Psyche Returns and this 5 year cycle indicates weakness, debilitation, and is in detriment. Your business needs to re-connect to its next upcoming phase and get its strength back. Design a new plan based on lessons learned, new hopes, and a new understanding on what your business wants to do.
So if you have been running a business for at least five years, it’s time to get cracking on a new plan!! I know I will be…
so… Lets go…
(originally published Wednesday, April 13, 2011)
Seeking a session: Visit –> http://www.YourWisdomGuide.com
My Septarian Nodule: Naturally Occuring Heart Shape!!
On March 9th I visited Gifts From the Earth.
I wasn’t feeling grounded and was still getting over my cold, or whatever it is. I gravitated to a Selenite wand, a geometric clear Calcite crystal, a Septarian Nodule with a natural heart shape meshed within the light yellow Calcite, and a Rhodochrosite pendant and necklace.
Here’s a good note on the metaphysical properties of Septarians.
Metaphysical earth magic…
As a part Native Person myself, the stone itself has many patterns that I can connect with readily. This pattern reminds me of an animal pelt as well as a leaf, turtle, flower, and bird. A very natural stone, indeed.
The Astrology of Twins
If twins have some differences in personality, how can astrology be accurate?
Here’s what I have found out:
a) Every four minutes, the ascendant changes one degree. Every degree matters and makes a difference.
b) My work with clients, who is a twin, has shown a couple of things:
1. One twin is the exact opposite — the ‘evil’ twin. In astrology, as is a general universal law, there is duality — a good and a bad, two sides. ..
2. Twins can ‘share’ chart attributes. So one twin uses it but the other doesn’t.
I have not done enough astroloogy research about ‘twins’. Do you know of anyone who has?
I’m getting into crystals and candles a …
I’m getting into crystals and candles again. Can use all the help I can get, to heal. Back to “Psychic Gal”, “Spiritual Mo-Mistress” for a bit.
Leos are the BEST Drivers & Tiger-Eye Crystals Protect
I knew Tiger-eye was connected to Leo and awhile back I read an article about a study that says Leos make the best drivers so I find it awesome that the following tip was given on what to use crystals for!
Put them in your car!
- Placing a golden tiger-eye in your car will help to protect you and your car against accidents. Place the stone in a secure place where it will not roll around or get lost. I suggest wrapping it in wire, attaching it to a cord or chain, and then hanging it from the rearview mirror.
What’s also interesting is that Mars-Uranus can be connected to vehicular accidents (going too fast, sudden accident).
Mars rules Aries, Trines Leo. And Uranus rules Aquarius, the opposite of Leo. Also, the third house (ruled naturally by Mercury) is connected to driving short distances and is ruled by Gemini (Sextiles Leo) while Sagittarius naturally rules the 9th house (long distance travel) and is the other Trine to Leo.
What an astro-crystal connection or rather astrogasm!
Hearts For Autism: Sharing Feelings Without Speaking
Back in 2010, I made a series of color coded hearts for a friend of mine who had a hard time sharing what they were feeling. Because I knew they were tactile and color conscious, I figured these would help.
Chain of Hearts for Autism
The Wicked Smiley Face
I really have to stop using ‘smiley’ faces, to inject warmth when communicating sensitive matter, in personal and professional email. I think it can come off as condescending, sarcastic, and a myriad of other negative things I do not intend. In person, it disarms. In email, it arms. And it lacks a seriousness that I very much have when discussing difficult topics. Ah, the wicked smiley face!
Sam Vaknin: Expert on Narcissism
Want to learn about various personality disorders, with Narcissism as the feature? Check out Sam Vaknin on YouTube. He’s not a mental health professional but carries himself well, has a Ph.D in Philosophy, and seems to know what he’s talking about. I would love to see his natal chart! :D
Stevie Nicks: Pluto Leo in the 5th, Death of a Son – The Sun
Regarding the recent mini Stevie Nicks celebrity reading I did, I learned in an article I read today, that marrying Kim (her best friend Robin’s widow) came with a boy.
I went crazy – absolutely crazy when Robin died. The only thing I could think of to do was try to take the load off Kim by marrying him and helping raise their son.
I think in her heart Robin knew I would go after Kim,” Stevie continues. “I had known her for 20 years and him for five, and I felt this baby belonged to me almost as much as it did to them.
After 3-8 months of being married, they had a divorce. With that, at the time of the article she had not seen Matthew again. I don’t know if she’s seem him since.
To me, this backs up my thought that if she did have a child it’d probably be a boy and he would die. Essentially that is what happened.
Having children, being married, and all the other Saturnian trappings of earth isn’t for everyone. It’s especially difficult for women who have a drive that mimics the style of men (ie Sun Square Mars). With her Saturn Conjunct Pluto in the 5th, it seems to say quite literally “death of social activity and the restrictions that come with it”. Social activity such as marriage, having children, etc.
Metaphysical Languages: Tarot & Astrology
Tarot and Astrology are languages. Reading tarot or astrology is the act of interpreting what the symbols and more, say — it’s like reading letters that form into words, then into sentences, and paragraphs. From there, context is gleaned and a message is formed. At that point the reader of the material can criticize, analyze, and offer solutions for what was read. The act of reading tarot cards or an astrology chart isn’t much different from reading a book or a magazine article.
Relationship Longevity: Venus-Saturn
If you are seeking a loyal best friend or lover for a lifetime, ensure they have Venus in harmony with Saturn either natally, or in synastry, composite.
If it’s not present, be cautious about handing over your heart as they may be fair-weather contacts. In fact, it’s best that it exists natally as well as being in synastry.
I have Venus Trine Saturn natally. If I’m your friend, I’m your friend for life — that’s if you’ll have me (synastry). That’s if you or we have Venus in harmony with Saturn. :D
Venus Trine Saturn natives are able to have fall-out’s with loved ones and then fall right back in when the air has been cleared. They understand challenges, difficulties, and can handle trails and tribulations. They want things to work, are prepared to learn how, and will be patient during the process.
If they were around before you suffer a crisis, they’ll be there for you during and after. So take care of your Venus Trine Saturn friends and loved ones — they are your rocks in good and bad times! ;P
Venus Trine Saturn (like Venus Capricorn / Saturn Libra) natives are responsible, and dedicated to their commitments. They do not enter or leave relationships easily or lightly and are fair minded. Sometimes they stay in relationships past their due date but their high amount of integrity doesn’t look back on their behaviour with regret — they did the right thing, even if the other didn’t.
The Connection Between Semi-Sextile Signs: The Truth
The Connection Between Semi-Sextile Signs
Here’s an example:
Virgo- Libra-Scorpio
Scorpio wants to find the hidden truth. “The truth hurts.”
Virgo wants to find the absolute core truth. – “There’s your truth, my truth, and then THE truth”.
Libra wants to find the middle path of truth – “Three sides to every story: Yours, mine, and the truth.”
A Love Story: Songs & Video
Well this is a cute 30 minute “love story’ montage. I really like the concept. If you are in the mood for themes of love, consider watching / listening to this video!
Celebrity Astrology Reading: Stevie Nicks – Children & Marriage
Stevie Nicks Natal Chart
From Wikipedia:
In a 1989 interview, Stevie gave personal insight as to the meaning of Rooms on Fire:
Rooms on Fire is about a girl who goes through a life like I have gone through, where she finally accepts the idea that there never will be those other things in her life. She will never be married, she will never have children, she will never do those [that] part of life.
We all have our own path, our own karma. Children, spouses, and the traditional trappings isn’t for everyone. I’m just thoroughly impressed that Stevie Nicks knew this or got an astrology consultation to make her aware of it — maybe she even gave herself an astrology consultation.
No children is indicated by Saturn and Pluto in her 5th house but it’s made more difficult by being conjunct. Leo is also one of the barren signs. You would think that wouldn’t be the case since Leo is playful and child-like but that’s exactly why Leo on the 5th house cusp can cause barrenness. That placement suggests the native is a child themselves and can not be responsible. And any child she would have had (probably a boy) would quite possibly have died.
In regards to lack of marriage, in her romance and dating house (the progression from dating to marriage) she more than likely had destructive romances that tested her will (Mars Conjunct Pluto). In her 8th house (House of Domination) she has South Node Conjunct Chiron (I use wide orbs). Marriage wounded her in a past life and continues to wound her. Neptune (which is square her Venus) is near this house cusp (the 6th house, House of Submission) and it’s here where she would attract men of addiction, fantasy, and illusion. In fact, she would likely have this as part of her nature as well — perhaps wanting to be Cinderella and finding her Prince but no mere mortal man could ever be a true fairytale Prince. With the house cusp having the sign in Libra, we have a house that is ruled by Venus and Juno. Any committed partnership could be met with mind games and mental abuse.
She did marry but it was for convenience and surrounding a long time chronic illness of her friend (she married her friend’s widow) – see South Node Conjunct Chiron in the 8th. Perhaps it was a karmic debt repaid..
Stevie Nicks – Rooms On Fire (astrology houses?!)
Virgo & Sorting
This goes out to all my Pisces brothers and sisters, the other half of Virgo. Sorting is fun stuff if you play it like a ‘game’ with a ‘mission’ and all that. Imagine sinking into a sea and coming out into a clear spring… sorting the debris from the clean shiny stuff, is refreshing. Take a dip!
Astrology & Interpretation
There are many ways to interpret things. I’m glad astrology is not cut and dry science ‘only’ because human beings would be one boring lot. ;P Astrology is an art and a science. Computers largely do the scientific work now and astrologers mostly interpret the positions of the planets, luminaries, stars, asteroids, and other cosmic ‘stuff’ into something that non-astrologers can understand. It’s a language.
Sesquiquadrate or Sesquisquare
There seems to be three main themes that come out of the Sesquiquadrate: Adolescence & Maturity, Abnormal Different Ability, and Unaccepted & Unusual Awareness.
Lioncub, Lioness
Aspects: Saturn-Uranus
Saturn-Uranus in disharmony, is like Authority-Rebel or Parent-Teenager or Teacher-Student. These two planets in conversation, are hashing it out and don’t see eye-to-eye.
Traditional Chinese Music
Positive, joyful energy… reminds me of watching the Tai Chi practitioners on top of the Riverdale Park hill in Toronto, while riding the streetcar, on a beautiful day with wind breezing across my face.
The Artist’s Brush is the Cross One May Have to Bare
As I left the AGO (Art Gallery of Ontario), I saw a student (from whom I suspect was coming from OCAD – Ontario College of Art & Design) carrying a large brush made out of cardboard on his shoulder — it looked like an art piece but it also reminded me of Jesus and the bible story of him walking with the cross to a painful outcome. Then I had a thought. The brush represented the cross some artists must bare. Very Neptunian. I wonder if the student had the same idea.
TimeBoxing: Virgo, Capricorn, Mars Square Saturn
Awhile ago I was having immense trouble with my Mars Square Saturn aspect and getting stuff done. I was frustrated, overwhelmed, and my work was imbalanced.
No matter what I got done, I felt it wasn’t enough and that stuff was being left out. So I decided, enough was enough, and set out to create solutions for this problem.
Recently I found out, through Leah Whitehorse, that one of the solutions actually has a name and formal process to it. It’s called Timeboxing – a time management technique, can turn a Mars-Saturn, in hard aspect, to a harmonious one.
If you or your client experiences work related frustration, delays, overwork, etc. consider mentioning Timeboxing (if you don’t already).
For myself, I rotate tasks and jobs throughout the month, and I do a variety of things throughout the day without the expectation that I will complete any of them by the end of day. Some I will and some I won’t and that’s okay because I have a “plan”. :D
Note that I have Gemini on my 6th house cusp and variety is essentially within my day-to-day tasks and how I manage my time.
Somehow I get more done, feel more accomplished and relaxed, don’t neglect one thing for another, and feel less frustrated because I’m getting somewhere — I can see the results.
Hope this helps for someone else. Cheers!
Originally published May 4, 2011
- http://sourcesofinsight.com/2009/01/15/how-to-use-timeboxing-for-getting-results
- http://www.davecheong.com/2006/07/26/time-boxing-is-an-effective-getting-things-done-strategy/
- http://blogs.msdn.com/b/jmeier/archive/2007/10/21/how-to-use-time-boxing-for-getting-results.aspx
- http://www.43folders.com/2005/10/11/procrastination-hack-1025
- http://www.stevepavlina.com/blog/2004/10/timeboxing/
Thanks Nancy Schorr
- http://litemind.com/time-boxing/
- http://www.43folders.com/2005/10/11/procrastination-hack-1025
Being an Artist
Tonight a lady gasped in delight that I was drawing and she remarked about how lucky I was to be able to do what I do and I said, “Nah, I’m just drawing squares and circles!”… “Maybe that’s what the gallery will do for you, inspire your inner artist too.”…
Drawing: Learn & Grow
Meta: The Astrogasm Blog
Alright too many post pictures, videos, and longish posts lately that it’s looking a bit like VirgoVault V2. Need to get this blog back to ‘very short posts’. Hope you’re enjoying my posts!
Thomas Dybdahl: Astrology Readings
Thomas Dybdahl is another artist whose work, tone, and voice resonates with me on deep levels and for good reason.
A special story about my meeting with Thomas. My friend Amy, in the UK, had been introducing me to Norwegian, and Dutch musicians and bands for a couple of years and one of these artists was Thomas Dybdahl. I played the video Amy suggested and searched out another but then didn’t bother much more with it.
Then a year or so later, as I was building my Google+ Music page, I was pouring over some loved music from my past and Thomas’ music popped up. This time I ended up listening to more of his music.
Around that time, I found his Facebook page and saw that he had a live show on Livestream that I was able to watch where he answered viewer’s questions (mine included).
Shortly after that, there was a contest to win two tickets to his show supporting Tori Amos at Massey Hall. I won, with the support of Amy rooting for me!!
Since then, I have not tired of his music so he’s become a favorite but David Bowie is still #1. Oddly, they’re both cardinal signs (David, a Capricorn. Thomas, an Aries).
I probably won’t spend as much time reading Thomas (especially since his time of birth is unknown) but I’ll scratch the surface a bit in a few posts, mainly focusing on his art and what drives it.
David Bowie: Astrology Reading
The best way for me to read Bowie, is probably over time since he’s so darn complex. And Astrogasm is a great space to do it in since the focus is ‘short’ to ‘very short’ posts.
I fell in love with the artistry of David Bowie in the early 1980’s while stylizing my hair with chocolate mouse and listening to the radio. China Girl came on and I had a musigasm in which I proceeded to dance around the room in delight. It wasn’t until decades later, when doing a past life regression, that I found I was a defected Chinese solider in the Han dynasty. I have also naturally appreciated Asian wisdom, art, and aesthetics. I also understand that the title could refer to drugs; heroine.
Anyway, it wasn’t until recently that I found out that a) David and I have an alarmingly number of the same, similar, or interesting natal signatures, b) that our synastry is quite fascinating, and that c) he was very much into the occult, at one point. That’s when I realized we like the work of certain celebrities for a reason! It’s really a mirror reflection of our own great star.
While we are very different as much as we are very much the same, I’ll probably read him in relation to what I know about myself and how he has manifested the same or similar aspect. In that way, there can be a pure read and deep connection to David Bowie, the Chameleon.
Mars & Venus in Love & War
Mars: (Capricorn) Resourceful fighter, (Aquarius) Devil’s advocate fighter, (Pisces) Passive-aggressive fighter.
Mars: (Virgo) Methodical fighter, (Libra) Sweet fighter, (Scorpio) Strategic fighter, (Sagittarius) Zealous fighter…
Mars: (Aries) Fiery fighter, (Taurus) Immoveable fighter, (Gemini) Mental fighter, (Cancer) Emotional fight, (Leo) Dramatic fighter…
How do you fight? Where’s your Mars? :)
I’m Leo.
Venus: (Capricorn) Resourceful lover, (Aquarius) Unusual lover, (Pisces) Dreamy lover.
Venus: (Virgo) Accurate lover, (Libra) Balanced lover, (Scorpio) Intense lover, (Sagittarius)Knowledgeable lover…
Venus: (Aries) Fiery lover, (Taurus) Earthy lover, (Gemini) Mental lover, (Cancer) Emotional lover, (Leo) Dramatic lover…
How do you love? Where’s your Venus? :)
I’m Virgo.
Saturn Opposition Neptune
Saturn Opposition Neptune says: Listen to your intuition. Trust your gut instincts. Keep your feet planted in reality.
David Bowie Quote: I’m a collector of personalities.
“I’m a collector of personalities” ~ David Bowie (Sun-Mars Capricorn in the 12th house)
Quotes: Mars-Saturn
“When Saturn says no, Mars can’t go.” Abella Arthur
Neptune in the 10th: The Man Behind the Curtain, Wizard of Oz
Neptune in the 10th is The Man Behind the Curtain (Wizard of Oz reference). Did you know that Mark Pottenger has Neptune in the 10th? Don’t know who he is? Neither did I.
Astrogasm by Robby Neubauer
Oh yes! Feels a bit like David Bowie, the cosmos, and comic book heroes. <3 it!
Mars Square Saturn: Bucking Authority
Mars Square Saturn natally often means “bucking authority”. Saturn is Grandaddy & Mars is the 40 year old ADULT child who wants to go his own way…
Originally published January 2011
Virgo Humility and Leo Pride
My Sun in Leo really doesn’t like the humility of Virgo. A maladjusted Virgo sort of acts like a doormat along with a sign that says, use me. I mean, having some humility is good but not over-humility. And there’s a time and place for everything. I had to let go of the Leo ego before being able to balance it out (Libra makes a showing!). So now it’s time for Leo to take its rightful place — displaying some pride, and acting on its sense of entitlement. In a good way, of course. Go Leo! ;P
Jupiter ruling 8th house
Jupiter ruled 8th house. Desire to form one’s own religion, philosophy, culture, cult, values, that others follow — especially with Mars & Pluto.
Astronomy: Time & Degrees
360 degree circle 24 hour circle (or day)
Degrees 1/360 hours 1/24
Minutes 1/60 ° Minutes 1/60 h
Seconds 1/60 ’ Seconds 1/60 m
360° = 24 hours
30° (1 sign) = 2 hours
15° = 1 hour
1° = 4 minutes
15’ = 1 minute
1’ = 4 seconds
15” = 1 second
1” = 1/15 second
What’s written in the stars? And is it …
What’s written in the stars? And is it in the cards? Find out from a fabulous astrologer and certified professional tarot card reader. ;-D
Turning Saturn-Mars in hard aspect to a harmonious one
I think the Mars Square Saturn aspect comes down to respect. In natal charts – self-respect and respect of authority figures, in synastry charts – respect of other, who may be an authority on something you’re not.
Turning Mars-Saturn in hard aspect to a harmonious one:
Tip #1 – Acknowledge the old man (Saturn) for his experience, hardship, and wisdom.
Tip #2 – Take your time. Keep commitments. Discipline yourself. Avoid distractions.
Tip #3 – Make a plan, then work your plan. Don’t rush the process but be FEARLESS.
Originally published April 9, 2011
Quotes: Mars & Venus — Men & Women — Masculine & Feminine Energy — Yin & Yang
People who agree with us (Venus), make us softer, allow us to accept / see ourselves, and bring us closer to our destiny. We feel loved & admired.
People who don’t agree with us (Mars), make us stronger, allow us to work on / see ourselves, and bring us closer 2 our destiny. We come alive.
Without Mars, how can we truly appreciate Venus?
Bright Idea: Half-Size Cigarettes
Half-size cigarettes. Idea first conceived in and around July 2004. Since then, seen half-size pop drinks and chocolate bars!! :-) Moral of the story? Half the vice is better?
Bright Idea: Changing Wall Color or Hangings
Colour has a great impact on our psyche so it would be nice to be able to change a room’s wall color or wall paper, at will. It would also be cool to have pictures that rotate or reverse an image so you’d have a wall hanging that would change to suit your mood, event theme, or guest’s tastes. Idea first conceived in and around July 2004. I have since seen transit posters ‘rolling’ a new poster in!!
About Learning Web Design
doctype is similar to a dialect } (x)html is similar to a language a person might speak } head is the head of a person — pretty straight forward } body is the body of a person — pretty straight forward } p, br, table, tr, td, ul, ol and other structural tags are similar to the insides of a body: heart, lungs, intestines, ribs, skeleton, etc. } Attributes are the size, volume, width, height, etc.. of the insides/organs (what a structural tag might look like) } Content is similar to blood, nerve endings, and what’s inside/organs. In other words, content goes between the body tags! } CSS is the outside presentation of the person… their clothing, hair colour, shape of their body, etc. etc.
This bright idea was originally conceived in and around July, 2004.
Original Ideas?
Are there any original ideas? I think not. I think we can modify, add, subtract, and borrow to create something new — that can often appear, original.
My new ideas are either ones downloaded from the collective conscious, universal highway of the mind, or are latent rehashes of something that has occurred before.
From a pure sense, I don’t believe that anyone has an original idea and that every rare idea, made public, was thought of by someone else too — maybe even at the same time so the originality of it is cancelled out.
We’re all connected!
Enjoy cough,cough some of my bright ideas.
Inspired? ©redit
Consultations with Abella: Do you have a Leo, Libra, Virgo, or Cancer Sun, Moon, Mercury, or Rising?!
Do you have a Leo, Libra, Virgo, or Cancer Sun, Moon, Mercury, or Rising?! If you do, you’d probably love to have a consultation with me. For example, I have Jupiter and Uranus in Libra, a Virgo stellium, and Cancer on the DC — so my planets connect to your planets and angles. What that means is that we co-create BIG, POWERFUL, and POSITIVE CHANGES for you.
Hop to it! :P http://www.KnowTheWay.ca