| Astrogasm

The Diary of a Pro Astrologer, Tarot Reader, Numerologist, Psychic, Commentator, Social Worker, Mental and Emotional Athlete, People Mechanic, Biking Babe, Occultist, Artist, Meist, & YOUR Wisdom Guide.

Statistics: Mundane Astrology & Horoscopes

Statistically it’s amazing how many hits a mundane post about world transits will get in comparison to regular astrology posts or how-to astrology posts.  Actually, I imagine the same is true for horoscopes.  This tells me, in some way, that readers would rather be delivered the goods than learn how to read their own charts.

Because I’m a natal astrologer, I’m focused on personal chart readings.  This is one reason why mundane astrology or writing a horoscope column hasn’t interested me as much.  But from time-to-time I get the bug to write about an astrological event, as I did below with Venus Rx.


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Your Best Ego & Subconscious Cop-out Ever

Gasp, it’s almost 12am and I haven’t written a post for the day — no can do… Here’s one I wrote back on May 4, 2009 @ 11:46am and it’s 11:43 pm right now!

Do you do YOUR best or do you do THE best?

Listen to yourself and others when they talk about doing something well. Most of the time you will hear them say they will do THEIR best. However, is their best the best that can be done? I think not. I think that the “I will do my best”, is a subconscious cop-out. It’s along the lines of “I’ll try….”. It allows one to make an excuse in case something one does isn’t good enough for others. It makes one feel good.

Doing your best can be not very good at all and if you are not in a good state of success, then you may not even do as well as what you normally can do. Doing the best is pushing your ego aside (backwards theory), jumping out of your energy field and giving it your all — your best way to accomplish something. In effect, it has nothing to do with you and therefore it can truly be the best.

So push your ego to the back of the line, take responsibility for outcomes, go outside of yourself, and do some hard work. I say, “Hop to it!”.

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Last Two Tarot Cards Of The Major Arcana

I’m itching to do the last two tarot cards of the major arcana.  I think I’ll try to focus some attention on that next.

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I’m Published by Norton. ;P I’ve Been Quoted About What Intuition Means. :-)

“Intuition is a combination of historical (empirical) data, deep and heightened observation and an ability to cut through the thickness of surface reality. Intuition is like a slow motion machine that captures data instantaneously and hits you like a ton of bricks. Intuition is a knowing, a sensing that is beyond the conscious understanding — a gut feeling. Intuition is not pseudo-science.” Abella Arthur

Am I quotable?  Apparently, I am. :D

Part of the  quote above shows in a W. W. Norton, Independent Publishers book about Intuition, as an epigraph (opener to the book), in Chapter One! I’m even ahead of Ralph Waldo Emerson.

‘Search inside book’ for my quote.

I was officially contacted by the author, followed by the publishers last year, to get my consent for use of the quote.  My contact information and one of my website addresses is also provided in the book.

The book is called Clinical Intuition in Psychotherapy: The Neurobiology of Embodied Response and was written by Ph.D psychologist Terry Marks-Tarlow.  It looks pretty good —  high minded, yet useful! What’s also interesting is that Terry loves art and draws profusely, like I do.  A kindred spirit, for sure — possibly even a Leo.

So yeah, I’m officially not self-published only!  LOL

How’s that for the inspiring Sun in the 7th?

Available in Paper or Kindle

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Quotes: Sun Conjunct Mars

Just because I fear something, it doesn’t mean I’ll ‘fall back’. Sun Conjunct Mars is like Aries: Brave, Courageous, Choosing life. I’m a fighter!

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Quotes: “lefty lucy, righty tighty”

“lefty lucy, righty tighty”

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Mercury-Pluto-Mars & Intellectual Dominance

Someone once called me intellectually dominating. When I think of that, I think of Mercury Conjunct Pluto, Pluto in or on the 3rd or 9th houses.

I don’t have any of that but I do have Mars on the 3rd house and Mercury in the 8th (Mercury Conjunct Pluto) so there’s a touch of that, for sure.

However, as much as I’m Saturnian, the most aspected planet for me is Venus and she’s aspected pretty well.  She wants harmony, balance, and sweet nothings.

Mind you, the only planet she doesn’t aspect is Mercury! :P So I wasn’t born to have smooth conversations with others.

I’m pretty sure I was born to challenge judgmental, closed thoughts, and opinions.  And to shake up beliefs (Jupiter Conjunct Uranus and Uranus Conjunct Pluto, by house analysis).

Here’s the thing: I imagine I come off as intellectually dominating when the other person is asserting themselves forcefully (aka arrogance) or presenting the material as a matter-of-fact about a topic they seem not to have researched or know well. If they were Venusian, in their approach, it’s unlikely I’d pull the Mercury-Mars-Pluto card.

While I respect the thoughts and opinions of others, I will often fearlessly assert my thoughts on a subject and yes, I’ll smack you down in a debate if you go there with me, I’m up for it, or I’m not injecting enough Venus into my day.

So yes, I’m smart and yes, I’ll enter into debate about things I know or have experienced so I’m not to be underestimated. And that can be frustrating for someone who seeks a lesser mind. O-o  But I’ll open my ears to what I don’t know and welcome new input.

Funnily enough, the person who said I was this way has Mars in their third (Mercury Conjunct Mars), Uranus on the cusp (Mars Conjunct Uranus), and Saturn Leo in the 9th (Sun Conjunct Saturn) and my Sun and Mars is in Leo! Um…. Projection and suppression anyone?! :P

I <3 astrology. Logic, at its best!

As a side note, you’ll find many writers, and communicators (who have a stranglehold on information in their industry) have prominent Mercury-Mars-Pluto configurations.  That’s because if anyone comes in with new material that goes against or doesn’t support what they’ve said, they’ll try to smack that person down.

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Self-Development: Do You Experience Enough Pain To Change?

Do you experience enough pain to change?
As much as you want to change and say you will change, do you experience enough pain to change?

Pain is the catalyst to doing something. Human beings do not enjoy pain that they haven’t intentionally inflicted upon themselves for pleasure. We, as human beings, want to get as far away as possible from pain and will do almost anything to make that happen.

So if change is not happening in your life, ask yourself: Am I hurting enough? Do I have enough pain to want to remove myself from whatever it is that is causing the pain?

Some humans have a high tolerance to pain. I’m not certain why that is but it is. And because of that, they are willing to place themselves and stay in situations that cause them negative pain.

(Originally published Apr 29, 2009 @ 22:56)

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The Farmer’s Almanac

I ♥ the Farmer’s Almanac.

I first learned of the book when I was a teen and grew up in and lived near farm country.

I’d use it to plan my summer holidays in Toronto. I always wanted those days to be sunny and bright and the Almanac never steered me wrong! Good days!

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Volunteering: Chatting With Older Folk

I’ve been itching to do some volunteer work.

And after being in the hospital emergency (non life threatening section) recently and seeing the joy in two older ladies chatting me up with both of them basically saying, “Gee, if I want to get social, I should come to the hospital again!!”, I realized again what good I can be to older folk.

I’d like to work with older people (65+)… go in and chat with them. I’m good with chatting, and sharing smiles and love to hear stories of days gone past. I don’t want to do much (if any) metaphysical work.

I have Venus Trine Saturn and a Saturn ruled chart.  Ever since I was a teen, I wanted to work with older folk but that never came about but I enjoyed spending time with my grandparents while they were still around. I think during my Uranus Opposition Uranus, I’m wanting to do things I haven’t done yet.

I like older people because a) they have history, b) they have lived through a lot and generally know what’s really important in life, c) they tend to not put on airs — are authentic, and d) they’re stories are a hoot! :D

So if you know a project that could use someone like me (a chatterbox who enjoys socializing with older people — Gemini on the 5th), let me know. I’d love to volunteer in the Toronto area.

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FREE Crisis Lines & Kids Help Phone (Toronto, Canada)

Just got a request to do a reading for a 17 year old. I normally only do 18+ and anyway, I think she’s better served through other free options…
I gave her these numbers:

Kids Help Phone (for teens): 1-800-668-6868

Distress Line: 416-408-HELP (4357) for Toronto

The distress line is available for adults and the kids help phone for 20 and under!

Here’s more crisis line numbers:


Local, Canada, and the US
General:     Telephone # :
211 Toronto     211
Dial 211 around the US and Canada for health and human services

Assaulted Women’s Helpline:      416-863-0511
SOS Femmes (French):      416-759-0138
North York Women’s Shelter      416-635-9427
Toronto YWCA Women’s Shelter      416-693-7342

General crisis Lines:
Toronto Distress Centres:      416-408-4357
Distress Centre of Durham Region:      905-433-1121
Kids Help Phone: (not just for kids)      1-800-668-6868
Community Resource Centers

Drug Addiction / Detoxification:

Centre for Addiction & Mental Health:      416-535-8501
INFO ARF:      1-800-463-6273
St. Joseph’s Health Centre      416-530-6400

Gay Lesbian Bi & Transgendered:
Toronto Area Gays & Lesbians:      416-964-6600
Lesbian Gay Bi Youth Line:      1-800-268-YOUTH

Toronto PWA Foundation:      (416) 506-1400

Information and Referral:
Community Information Toronto:      416-397-4636

Mental Health:
Gerstein Centre Crisis Line:      416-929-5200
East Metro Connections:      416-439-8686
Ontario Distress Centres
Ontario Psychological Association
Ontario Bereaved Families

Rape/Sexual Assault:
Toronto Rape Crisis Centre      416-597-8808

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Music and Street Life

Music makes life much more bearable.

People are like maniacs on the street.  So much negative and nervous energy I pick up. Ugh.

Headset and sunglasses do a good job at tuning out the unpalatable stimulus.

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Carpel Tunnel Syndrome

Lately have been having some twitches in my thumb and a couple of fingers.  The doctor thinks it’s because I’m writing a lot.  LOL. He was so funny.  He did an air-typing animation for me too. Better cool it for awhile on the writing — overuse of hands / fingers. Occupational hazard (Gemini on the 5th / 6th house cusp). ;P

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Work: How to Enjoy It More & Have Success

When you do a job or a task have these three principles to work by:

1. Enjoy it for yourself

If you are bored, how can you make it more fun? Can it be played like a game? What parts do you like about it? Can you do more of that? Listen to the music; find the music within the work, the flow. Talk or write about the work, in a productive way, to people. Take initiative; own your job.

2. Excel at it and be the best

Can you make your job more efficient and productive? Is there something that you can do to your job to make it better than anyone thought it ever could? Can you run a seminar, write a column, become an expert? Excelling at your job means you can move on to more enjoyable activities of your own choosing.

3. Better it for others

Tweak and document processes and procedures so you can have someone take over your job (with ease) once you have reached excellence. This is very helpful for when you want to move on to bigger and better things quickly — onwards and upwards.

Please note: Do NOT use these principles if you want to perform in a mediocre way or do a job just for the money because by following these principles you will be excellent and acquire passion for everything you do.

(First published Apr 16, 2009 @ 8:5)

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Quotes: Opinions & Facts

An opinion is not a fact.

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Neptune Pisces… Models are made

Neptune moved into Pisces on February 4th, 2012.

Quotes from Stephan Bollinger

  • Magic is made
  • Every single image you see… is Photoshopped!
  • …to create the perfect illusion.
  • Models are nothing magical.  Models are made.
  • …appreciate the amazing work that has gone into such pictures from makeup, to hair, to light, to cameras, to angle, to experience, and knowledge, and retouching — all coming together and then the magic is made.  But really there’s nothing magical about it!

I think modelling is magical and the end result is often glamourous but hopeful models may get sucked into the illusion of it being an easy or glamourous job — which it is not.

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How to Read Tarot: Make It Up.

When you are reading tarot for yourself forget that you are trying to come up with anything ‘real’. Instead, make it up. Yup, that’s right. Tell yourself a story. Learn & Know Tarot

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Learning TarotSeek (Tarot) Testimonial

You are an awesome teacher and you truly want me to succeed. Thanks for going above and beyond for me yet again!

Want to learn tarot? Now is the time…

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Consultation Diary (Abella Arthur)

Well, that was a long and eventful day!

(I don’t always write about my sessions but I feel inspired to write about these two sessions)

Got to do a wonderful Kitchen Sink Session with a fabulous Lady who is nearing her Saturn Return.

I started with numerology / astrology / psychic vibes and she was floored pretty much from the start when I told her about her boyfriend. I had listed off a few different careers he could do / was doing and she just listed it back, in greater detail. THAT was surreal and ultra cool. Go numerology / astrology!!

She said she’ll be back to learn more! I hope, because I have a lot more to tell her to help and her astrology is divine!

Then I enjoyed a Learn & Know Tarot training session with M, the complimentary seeker who said, “You really ARE a teacher” (Jupiter in the 9th ;). She also came up with some brilliant insight and said she’s having fun with TarotSeek and is impressed with what she’s coming up with. I’m so proud of her and her tarot development too!

It’s amazing what metaphysical tools such as numerology, tarot, and astrology can tell us about people we supposedly do not know. And I’m so happy that I’m still personally delighted with it. Like, “How can I know this?!”.

I ♥ my students and clients.

In another note: I do love putting my all into everything but I realize that I ought to raise my fees again for first time sessions since I do a lot before and often, after the actual session.

Now off to bed. I’m beat yet content! :D

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New Artwork by Jaisla (Abella): Flower & Photoshop

Original Drawing – October 29, 2009.
Photoshop Mod – March 27, 2012

I like the end result (keep looking until you get to the end!).
And I love patterns and color. There’s so many versions because the colors were a feast for the eyes! :D



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Quotes: On Jealousy

Jealousy doesn’t prove love;  what it does prove, is a concern for potential loss. ~ Abella Arthur

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Fitness: Virgo, Bike Riding in Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Took a nice long 45 minute bike ride to an errand. Beautiful day out. The 1 hour back was grueling. lol

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Life Skills: Trying Different Things Out

I think I try a lot of different things because a) I have Gemini on the 5th and 6th house cusps, b) I like to try my hand at a lot of different things just because it’s fun, and c) It’s a great way to figure out if I have any talent in anything or if something works well. haha…

So don’t be shy. Take a page from me. Make lots of mistakes, maybe even a fool of yourself.

Even if you don’t think you’re good at something, try it anyway and share it. See if people like it. If they don’t, maybe don’t spend as much time on it ;-P or if you love it badly, spend even MORE time developing it.

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Quotes: Abella Arthur Connecting You To Your Truth

I LOVE helping people connect with their truth in very deep ways. I also love helping people get out of their way to success.

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Old Artwork: Spirit of India

October, 2009

Drawing: Spirit of India

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New Artwork: Bathing Beauty

March 23, 2012

Bathing Beauty: Pencil drawing

When I do ‘this kind’ of drawing, I never know what I’m going to do. I draw shapes, turn the paper, and when something ‘develops’, I begin giving ‘form, and shape’ to it so it resembles ‘something’ most can recognize. At the same time, there are occult messages within the drawings — always a story that emerges too. I ♥ art.


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Venus Square Saturn, Being Rejected, & How To Overcome It

Venus Square Saturn on Rejection

Please note: If you want to get a more thorough treatment of Venus Square Saturn, please visit my two part series on VirgoVault.

The native can feel that their love, affection, financial portfolio, artistry, and/or beauty are being rejected and that very well may be the case.

Most of us encounter rejection — not being able to play our music loud at 1am, not getting that loan we wanted, or not being someone else’s type. But it’s how the Venus Square Saturn native deals with normal rejection that sets them apart.

What is rejection anyway? Are you being rejected in whole or in part? Why is the person rejecting something you do, say, or offer? Is it personal?

We all have the right to reject what we don’t like, what doesn’t resonate with us, what doesn’t make us happy, etc. even if we do not get our wishes fulfilled — even Venus Square Saturn natives.

The Venus Sq. Saturn native can do well with not taking rejection personally and to remember that they too reject things, and parts. And it may be their own strong and harsh rejections that makes them acutely aware and sensitive when it comes time for an aspect in themselves to get rejected.

Ve 90° Sa may also want to find out why something is being rejected and consider whether that is something they are willing to change or accept it’s just how they are and they need to find that loan, or love elsewhere.

And a square has the opportunity to become a supercharged trine!!

by the way, I’m Venus Trine Saturn and I recently got rejected for an art installation.  My response: Meh… and NEXT… hey people, look at my artwork. :) Ha!

My stuff isn’t for everyone and I’m sure they have a good reason why they rejected my proposal.  And maybe they made the wrong decision but it’s a mute point because they prefer one thing over another and that’s just life.  Onwards and upwards!! <3

So my suggestion is to strive for my attitude when it comes to rejection, and use the square energy (while turning your square into a supercharged trine) to get you closer to your best match.

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Hard wind, rain, and / or thunder helps …

Hard wind, rain, and / or thunder helps drown out any negative vibes. Go take a walk (even in bad but safe weather) when life is handing you a bad set of cards.

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Music In My Ears

I’m not sure how I ever survived being out and about, riding the local transit, and dealing with the masses without music in my ears.  I wear a nice and thick Sony Headphone (which oddly no one recognizes I’m wearing).  It certainly encourages a constant good mood.  And for a Leo, with a huge dose of Pisces / Neptune these days, it makes me feel like I’m in a movie with some of my favorite friends (vocalists and musicians)!

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Quote: Sincerity

Sincerity shines through. Sincerity = success.

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The Voice & All That It Tells Me

Abella Arthur

The voice to me, is the number one attractor or detractor. I can tell the character of a person within their first sentence.

Being a phone psychic, sound is #1 (even if you don’t talk but you at least must make some sound / noise). Perhaps listening for cues to tell me the story of the person I’m reading, is overdeveloped. I can hear so much in sound. Sound carries so much information in it along with the words, and how they are strung together (ie, the order).

I can hear liars, lovers, friends, and friars in the sound that people utter.

Do you experience that too? The person’s voice is more important than their appearance, body language, or their tone?

When I close my eyes to visual stimulus and focus on sound, alone, a vibrant true story is painted in my mind.

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The World is My Oyster by Thomas Dybdahl (Celebrity Reading)

The sounds are wicked here! I would have loved to been at this gig.  Seems so magical with a perfect symbiotic connection between the band members and the listeners.

The world is my oyster
I can’t seem to swallow it

The world is my oyster
I can’t seem to swallow it

Cold and
Raw I
Stare it down
Even though the moment races past
Wild wild heady thoughts collide
With every thought I’ve tried to hide

Can’t seem to swallow it
The world is my oyster

Can’t seem to swallow it
The world is my oyster

Can’t seem to swallow it
The world is my oyster

Can’t seem to swallow it
The world is my oyster

I can’t seem to give a shit

As I rock back and forth to the sounds of this song (a comforting action, for sure), I think about the song’s meaning…

The lyrics in this song could reflect Thomas’ Sun Sesquiquadrate Saturn aspect.

The world is my oyster represents the Sun (Thomas), while the Can’t seem to swallow it, is something Saturn would say because Saturn is all about reality and the oyster phrase is an absurd play on words due to it being a metaphor. Saturn is also cold and Thomas is feeling cold / Raw I / Stare it down. This song appears as an introspective of Thomas’ state of mind at the time.

The sesquiquadrate is an aspect that needs a helping hand to connect the desires of the two planets. It sort of acts as a type of disability or a lack of help to overcome obstacles, and in this case — depression is reflected in these lyrics by suggesting he can’t seem to give shit (apathy that often occurs when in a depressed state).

People in his environment may have tried to get him to see the light, that there is so much success available to him and to not give up but he couldn’t buy it even though (in the song) he’s trying to convince himself that it is the truth (yes, please do!!). The lyrics Even though the moment races past / Wild wild heady thoughts collide / With every thought I’ve tried to hide are related to the planets Mars (Aries, his Sun sign), Uranus, and Mercury. In his chart, I see that Mercury powerfully Conjuncts Mars and Trines Uranus while Mars forms another Sesquiquadrate with Uranus.

This suggests his mind is fast, bright, but sometimes (again) he needs/needed help to take quick, assertive, and sudden action — to seize opportunities, to naysay tension, to speak up before he loses his thought or gets lost in past and future thoughts, and to act on his brilliant ideas (no self-doubt please!!). If he doesn’t, he’s likely to miss out or has missed out and then he’d get down about it or himself, feel guilty for not doing his all, etc.

As usual, I’m just scratching the surface on my blog and no reading is complete or accurate without the native’s input and agreement.

While this song is sung and played as a melodic ballad, and Thomas usually writes love songs, I think this song is about depression.  But it’s also a song about determination and success! Quite hopeful and uplifting, from the dark of the night — light will shine in the day.

Brilliant and inspired song-writer (Mercury Conjunct Venus in Pisces)!

So yes Thomas, the world IS your oyster! :D

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New Moon in Aries, 2nd House

New Moon In Aries, 2nd House

Make use of your talents!

You long for a secure foundation upon which you can build your life, and you should now go about achieving this. If your relationship still lacks stability or has become less stable, you can do something about this in the weeks ahead. Get rid of any uncertainties, be open and honest about how you see the relationship developing, and see if your own hopes are compatible with those of your partner. After all, you want to be able to rely on him. If you are single and now meet someone, any relationship which develops has good chances of being a stable one.

However, if this doesn’t happen, you should use this time to work on your self-confidence. Ask yourself what you’re good at and take every opportunity to do this. Make use of your talents! Get a sense of how special you are. This will help you create the necessary foundation for a healthy self-confidence. And this self-confidence is in turn the basis for any good relationship.

New Moon in house 2, 2°22
active only on 22 March 2012

Astro.com Personal Daily Horoscope

What’s weird about this is that the New Moon will be in my 2nd house at 2°22 2 (same degree for everyone) on March 22! lol… Lots of 2, 4, and 22 action!!

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Aspect, Planet, Sign Delineation: Many Ways to Read Astrological Signatures

As many astrologers would agree, one aspect or signature does not tell the full tale.

How could someone who loves to sing (me!) actually sound good (maybe) if they don’t have the classic aspects for a vocalist — Sun Conjunct Venus or Mercury, and Venus Conjunct Mercury?!

Well, my Venus is in Virgo and it goes like this:

* Venus in the 6th or 3rd
* Mercury in the 7th or 2nd
* Venus Conjunct Vesta
* Venus Conjunct Mercury

Phew, all from one planet and one sign combination!

Getting to Venus Conjunct Mercury, with this method, shows that I have underdeveloped singing talent!

I may not become a superstar vocalist but I do have it in the astrological DNA or as a signature, though hidden! And it’d be better if it were Venus Gemini (as Mercury has a stronger rulership over that sign)! But with practice, and training I might be able to sing where people aren’t trying to run away from my sound. Ha ha.

Or I might be able to become a one hit wonder (coming out of nowhere, the underdog!). :-)

As probably can be discerned, one aspect or astrological signature can open the reader and seeker to so much more. That’s one reason why astrology is complex (yet simple, at the same time).

When I tell you that I have Venus Virgo, you know at least FOUR things about me (see the bullets!).

You know that I:

* love to talk and communicate with all sorts of people.
* love to serve and I am a devoted lover.
* make money from communicating.
* value health related things such as fitness, organic and natural food, etc.
* talk a lot to my partners and business associates.
* frequent communication, speaking, etc. is part of my daily habit or work.
* show my love to others when they are sick and that I am loved, when I am sick. Also that I get love-sick and love can sicken me! But I love to shower my love on to a partner, everyday! Yeah, I’m an affectionate PDA kind of Gal. ;P

Oh shoot, that’s more than four things (dang houses)!! And it’s still a superficial delineation.

Now with my Venus being in the 8th, I have a deep Plutonic vibe.  I write my own songs and I’ll sing about themes that are often deeply painful or dark in tone (if you discover the underlying occult meaning, that is).

So, I’m not finished with my bullet points yet — with Venus in the 8th, I also have Venus Conjunct Pluto!!

Get more out of reading aspects, planet and sign, charts… feel it, know it, own it.

If there are duplicate or triplicate signatures (ie You have Venus Virgo in the 6th), you’ll know there’s a powerful theme going on — take note.

Here’s another one…

Venus Capricorn is like:

* Venus in the 10th
* Saturn in the7th or 2nd
* Venus Conjunct Saturn

Now, you try it.  Take any planet and break it down.  If you want more of an explanation, reply.  Heh, reply anyway.  It’s nice to know people are reading and if you want it to show up on your twitter timeline, just hit the ‘bird’ image before posting!

To learn more about the myriad of ways to delineate an aspect, check out my four part Virgo Vault blog post series from February 2011.

This post inspired by twitter friend, ringthedamnbell

Now off to get the bike tuned up for a long spring, summer, and autumn of biking goodness!!

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Artwork: Elephant

Some time in 2011. I might put colour to this later.

Title: Elephant

With all my abstract, swirly pics, I don’t start out with anything in mind.  It’s only afterwards where an image appears along with a story. The tusks are an important metaphor with this one as well as the eyes of ‘shock’ and the two halves of a heart or elephant ears.

This way of doing art may have something to do with my Venus Tredecile Ascendant aspect.

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Happy International ASTROLOGY Day

And I’ll close the day by saying… Hope you had a…

Happy International ASTROLOGY Day

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New Artwork: Spring Is Here — Flowers…

I’m not much of a painter and I’m not happy with this painting but I’m going to post it anyway. :D

In fact, when I say I’m not much of a painter — I mean it. This is only my second painting and I have zero technical painting knowledge (which is most likely evident) but I LOVE art and playing with things, and making things.

Interestingly, I hadn’t clued into the fact that today was the first day of spring or Aries until after I painted this collection of Spring Flowers or is that Spring Stars!.

Cool, huh?!

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Mega Biking & I’ve decided to get out every day…

I’ve decided to get out ‘every day’. I work from home, and get comfy easily, so this is a HUGE deal. And for the next 8 months, I also plan to take my bike short and long distances while avoiding public transit, when I can. So I’m going to get all the ‘commuter’ gear that I can get and get doubly fit.

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Northern Hemisphere Vernal Spring Equinox: Happy Day To You!

Spring is my favorite season and what a beautiful day to ring in the Vernal Spring Equinox! In Toronto, it’s been a perfect 20+°C sunny, slightly cloudy, with a little breeze ‘happy day’.

In the Northern Hemisphere winter officially ended at 1:14 a.m. ET on Tuesday, March 20, 2012—the vernal equinox, or spring equinox—making today the first day of spring.

Current Weather for Tues. Mar 20, 2012, 17:00 EDT Pearson Airport

A few clouds

A few clouds

  • Wind : SE 15km/h
  • Sunrise : 7:20
  • Sunset : 19:31
  • Relative Humidity : 60%
  • Pressure : 102.18 kPa
  • Visibility : 24.0 km
  • Ceiling : unlimited
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Quotes: Why Earthly Humans Can’t Do Without Venus & Mars

Earth is sandwiched between Venus and Mars.

Love, Art, Money, Beauty, Ambition, Sex, Identity, Activity, Women, Men, Femininity, and Masculinity make the world go around.

Earthlings get caught in the middle of Libra (partnerships) and Aries (self-hood).  Human beings feel the push and pull, yin and yang of peace and war, love and hate.

As a whole, we try to express the interdependent space between co-dependence and independence — an ‘at-one’ with others and ourselves.

On the surface, Venus spews her “love, not war”, “we’re in it together” campaign, while Mars suggestively asserts “all for one, and one for all (get it?!)”, “fight, instead of flight”, behind closed doors. We often end up feeling a tug-o-war — an us vs. them.  An I, vs. we.  And yet, it’s neither for Earth.

We ask ourselves:  What is real? Am I crazy? Is it me or other?

As we are showered with Venus (Air, Earth) and Mars (Fire) themes in our everyday lives, we can benefit from remembering that we’re from EARTH (full of water).

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Dream Manifestation: Write It Down & It Will Happen

There’s not a lot of ‘popular thought or sayings’ that fit my karma but this one works for me…

I was going through my papers last night and again, I noticed a pattern.  Any dream I wrote down,  I have achieved or I am well on my way to fully achieving.  Even if it’s years later, I saw that I made it happen.  But I noticed there was nothing left to achieve and the stuff that had a luke-warm achievement was due to not being specific enough.

For example, one thing I wanted in my life was regular exercise and while I have achieved that, I haven’t been consistent.  So last night, I wrote that I want to have at least a half hour of ‘moderate to heavy breathing’ exercise in the morning and a half hour at night, everyday.  If I do more, great! Which reminds, I want to add a Pilates and Yoga practice to that regime, whether it be meditative, physical, or otherwise — okay 15-20 minutes a day for that one (for now).  Must write that down too (though it’s written here as well).

Our fingers have meridians flowing through them.  That’s why you see in fantasy stories the use of wands and such and the emission of a powerful light or energy. Let your fingers manifest your dreams.  If you do not have them, let your toes do it.  No toes either? There are meridians flowing through your whole body; use whatever you have to manifest your dreams through your body.

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Drawing: Garden & Grow

March 7th, 2012 Drawing: Garden & Grow
During AGO, Ian Baxter& Exhibit

Different angle with sweet purple-blue positive candle!

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Libra, Leo, Aquarius, Gemini Love Learning From Me

Later degree Libra, Leo, Aquarius, Gemini Suns love learning from me because of my Jupiter in the 9th house. Aries, Leo, Sag, Aquarius also enjoy learning from me as I have Mars on the 3rd house cusp. Having said that, it is a Mars placement so there could be competitive, overly aggressive, or testing elements there.

Other signs will enjoy learning from me as well because it’s not just the Sun sign.  I’ll just make those Sun signs feel great while they are learning from me but say you have those signs in your Ascendant, Moon, Mercury, or Venus we may get on very well with each other too!!  And, of course, since I’m teaching occult subjects — anyone with Virgo will benefit greatly from and admire my style of teaching.

Also, my Jupiter is late degree and Uranus is early degree Libra.  I could also expand the consciousness of early degree Scorpio, for example. Basically if you feel good about how I express myself (wisdom), you’ll probably enjoy learning from me.

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Astrology Play: Find Your Niche or Special Offering

Astrology Play: Read your chart as if everything in it is for everyone else. For example, I have Moon in the 8th. I open up the psychic and psychological pathways in others to discover.

Saturn in the 4th gives others a stable and secure home base, grounds others in reality and responsibility in home life. Neptune in the 10th gives people the ability to make me up, to provide magical and spiritual experiences for others. My Jupiter in the 9th Trine North Node in the 2nd provides an expansive and abundant learning experience for others to help them actualize their full potential. With North Node in the 2nd house, I’m also able to help others get paid doing ‘psychic’, ‘spiritual’, ‘dream’, or ‘art’ work since I had the same struggle. Mars Square Midheaven challenges others to get off their behind and fight for their rights and their dreams.

What have you discovered? What’s your niche? What’s your special offering to the world, for your clients, friends. or lovers?

This post semi-inspired by DreamerGame.  More on this topic can be found on my Virgo Vault blog.

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Self-Tarot Reading Training by Abella Arthur, CPTR

I teach in a way that provides you the confidence to eventually earn a living being a psychic, if that is your destiny. If it is not, you’ll become empowered and receive tremendous value in being able to read (with certainty and confidence) your own tarot cards.

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Female Leo Sun’s, With Lots of Virgo Energy Make For…

Female Leo Sun’s, with a lot of Virgo energy make for this image: The Queen serving food in a soup kitchen. A noble leader.

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Where Is Your Sun? What Do You Bring Others?

Where is your Sun? What do you bring people? My Sun is in the 7th. I bring people improved self-confidence, and identity in: partnerships, beauty, art, and money!

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Fishead: Personal Sociopathy & Corporate Psychopathy


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What Makes an Aspect Minor or Major? (Astrology, Zodiac)

I do not agree with so-called “minor aspects”.  I rather call them “shadow” aspects.  And major aspects — “common or popular”.  Every degree on the wheel has something to offer us.  I’m fairly certain there are 360 aspects out there just as there are 360 Sabian symbols.

It’s all about “patterns” for me…

The clients I work with often have sesquiquadrates (traditionally considered a minor aspect).  I’m beginning to think it’s why they come to see me. They are coming to me for what is hard for them to understand and solve on their own.  They come to me for what they can’t see clearly on their own.

Since I believe people are smart, knowledgeable, and capable — they are not seeking “common or popular” knowledge, as it would be right in front of their eyes (what the problem was)  — they would have already caught on to it and wouldn’t need me much to help them get to the light.

Shadow aspects (minor)  hide in the background.  They are hard to see and hold on to but they are still extremely important in solving often long-standing and difficult problems or hard-to-reach destinies.

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