| Astrogasm

The Diary of a Pro Astrologer, Tarot Reader, Numerologist, Psychic, Commentator, Social Worker, Mental and Emotional Athlete, People Mechanic, Biking Babe, Occultist, Artist, Meist, & YOUR Wisdom Guide.

Dis-Empowerment & Re-Empowerment

Disempowerment: To deprive of power, authority, or influence : make weak, ineffectual, or unimportant.

To be negative towards someone, or negate their ideas, or feelings – to suggest they’re wrong, and inaccurate but to not give them a chance to correct their action, idea, or do better.

Potential feelings from a dis-empowering event:
* Open mindedness
* Stability
* Justice
* Negative energy
* Humiliated
* Embarrassed
* Frustrated
* Belittled
* Outraged
* Angry
* Helpless
* Fear
* Intimidated
* Confusion
* Lost
* Undervalued
* Burnt out
* Emasculated
* Dejected
What needs to happen reset and re-balance, for re-empowerment:
* Support
* Compassion
* Knowledge
* Civility
* Time
* Tolerance
* Level playing field
* Needing space
* Sleep
* Education. Being told what’s going on. Learning.
* Guidance
* Closure
* Love
* Protection
* Safety
* Smile
* Kindness
* Respect
* Hug
* Empathy
* Support
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The Astrology of Projections & How to Heal Them

Projections are insidious and pose a difficult paradox to solve, as one attempts to weave through the labyrinth. Projections are extremely hard to get a handle on, as our unconscious often finds the material too upsetting to handle openly and directly.

In astrology, personal projections are the domain of the 1-7th house axis.
Non-personal projections are the domain of the 4-10th house axis.

Have you had someone project their shadow or gift on to you, and after self and external reflection — your impression is that while the projection may have something to do with you, it is more likely material that the projector is attempting to work out?

Are you saying: I’m fine or comfortable with that? I’m not too much, or too little of what they’re saying about me? Then the projector may be using you as a scapegoat to work out their issues.

If that’s the case, here are six ways to respond to, and resolve projections from others so that you don’t get tied up into the drama of their psyche AND so they begin to do their own dirty work:

1. Yes, I know. And…? (Alt: I know I am, but what are you?)
2. Oh — so you’ve been working with that (doing that, etc.)?
3. Thanks, but no thanks.
4. Let me tell you about a time when…
5. That’s interesting..
6. Oh — Is that what you think about yourself / your motive? (Alt: I know you are, but what am I?)

Four ways to learn from what you project:

1. Notice the negative and positive things you say about and to other people. You know — the judgements, assumptions, and character flaws and character brilliance.
2. How does or has that manifested in your life? Do you want more of less of it?
3. Resolve, Redeem, or Renew. Resolve, Redeem, or Renew. Turn negative, into positive. Enhance positive, and see the dark side. There is no light, without the dark.”
4. Forget about it. Stop noticing it in others. When you do, nod. When they do, nod. Don’t give it energy, or weight. Understand. Have compassion.

If you haven’t learned much about projections (outside of what I wrote above), here are a few informative links:

Wiki Answers on Projection & Transference | Shadow Projection is Its Own Medicine | The Astrology Place Note: The out of print Liz Greene book noted at The Astrology Place is probably connected to this book (a less expensive option). Barriers and Boundaries: The Horoscope and the Defenses of the Personality. I haven’t read either so I am not certain of their contents.

One day I hope to gain a degree in sociology/psychology. And I would like to institute “Projection therapy”. Which would be as simple as: What don’t you like about another? And the therapeutic dialogue part would be to help the patient acknowledge, accept, and resolve that within their own make-up. As well as find solutions to problems, as all answers are contained within — and are connected to the universal mind.

Projections are a painful truth, and is a self-healing tool.

“The unconscious side of us has a different schedule to the conscious side. It wants to get a certain experience by constellating into our lives those lessons the unconscious needs. It does this by manifesting outside events and influences that override the efforts of the conscious to avoid them.” Alison Chester-Lambert from Astrology Reading Cards.

If you were not aware before, be aware now — anything, I mean ANYTHING you say about someone else can easily be connected back to you. There is an interplay between yourself and other or the internal and external.

You can’t know, what you don’t know exists.

The one exception (that I can readily assess) is if you are *trained* to observe and see something in another such as a psychologist, officer of the peace, etc. and without a doubt do not possess that particular trait in abundance, or of note. Another example is if someone points out a trait or projection to you such as a friend, family member, or the projector themselves.

Do note that even if you do not utter projections out loud, they are still occurring. And just because someone says something about someone else, does not mean they are not aware of that very same thing existing within their own selves. In other words, not everyone is ignorant to their projections. You can find this out, if you will, by questioning them (see Six Ways above).

And if you find yourself saying something nice or naughty about me, do consider that it’s probably a projection — for good or evil and may not actually be my truth.

Astrology Angular House Projection Examples:

Mars in or on the 7th (Barack Obama, Colin Farrel, Stephen Arroyo, Sylvia Brown, Janet Jackson, Demi Lovato, Tina Turner, Mariah Carey, Adolf Hitler, Tom Cruise, Rihanna, Whitney Houston: The native may think that others are the one’s being aggressive and competing against them. This may be true, as the native attracts similar creatures, but they TOO are also of such a temperament. The positive projection of Mars in 7th is attracting sexual, active, and fearless partners.

Neptune in or on the 10th: The native projects the unconscious of the people. The people also project their collective conscious on to the native. This placement is often great for spiritual leaders (Jesus, Mother Theresa, Oprah Winfrey, Liz Greene, Aleister Crowley) who are in a position to redeem and rehabilitate their sisters and brothers. But also great for actors and performers, who need to readily connect to and carry away the spirit of the viewing audience (Orlando Bloom, Clint Eastwood, Russel Crowe, Trent Reznor, Bob Marley).


Listen to Paul Levy speak about Wetiko / Projections…

The following is an example of 4th/10th non-personal projections. Alanis Morissette: Mars on 10th, Moon Scorpio (Pluto) in 4th. Moon Square Mars. Mars in 12th. Mars Square Uranus, Venus, Moon.

“Not All Me”

I wear their faces all on top of my face
I am the perfect target screen
For your blindly fueled rage
I bare the brunt of your long buried pain
I don’t mind helping you out
But I want you to remember my name

It’s not all me
It’s not all my fault
I may remind you, but I won’t take it all on

Past riddled rage
I see the buttons I engage
With my dignity in place?
I’m all too happy to assuage

It’s not all me
It’s not all my fault
I may remind you, but I won’t take it all on

Lest I find my voice
Find the strength to stand up to you
Lest I stay to my limit
And only take on what is mine to

We are a team
I’m here to help mend and reseam
All I trigger unknowingly
A job I hold in high esteem

It’s not all me
It’s not all my fault
I may remind you, but I won’t take it all on

It’s not all me
It’s not all my fault
I may remind you, but I won’t take it all on
I’ll only take some of it

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The Social Psychology of Takers & Givers & Why It’s So Wrong

Do people understand that eventually if they keep “taking”, the “giver” is going to stop giving?

Some guy on a blog said there needs to be givers and takers for an equal balance, but said straight-up that most people are “takers”. Well, if most people are “takers”, and few are givers (I’m one) — then how the heck does that work?

I agree with him that ideally there are takers and givers between us; however, in equal or reciprocal measure. I take sometimes, you give sometimes, it switches — and it all works out in the end without keeping score.

But eventually the givers will stop giving because you don’t have to keep score to notice you’re on the losing end (giving, and giving and others taking, and taking).

I imagine the takers will go elsewhere when the giving stops. And if they never appreciated what they got, I guess then it doesn’t really matter — good riddance to them.

But it’s unfortunate when I have to hold back (against my own very generous nature) because there are too many takers ready to suck me dry. In other words, it comes down to me doing self-care, self-interest, and self-responsibility.

And if people, in general, gave more — I wouldn’t have to concern myself with holding back. I wouldn’t have to think about not exhausting myself, or avoid giving too much so I don’t give the message that it’s okay to use me — when it’s not.

But I’m Sun Leo in the 7th (ruled by Venus, Juno, Libra) and have Jupiter-Uranus Libra — so my views are a little skewed or screwed! LOL

Quinn commented on FB post I wrote about this topic: I can see why the business world was needed, most people are too tight fisted and have to be practically forced to hand over their cash. And I believe that to be sadly true. Another commenter said that they think it’s a “fear of loss”, “so they hold on so tight to what they have”. And another said, “I think people fear maybe that the giving will cease, and fear makes us all fucking stupid.”

What I find strange is that Takers like to think of themselves as decent people. And they are the first to say they don’t want to be lied to, cheated, or used — so they will go out of their way NOT to give you anything for fear of that happening… which means the have NO Problem doing that to you, even if you give to them!! LMAO… Can we get a Hell Yeah for PROJECTION?!?!?!

My mind boggles and bobbles at some people’s antics.
A selfish “friend” of mine said the other day that he had “nothing to give”… Oh My G! Really?! I will give these people the benefit of a doubt, and figure their sense of worth is soooo low that all they think they should be doing is taking since they feel they have NOTHING but that’s farthest from the truth.

I said, Can you help out? Can you move things? Can you do an errand? Can you make me a coffee? Can you use your musical talents to brighten my day?! I mean seriously, it’s as COP OUT to say you have nothing and the other person has everything so you must take from them.

Admit it: You’re selfish, and/or you feel worthless. And the one way for you to feel better is to take from those that aren’t, and don’t.

Some Guy’s Thoughts on Givers and Takers

My notes are in (parentheses) and in red.

A comment from the website, LovePanky, regarding an article on How to Stop Selfish People from Hurting YouHow can you recognize a selfish friend or partner, and how do you stop them from affecting your life? Find out how to deal with selfish people here.

“their are two types of people.
givers and takers. in order for a relationship to work you have to have a balance between the two

two takers will never work for obvious reasons (Very true)

two givers will work but only for so long until (Not true)

a giver is a person that likes to please people (TRUE!), and will go out of their way to do so (Because they want you to enjoy life as much as possible!!), givers how ever want appreciation in return (um, yeah!!), and two givers wont work because they will fight for appreciation , i know it sounds ridiculous (say what?!) but its true.

(Yes, I DO want appreciation but two givers CAN work. You BOTH appreciate each other. This guy is likely a Taker and doesn’t understand reciprocity in the first place. LOL.. Oh and you don’t have to “fight” for appreciation — just give it, where and when appropriate. hehe).

the reason why a giver and a taker work so well, is because they compliment each others personalities. one will be appreciated, the other will be content (if you’re being used, I’m not sure how the taker is appreciating that beyond seeing you as LESS than them and feeling smug about that), the fact is that there are more takers in the world then their are givers (can I get a Yeah-HA… you nasties… LOL), identify who who are and be honest with what you want, all humans are selfish in the end (well, this is true… more or less… due to humans wanting to survive but there’s a difference between greed, being selfish vs. sharing and being self-interested)“.

From All Things Healing, June’s Top Five Astro-Events by Michael Wolfstar

Jupiter enters Cancer on the 26th where it remains through mid-July 2014. Empathy increases tremendously over the coming year, allowing a renewed spirit of generosity, forgiveness and tolerance to enhance all relationships, especially between family members. Over the next three weeks, as Mercury retrogrades through Cancer, think about where you can feel most at home.

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The Prison Planet: Uncommon Yet Plausible Thoughts Regarding The Purpose of Man on Earth

I’m not a religious person, by much of anyone’s standards.

I went to Baptist churches until I was around seven years old. My mom was a non-practicing Catholic from the East coast of Canada. And I’ve got Inuit (Eskimo) in me.

I consider myself spiritual.

I’ve participated in a coven, been a solitary witch, connected to paganism, investigated Scientology, practiced Buddhism, explored the Universal Unitarian church due to all its diversity, played around with various psychic and earth practices, converted to Islam in my early twenties (connected to marriage) and haven’t practiced it since the 90’s, and looked into Jewish mysticism.

But I found a lot of it to be lacking.

While I’m not a fair weather friend, and I’m very loyal (Venus Trine Saturn) — I’m not loyal to religion or a spiritual practice unless it continues to serve my highest good (Sag on 11th/12th, Jupiter in the 9th).

So if I’m to be anything religious, astrology is my religion. It still continues to serve my highest good.

However, I think most religions have something of value to share with us.

I’m telling you all this because what I’m about to say might sound religious, and I hope you’ll put what I say into the context of my experiences, and knowledge.

Also, if you’re a highly sensitive person who is currently ungrounded — you may want to skip what I’m about to say until you’ve got your feet firmly planted.

Uncommon Yet Plausible Thoughts Regarding The Purpose of Man on Earth

I think we’re all prisoners, and that human beings have sinned or transgressed. Earth is a huge jail.  Saturn is our warden. Saturn is the devil. The devil governs or rules Earth — not God. This is a God forsaken planet! Though the concept of God, rules ALL. God intervenes when the Devil / Saturn has went to far, and we’ve prayed for help. Sometimes, we still won’t get help. Our souls (Neptune, spirit) are encased in walking jail cells (note our body is made up of cells!).  We have a sentence to carry out, and there’s no “get out of jail for free” card. Though we may get to check out earlier, for good behavior or for incorrect incarceration. We’re here to redeem ourselves so we get off, and stay off this rock — unless we want to come back to help those who are struggling to get off.  Our bodies, are shackles (or walking prison cells)– keeping our spirit (Neptune) bound to the earth (Saturn). Natally I have Saturn (in the 4th) Opposition Neptune (in the 10th) so these thoughts are ones I’ve played with quite a bit. Some people want to fly, or escape — feeling chained in. Suicide is incredibly frowned upon, because we have a sentence to live out. If a person does this, they will hang in a holding cell (purgatory), until they’re processed and sent straight back to prison (Earth) with an even longer and harder sentence!  Think about a prisoner escaping, and being caught from a traditional jail. Not a good option, my friend. To that end, we keep coming back (re-incarnation) until we’ve elevated ourselves — nirvana. (ie non-attachment, surrendering, allowing, etc). Some can reach Nirvana on Earth, but from what I understand they quickly die thereafter. I’m a sinner too.  Why else am I on this planet?  Could I be an angel on Earth? Possibly. But no matter what, I’ve at one time sinned, and I continue to sin. In archery, the term SIN means: Missed the mark!  I’ve made a lot of mistakes, and experienced a lot of pain.  And with that, I learn. I grow. I am highly motivated to get off this rock, once my sentence has been served. When I get a jail pass, I attempt to elevate myself by doing good, helping others succeed and grow, and enjoy the spirit/matter creations of others and myself (music, artwork, nature, etc.)

So what about most of us wanting to LIVE, and not die?  If earth contains a bunch of heartaches, stress, disease, etc.. maybe we want to live because we realize we haven’t rehabilitated ourselves yet, and that we’ll have to come back if we haven’t cleared our debt. Once we do, heaven is on our side. But it also could be to keep us living, to finish out our sentence. We have a sentence to carry out, and we need to WANT to carry it out. We could also be theatre, for the Gods. Truly, it seems that the ones that die young — are the luckiest. “The good die young”. And when people say, “There in a better place. Inherently, they know that to be true!” Living on Earth, is no easy task. But sometimes, we’re able to have enough fun to forget about how hard it is. These rewards help us to keep working towards redeeming, and rehabilitating.

Also of note is the Uranus Return, that happens around 84. Uranus, ruling Aquarius (who is co-ruled by Saturn), is about freedom — freedom from Saturn’s restriction.  And as an Air planet — detaching itself from matter (the body, Earth, Saturn). A lot of people will die or get sick around this age or when Saturn/Uranus crosses an angle, or enters one of the houses of endings (4,8,12). Basically they will have served their sentence, and so their body dies to free their spirit. Uranus, Pluto, and Saturn are planets that separate our bodies from our spirit.

Further regarding the planets in the houses of endings: Be wary of Uranus, Pluto, or Saturn crossing the ascendant — representing the potential release of the body (or rather, spirit). Death can be seen through the water sign houses (4,8,12) — especially as they cross the 1st and 4th angles/angels. As well as when they return — they are conjuncting your natal Saturn, or Uranus. Moon conjunct Moon, in combination with other celestial events, can also indicate death. Being that the Moon (Cancer) is opposite Saturn (Capricorn) and so they are tied together. Maybe one day I’ll write a post about celestial events that indicate when the spirit might become released from matter. For example another indicator is transiting Pluto opposite the natal Sun.

There’s more, there’s always more…

I’m Capricorn rising (Saturn), and Saturn is my first rising planet, situated in the 4th and Opposing Neptune Scorpio (in the 10th).

Semi-related. I saw the Revealing The Early Renaissance, show at the AGO – and there was a lot of astrology and tarot in there!

Ten things you need to know about life

If These Trees Could Talk – Red Forest (Full Album Upload)

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Cosmic Weather Column & Horoscope – EastYorker Paper, by Abella Arthur

Cosmic Weather

by Abella Arthur, for EastYorker

Abella Arthur has practiced astrology for over 20 years. She is available for private consultations and parties — putting the cosmos into a personal perspective for you and your loved ones. She can be reached on her website.

Covers the period of April 5th to 19th

Spring fever arrives with the stage set for surprise romances, friendships, and extra money in your pocket.

We’re in the thick of an Aries stellium. Aries is the sign of assertiveness, war, winning, initiative, masculine activities, and intense bursts of physical expression. It is the first sign of the zodiac and marks the first day of spring (vernal equinox) which was on March 20th this year. A stellium means there are three or more planets in the same sign, and it creates a specialized concentration of energy as it relates to the themes of that sign.

Right now we have the Sun, Venus, Mars, and Uranus in Aries. And with Jupiter still in Gemini, and connecting to this lust for life Aries stellium — lots of opportunities for unexpected romance, looking your best, movement, and financial well-being are available to you.

Aries is the next best time to assert new year resolutions made back in January. Yes, you have a second chance to make a fresh start or put something totally new on your agenda. And if love, money, and beauty are some of your goals – this is a fabulous time to get a head-start.

Aries: You and your fire sign friend, Leo, are about to be struck by cupid, beauty, and new friendships. Enjoy the heat, and stoke the fire. The scales are tipping to your favor.
Taurus: Invest in your finances, and see them grow faster than usual. For those green thumbs, start your gardening or nature projects and plans.
Gemini: Your self-esteem and zest for life is about to soar. Take time out to feed your mind, and your mouth with what’s hot at the moment.
Cancer: Bring more passion into your home by energizing your desires through spring cleaning.  It will ground you.
Leo: You and your fire sign friend, Aries, are about to be struck by cupid, beauty, and new friendships.  Bask in the light of the fire, and move past love lost.
Virgo: Work on your communication, and analysis for all tasks done.  It’s time to think about your educational interests again, and possibly a change in job — making more money.
Libra: Don’t fight or oppose what’s going on. Let it expand your mind, and let love in. Actually, invite that sparkly someone out to a lively meeting place.
Scorpio: Get wrapped up into all that intensity. You’re a little cautious about a younger or less experienced person.  Test the water, and don’t give up until you do. If they pass, show your warm side.
Sagittarius: You’ll get noticed if you get moving. Show off all your luscious love for living and learning large. What did you know before, and what do you know now?
Capricorn: Use all that friction as motivation to do it your own way. Break out of the mold, and entertain others through the music of your soul.
Aquarius: You’re in seventh heaven. All is well in your world, and you have more joys than you can handle. Build your love.
Pisces: Your mind keeps floating with fast thoughts, but not to worry — you’re moving forward and something will gel soon. Life on solid land can be had.

Jupiter square Chiron, on 27 March (14 Mar. – 5 Apr.)
Pluto sextile Chiron, on 4 April (15 Mar. – 23 Apr.)
Venus conjunction Mars, on 7 April (4 Apr. – 9 Apr.)

Abella Arthur has practiced astrology for over 20 years. She is available for private consultations and parties — putting the cosmos into a personal perspective for you and your loved ones. She can be reached on her website.

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The BASIC Topics for Astrological Interpretation

Learning Astrology

Fixed Stars
Arabic Parts


Aspects & Interaspects
Aspect Patterns


Generating & Reading Charts
Gylphs & Symbols
Reading the Ephemeris
Chart Interpretation
Chart Balances


Intermediate to Advanced astrology

  • Puts the theory into practice. All that is learned is used in actually reading the charts of strangers.
  • Special techniques (such as midpoints, harmonics, hypothetical planets, depositors, eclipses,  AstroDyne, and planetary hours), often developed by modern astrologers, are used.
  • Other specializations, branches, and charts are explored and practiced. These include, but are not limited to: Horary, Solar Return & Arc, Progressions, Vocational, Medical, Mundane, Uranian, Hellenistic, Synastry etc.
  • A personal approach is found.


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Synastry: Improving Human Relations w/ Astrology — the AC (1st house) & DC (7th house)

I’ve come across astrologers saying that person A’s Ascendant on person B’s Descendant makes for a good fit, but it wasn’t until tonight that I realized why.

Basically it goes like this: The 7th house is about what we need from others, and what we project onto them as doing or not doing.

7th house others, can be: romantic partners, a school-mate, a best friend, a business associate, etc. — basically someone we are strongly committed too by verbal, written, or action-oriented contract (for example).

If you don’t have a partner in life, who has their AC on your DC, you’ll probably be left wanting.  You’ll probably even find that your partner (if you have one) wants you to do your DC for them but are in no way prepared or interested in doing that for you — snubbing reciprocity, and fairness.

Example: I have Cancer on the DC. I find that my partners are often needy, and emotional.  Fact is, I am too.  I notice that they need or desire mothering, and nurturing.  The fact is, I ALSO want to be mothered and nurtured.

The 7th house is the house where we tend to want (subconsciously) to have our conscious actions to be mirrored (by the way, the reverse is true here! An insidious house this is), and where we can be co-dependent given that Venus Libra, and Juno naturally rule the house.

When we don’t get our DC needs met through our partner(s), we reduce our effectiveness and can feel unloved. In my case, it also causes emotional anxiety, instability, and uncertainty due to the at-home Moon sign of Cancer being on my DC. So…

Tip: Do your AC for others, and your DC for yourself.

Example: I have Cancer on the DC. I need to make MYSELF comfy, and give myself a dose of self-care. It is better not to put this kind of focus onto another, especially when they haven’t done so for me first, or haven’t asked for it.

It may seem selfish (Aries) at first, to use your DC traits on yourself when it’s natural to do it for others (Libra), but it’s what will ultimately create balance and harmonize the Aries-Libra polarity.

It’s also what will keep you honest. The fact is — you secretly want others to give you those DC traits and you’re or you’ve been role modeling in hopes that it will come back to you (and rarely will it, unless your partner’s AC is on your DC or some other signature mimics it). And if you’re unattached, you’ll want to take care of yourself so that you can a) attract healthy partners, and b) feel satisfied. “Have a relationship with yourself”.

To further harmonize and balance this polarity — and still do for others, you can share your ascendant qualities freely and without the pain that comes with sharing your descendant qualities.  That’s because you just do the ascendant really well.  In fact, you may not even know you’re doing it because it comes so naturally to you. It’s like a baby who may be unaware of its own body, being that Aries is the natural sign on the ascendant and is the baby of the zodiac. So it’s not going to hurt you to share this with others because you already posses these qualities in spades (unlike the descendant qualities that you feel were, has, or are missing and that you secretly hope to get resolved through another)!

So what can you give without hurting yourself?

Example: With Capricorn on my ascendant, I can share my Capricorn traits freely and naturally:

I can and do encourage self-management, seriousness, responsibility, productivity, organization, and dedication to one’s craft, or work. I provide jobs, and pay people. I inspire goal making. I give business advice. And I share my living example that the vow of in sickness and in health is not just an empty promise, or one to take lightly — it’s a commitment to honor, and is honorable.

I don’t need to gain any of this through someone else. I already possess these skills, and traits. I am not in need here. And when I provide this to my partners (committed others), I feel more empowered and stronger in my own life, and business.

What is better to give more to yourself (the descendant) than to others? What can you give (your rising sign qualities, the AC), with glee, to others?

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Divine Languages: Astrology & Other Oracles

As we speak, we divine. We are oracles. We are gods or god is within us. ~ Abella Arthur

I was thinking today about astrology being a language, an ancient symbolic one — one that can tell us a lot about ourselves, the past, and the future. Then I realized that our own native language — whether that be French, Italian, Russian, or English can also do the same.

All languages — whether oral, written, visual, ancient, symbolic, or physical — are divine.

My native language is English. When I read people’s words, hear what is said, I can divine the future. Even within a word, such as “persecute” and its mythological roots of “Perseus“, there is so much that can be known as to what is about to happen. When using language to communicate messages — past, present, and future – we are all acting as oracles.

When I think of medieval times, I think of the ‘common people’ tending to and enjoying physical things but when speaking or reading occurred, words seemed to be weighty and serious. Serious times bring to mind declarations, rules, and laws spoken in big ominous halls, spells cast in caves, or speeches uttered upon a 19th Century soapbox.

There is something sacred in the words we speak. Words hold power: They can change our opinion, tug at our emotions, or cause us to take action.

Quotes like the following suggest the power in words:

If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.

Don’t speak until you’ve been spoken to.

When I went to find quotations about speaking, the majority (if not all) of the sayings on one website said not to talk unless you want to be considered a fool, because only the wise speak.

To speak and to speak well are two things.  A fool may talk, but a wise man speaks.  ~Ben Jonson

Don’t speak unless you can improve on the silence.  ~Spanish Proverb

Let a fool hold his tongue and he will pass for a sage.  ~Pubilius Syrus

Or the suggestion is that if you’re going to say it, you better stand by it, or water it down so it doesn’t have as much strength.

If you wouldn’t write it and sign it, don’t say it.  ~Earl Wilson

Euphemisms are unpleasant truths wearing diplomatic cologne.  ~Quentin Crisp

Words have been dumbed down, and have lost meaning. People rarely speak with authority, or wisdom — rather waiting for someone else to say it or re-quoting because they may fear saying it themselves.

We’ve been told to shut up, don’t think, and surely do not express ourselves or have a voice. Because of this constant oppression, we’ve forgotten our voices.  We’ve forgotten the power to love, and heal through our words, as well as destroy and hurt.

Did you know that Logos means, Gods word or The Word of God. Whereas a logo is a “graphical representation or symbol of a company name, trademark, abbreviation, etc.” Source The fact is that logo is derived from logos.  The God(s) have chosen to speak to us in symbols. The language chosen is a universal one that is visual and symbolic. Astrology and tarot are two languages the Gods use to speak to us. Everyone can learn how to read astrology and tarot.  We are all oracles.

Logos is logical. Logos is related to thought, and reason. God is rational. We are rational, in an irrational world. The world is backwards, with the law of opposites. We are irrational, in a rational world. Whatever we think to be the case, isn’t.

That is one reason why it is so very important to LISTEN to what others have to say. Often what is said is backwards. If they say they *don’t*, they do.  If they say they *do*, they don’t. People tell us what’s going to happen, especially in relationship to them.

As much as we, as a people, have diluted our speech to be less charged and more palatable with double speak and euphemisms, people still can’t help being oracles; it’s in our DNA to speak logos.

John 1:1 – In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

John 1:14-18 And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth; we have beheld his glory…

When we speak, we divine. We are oracles. We are gods or god is within us.

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Interpreting Astrology

When we interpret one language into another, like I do when I interpret astrology or tarot into a language my client or friend understands, we will be imperfect and probably come up with something slightly different than another interpreter. That’s because language is an art, a humanity. Each human being has a slightly different perception of their reality, so we will divine different insights from what we hear and see.  Because of that, no interpretation is perfect; therefore, no astrologer will be perfect in their interpretation or express something in a way that the client will understand. Take the best, and leave the rest.  If it sounds off, it is off.

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Divine Language: Name & Word Divination Through Language

Name or Word Divination

In and around 2007, I interviewed a wonderful pixie of a sweetheart.  Unfortunately her skill couldn’t be used in my company; however, I will never forget what she taught me.  She taught me to divine information about a person through their name. She learned this from someone else, and now I’m sharing this bit of wisdom with you…

Try this: Take your first and/or last name and try to find words in it, by sound or otherwise. For example, Arthur has the words art, and her as well as hidden or shadow words: rut, rat, and wrath. Glean meaning.

Again: Take your name, scramble it around like an anagram, and what do you get? What do you get without scrambling it around? What does it ‘sound’ like phonetically? What if you say it quickly? What does your name tell you about yourself? That’s what it will tell others subconsciously.  Your name is a logo.  Your name is logos.

My name is Abella Arthur.

I get:

  • Bell
  • Bella
  • Art
  • Be (meaning: just be yourself)
  • Abe (meaning: man, or American president — Abe Lincoln)
  • Phonetics: her (hur)
  • Phonetics: author (Arthur)
  • Phonetics: true (tru)

If I were to give myself a reading, I might say something like this:

Abella, You are a bell ringer.  You are a bringer of truth about people being ‘real’, and just ‘being’ themselves.  You have a spiritual and authoritative nature which is meant to free the people from thought slavery. Beauty is important to you, and art surrounds you.  In your life, you will write about the art of being.

Each word or name holds meaning (beyond what can be found in a dictionary definition). Each word is sacred, and divine.

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Do You Have The GIFT?!

A student said I had the ‘gift’ because they were not getting something I was getting and because they believe in my talent. *eye roll*

Sorry student if you’re reading this – you know I <3 you but aside from the kudos (thanks!) it’s important to be honest with yourself and not externalize what you consider, failure for knowing.

My reply was:  I have the “gift”, if it’s the ‘gift of analysis. :-P

Seriously, yes… that’s what I’m gifted in:  Putting seemingly unrelated items together; pulling stuff apart and putting it back together again, only to pull it apart again; seeing patterns; and making wild connections. :D

So yes, I’m naturally ‘gifted’ at that with my Mercury Conjunct South Node but not Conjunct Pluto in the 8th and in the sign of Virgo, along with my Virgo stellium!!

But anyone can learn anything they want to learn with time, practice, desire, and an open mind.

I also reminded the student that she’s incredibly bright, studious, and able to analyze quite well but from what I understand — she wants an ‘external’ reward for doing so.  That’s maybe a differentiator between myself and many others.

My reward is finding a solution — MY solution.  It doesn’t have to be anyone else’s, no one has to agree, or clap their hands in praise of my almighty mind… LOL though that’s always appreciated says my Leo Sun-Mars in the 7th. ;P

Now, this may be a news flash to some of you but EVERYONE has a gift.  Yup, you too.  Yup, you’re gifted in some way too.

What are you gifted in?  What do you find you seem to do naturally well but is often harder for other people to do?  Did you suppress or stunt your gift, only to find it blooming later in life?  What, astrologically, do you think represents your ‘gift‘?

And if you don’t think you’re gifted in something, I feel it’s important to check your self-esteem.  And frankly, I’d encourage you to get some talk therapy about that too.  Lack of confidence and low self esteem are a couple of things that will hold you and others back in life if you don’t deal with it.

If you’re not sure how your gift shows up astrologically, that’s entirely different and probably has nothing to do with low self-esteem.

(Note: Self-esteem issues are connected to the 2nd house so it’s a good starting point to explore that; however, other houses and signatures also point to this.)

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TarotSeek: Tarot Card ‘Anchors’

My ebook Psychic Jucy’s TarotSeek:  Learn How To Read Tarot Cards For Yourself is  about giving a reader a method of reading that will give instant, accurate, and objective readings without any formal tarot training, memorization, or long-winded reading.

Having said that, if the reader is lacking confidence in their abilities (ie new to reading or doesn’t believe they have the *gift* cough, cough) it can be very hard for them to interpret their ‘answers’ or ‘responses’.

Today, a student mentioned that the Tarot Prompt: Describe the card meant that all the cards would eventually mean the same thing and she wouldn’t get anything new out of it.

I said that’s only one prompt.  What about this one:  What’s the first thing you see?  Is the light in the Hermit’s card the first thing you always see?  Or maybe do you see the mountain, walking stick, or beard first?  Whatever you see first becomes the ‘anchor’ of your response.  It has meaning, and there’s a reason why you see one thing over another first.

Also, after you’ve described the card once or twice, you don’t have to keep doing it for that deck, as you’ve already done it.  And doing it, connects you with the card’s core meaning.

TarotSeek is a tool for traditional tarot reading, as well as standing on its own as an original method of tarot reading.

(Note to self:  Add this to my TarotSeek blog and twitter account).

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Aspect Types: Oppositions in Synastry & Natal Astrology Chart

I was grazing the incoming search terms and “oppositions in synastry” came up but unfortunately they didn’t find the blog post they came to read (hint: use the SEARCH feature to the right, at the time of writing this!).

So I’ll take a moment to share more thoughts on that signature.

To simplify, synastry isn’t much different than natal astrology except for the difference that instead of the chart showing your ‘relationship with yourself’, the synastry chart shows a relationship with an external entity (another person or persons).

The conjunction, inconjunction, and opposition all share something in common — a blind-spot of some sort.

An opposition is really just another side of a conjunction and an inconjunction is a maladjusted or poorly constructed opposition.

Oppositions in a natal chart indicate extreme vacillations (see my posts on oppositions) or at least that’s how it can appear to people on the outside.

To you, on the inside, you may find the annoying back and forth, yo-yo dance (that you can’t quite figure out the steps to) irritating and you may even perceive that it’s outside forces causing your missteps.

In synastry, an opposition has a similar effect.  In fact, it’s kind of crazy making because it causes a one foot in, one foot out (hot and cold effect) with the object of your affection or dejection.

An opposition is imbalanced, like the inconjunction, but unlike the quincunx, the instability of an opposition can last much longer and there seems to be a much harder ability to or less interest to harmonize differences ( a real blind-spot!).

Where do you have oppositions in your chart?

That’s where you are out-of-focus and have great difficulty seeing the whole picture.

So in synastry, an opposition basically means that the celestial objects and angles that form that aspect basically don’t see eye-to-eye and the people involved struggle in a tug-o-war to get the other person to see their point of view. It’s very Aries (Mars)-Libra (Venus).

Some say this is hot.  And if the right celestial objects are involved, it IS hot (in the exciting way) but how often and long do you want to burn?! If Mars is control, the relationship or “planetary themes” will burn out faster then you can say FLY or is that FIGHT. Of course, if you’ve got Saturn in the mix, you’re going to be forced to fry until you figure out what karmic mess you’ve both involved yourself in.

But hey, why not beat the red planet with a softer planet?  Lets bring Venus in.

One of the best ways to harmonize this aspect is for ALL people involved in the synastry to: Compromise, and extend the olive branch and be interested in discovering what’s on the other side.

BUT if only one person does that, the other (the partner) will surely be dissatisfied.  Because when it comes to Libra, there must be a mirror effect occurring for the love and fairness of Venus to shine through.

Now before we get too smitten with Venus, in the dance of the opposition, Mars is still quite necessary as he keeps it real and reminds that individual needs are still important. And Venus can be too soft and then you may end up with apathy and nothingness for fear of the somethingness (intended spelling mistake) you may not want.

So we can not ever really have Mars (activity) without Venus (receptivity), and vice versa, unless we want to eventually land into a funk. Afterall, Earth is situated between the two.

That means that Venus doesn’t get her way, nor does Mars BUT they can both get their needs met and that’s what you’ll want to achieve in an opposition, within synastry.

Alright, I REALLY need to get out of this Astrogasm blog for awhile and back into VirgoVault.  It’s just that it seems to take so much more ‘time’ to write an article over there because after I write my article, I read up on what others say, give them a shout-out, find some groovy picture, organize the article, etc. etc.  It takes a long time to write one of those beasts.  LOL But I see I keep writing long winded articles on here and this blog was intended for short quips. Mon dieu! ;-)


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Jupiter & Uranus Libra in the 9th House

It’s true that travel and education are so important for and to me, yet the best I seem to do so far is ride my bike & read books. Every time I travel, I think of something new.  And when I learn, other ideas spring forward.

Travel and education are stimulating adventures for me.  And while I somewhat kid about the bike and books, I haven’t done the kind of traveling (overseas) and education (getting a degree) that I’d like to do.

I think that’s partly because the way I want to do these things do not fit into the everyday life that I lead.  And having Libra on the 9th means that I like to travel with someone else and learn one-on-one. So it can be seen that long distance travel and higher education is a challenge for me.

But I work around these things…

And if you are ever wondering about my new fangled ideas, Jupiter-Uranus in the 9th are likely the culprits! ;-) Now it’s up to me to continue fine-tuning my Neptune-Saturn aspect and present innovations in a way that is easy to accept and understand while not being too normal, as to not be seen as an innovation.

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Why clumsiness occurs: A Psychic & Astrological Perspective

One of my clients asked why clumsiness occurs.

My response was that clumsiness, from a psychic perspective, is a result of unexpressed negative impressions.

These negative thoughts are usually about other people or situations that one *feels* should have been, could have been — avoided.

Also, it’s likely these thoughts were about not wanting to take responsibility for one’s actions (blaming someone else) OR not expressing honest feelings. And because these negative feelings and thoughts are not expressed well enough or verbally, it turns into an accident. Clumsiness or accidents become an outward manifestation communicating inner turmoil.

As humans, we have a knack for expressing things no matter what, and these expressions are released in any which way that they can and often for maximum impact.

(Originally published Jun 7, 2009 @ 22:08  with additional modifications, as is below… I think my Mercury Conjunct South Node in the 8th, analytical psychologists hat was on when I came up with this! *grin*)

From an astrology perspective… an afflicted Mars, Aries, or Mars in Aries retrograde along with Uranus, can also cause clumsiness or “accidents” as it’s related to speed, aggression, along with a surprising suddenness via obstacles and imbalance.


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Conversation: How to Verify Your Thoughts as Fact – The Three Step Process

If you’re mulling over something inside your head but you never share that externally (especially directly to any person/s you’re thinking about), you’ve got a third of the story and you’re just having a conversation with yourself.

That conversation is often full of faulty assumptions, judgements, and hypothesis.  That’s fine.

This is Step one and it means you’re thinking.

What’s not fine is when you believe what you think is true without verifying your thoughts as fact. This also can create a lot of bad vibes between yourself and others.  It can also create a lot of untrue good vibes — just as dangerous, if you ask me.

Step two is asking questions and sharing your impressions with those you’re thinking about, so that you can have a proper conversation outside of your own head.

Step three is the back and forth conversation where you find a common ground of understanding, respect, and delight. This is the step that challenges your beliefs and opens you up to new insight, thought, and information.

The bad habit of stopping at step 1, often shows up in astrology as a luminary or planet square Neptune such as Mercury Square Neptune, and Moon or Mars Square Neptune in natal or synastry.

This bad habit is also encouraged by society because many people don’t want you to be clear on what they’re thinking, doing, feeling, or believing.  So many children start off asking a lot of questions and then stop asking them after being blocked or hurt too many times. So we have a whole lot of adults running around ASSuming things without verifying their assumption as fact.

With Sun Conjunct Mars I’m luckily (or not) one of those children who never stop asking questions, even when faced with opposition. But I’m not perfect.  I sometimes don’t verify my assumptions either but I have enough humility to apologize and make amends for it when that’s brought to my attention, and I kick myself for it too because I know better.  Also sometimes, I have low confidence days and I just don’t have the strength to push for clarity.

Speaking of which — Yes, there IS an art to asking questions.  If you ask in a way that is disrespectful and doesn’t keep in mind the personal boundaries of someone else, you may come off as an obtrusive interrogator or investigator (Pluto), rather than an unobtrusive discoverer or adventurer (Jupiter).

So consider your motives and relationship with whomever you’re thinking about and asking questions.  And if you’re thinking about the actions and behaviours of someone who is not in your circle, you may want to bring them into your circle to have a genuine conversation — that’s if they matter enough to you.

And come to think of it, that might be another reason why people don’t ask enough questions — they just don’t give two hoots about you and care more about THEIR opinion of you and your actions, thoughts, feelings rather than what’s going on on your side!!

O-0 … that’s another post! haha

Maybe some people don’t think you’ll tell your truth if they ask you a question but that’s not really been my experience.  Anyway, even if they have a tendency to lie to themselves (that’s what I have experienced) there’s step three — I don’t have to believe what they tell me but if they are good and decent people, I respect what they have to say and take it into consideration.

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Astrology: The Game Masters & We, The Players

Thinking about aspects and planets…

Imagine a forum of people (the planets) hanging out and they are all discussing you and what they’re going to do to / with you.

You’re in a room behind a mirrored wall and you can’t see them but they can see you. They’re talking about what to do with you and there’s a game going on amongst the planets (Gods).

You’ll have some supporters (think Hunger Games), you’ll have some oppressors, and of course — you’ll have some challengers (aspects of yourself or other players in the game).  Some planets won’t even bother talking about you — they’ve totally bypassed you for whatever reason, and you’re left high and dry — to your own devices as it relates to what they might want you to do. Often they leave a minion (sign on the cusp and or other celestial object) to poke at you.

In some ways, many of us humans act like puppets or (unbeknownst to us) players on auto pilot — playing out the theater of the Gods but like the Matrix, we can take the red pill and find our way, our reality.

We might even be able to beat the Gods at their own game.  And if nothing else, we can at least peep through the Wizard’s curtain, find out what they have planned for us, and create the best strategy to manifest the best outcome for ourselves and those we care about.

Be the producer of your own moving picture!

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The Boomerang Effect: Take Responsibility For Your Actions. What You Throw Out There Is What You Get Back!!

Back at ya. ;-P

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The Imaginator: Be The Producer of Your Own Moving Picture

If you can imagine doom, then you can imagine a perfect world — you’re perfect world.  – Abella Arthur

The Imaginator: Be The Producer of Your Own Moving Picture – Abella Arthur


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Learning Predictive Astrology: Abella’s Tips

One of the best ways to become more accurate in your astrological predictions, is to pour through past personal charts (solar returns, progressions, transits) of yourself and people you’re close to as well as read the biographical events of celebrities that interest you.

When reading biographies select material that often highlights dates and locations. And for yourself and personal relationships, seek out diaries, journals, documents, and other recordings of events. This would be a good time to reinforce that keeping a diary, as an astrologer, is quite important to your own personal development as well updating and challenging your general astrological understanding.

We can see how the symbiosis between the cosmos and yourself manifested the very personal and specific events that happened.

Astrologers base much of their interpretative work on observation over time (if not their own, others); however, the specific details may be off because while the chances of one thing happening are ‘high’, the native always has an element of freewill where they can direct the themes and rulerships of the planets in a different direction while retaining the essence of the lesson, opportunity, gift, test, or challenge.

As well, mundane celestial events alter the general character, culture, and well-being of the masses and that also has a direct effect on the outcome of personal predictions. So in-depth astrologers are looking a large number of charts to determine an outcome.  One chart, just like one aspect, will not tell you the whole story when it comes to predictions.

Predictive fear (Saturn-Neptune) can be removed and replaced with manifestation plans (Saturn-Jupiter).

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Sun-Mars in Leo, 7th House Trouble

Due to my Sun Leo being in the 7th, I find that I strive for and encourage equality but I like ‘fans’ or to be a ‘leader’ in my partnerships, teaching, or consulting.

But what I often find, due to my Mars being in there too — I suppose — is that I get people (clients and students) wanting to compete with me and show me that they can be just as good or better than me while disregarding what I taught and shared with them.

By the way, I am very impressed with my students and clients and if nothing else I feel that they ARE better than me.  And that, to me, is a sign of good consulting and teaching BUT that’s not what I’m trying to get across.  I’m not talking about the person, student, employee, or client showing me how they’ve improved or how they are getting better.  It’s that they are clearly competitive, spurred on, I imagine by my Mars (and the Sun, for being so darn inspirational in the first place) in the 7th and they have a difficult time remembering or accepting that it was me who helped them improve! *ugh*

Mars (Aries) wants to go it on their own so I invite and encourage people who are like that and I’m like that too.  The only difference with me is that I actually ‘do’ learn it on my own, and when I don’t, I cite sources and remember who helped me along the way. The people I invite into my life are learning from me but, as I’ve said before — they often have a hard time sharing with others (and more importantly, with themselves) that they got any education from me.

This does not apply with EVERYONE, just enough people and enough times to get me ranting. ;P

And it doesn’t just happen in astrology and tarot, it happens in EVERYTHING and that means it’s now happening in regards to my artwork. LOL I just can’t seem to get away from it unless I stop sharing what I’m doing or thinking. Grrrr … I have too much passion and I have a bad habit of sharing it. LOL

On a business / teaching level, it’s not good to incite competitive behavior as it’s hard to move forward or find success in my field, if that’s happening.
I normally teach one-on-one or to nameless, faceless people (ie, blog format) but maybe I need to teach a group so that they can be each other’s witness which will likely lead to reinforcing that they learned something ‘unique’ or ‘unusual’ from me. LOL… This stuff is funny, when looked at from another angle. Truth is stranger than fiction, that’s for sure.

Ahhh, how to stop that one?! Anyone have some advice other than hiding my knowledge until fully published and marketed? :)

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My New Teaching Tagline.

Someone just told me my tagline as an occult teacher should be: “So good, you’ll think you learned it on your own.” LOL That’s bold but I may use it anyway.

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Natal & Vocational Astrology: Venus Aspects

Lets see… what Venus aspects haven’t I written about? I’ve written about:

  • Venus-Sun
  • Venus-Moon
  • Venus-Mercury
  • Venus-Mars
  • Venus-Saturn
  • Venus-Uranus
  • Venus-Neptune
  • Venus-Pluto
  • Venus-Ascendant
  • Venus-Midheaven

But I haven’t written about Venus-Jupiter or Venus-Uranus on this blog yet. And I’ve never written about Venus-Jupiter in either of my astrology blogs.

So a little blurb on Venus-Jupiter (I have this semi-sextile).

Venus-Jupiter is about expanding money, the secret of attraction, having many opportunities for love or to love, lucky breaks or opportunities while traveling, prolific artistic expression, artistic talent, teaching partners, open minded values and traditions, a love of unfamiliar things, equality in relationships, sensual relationships, open marriages, freedom to change partners, winning love, winning art contests, winning money, expanding and sharing beauty, self-confidence in love, loving many people, having many friends, helpful friends, big, bold, and beautiful, joyful long distance travel with partners, diplomatic career, legal talent, a logical and fair disposition, one’s love life or money woes affects blood pressure, accounting talent, etc.

Add a contact (or planetary conversation) type and the ease or difficulty can be interpreted (mine is semi-sextile), along with additional details.  Add the houses these planets are in (mine are 8th and 9th house) and you’ll learn where, when, and how this aspect can manifest.  Add the sign that these planets are in?  Well, you’ll get the style in which they carry out the mission of Venus-Jupiter (mine late degree Virgo, late degree Libra). Note what else Venus and Jupiter connects to and you’ll know what’s supporting or challenging and so on…

In a personal natal reading, I personalize your unique story – live.

For example, I’ve always been interested in art but never saw a viable full time living I could make from it.  Semi-anything means ‘half the time’, as I believe ‘orbs’ are related to time (as well as physical distance and knowledge).  I have a semi-sextile with Venus and Jupiter.

And recently I’d been brainstorming ‘jobs’ I’d like to do in the art industry and ‘art appraiser’ was one of them.  With Virgo and Libra in the mix, that’s a perfect opportunity but it’s only semi-sextile and that means the opportunity wouldn’t always be present.  Perhaps it would be a ‘part time’ job or I’d be discovered rather than having the ability to just go out there and get it since Jupiter is not aspecting my MC or AC, and my Venus is semi-square MC.

Or maybe I’d just pick up an artistic piece at an auction for very little, and find out later that it’s worth a lot.  I’ve done it before.  And this is where my Neptune in the 10th, North Node in the 2nd, and Part of Fortune in the 2nd comes into play!

The other possibility is becoming an ‘art buyer’ as I have Venus in the 8th — I can buy art for others.

Wondering why there’s so much possibility?  Well other than being a Leo, 30/3 (numerology — 5’s are also likely to change careers often) life path, and open to possibilities and experience — if you’ve been exposed to astrology deeply (or any metaphysical or occult tool), you’ll know that human beings can experience many different things in life. You’re not ‘just’ a doctor, writer, hairstylist, carpenter, etc.

The majority of us will not have one job that will carry us through our whole life, and I’d think that would be quite boring anyway.  Even if we had or have only one job title throughout our life, we use different skills, and perform different tasks within that ‘job’.

As you can see, there’s so much that changes things up when your whole chart is read with the focus point being on a particular aspect, question, or topic (chart reading trick™).

Which reminds, I am a Vocational Astrologer as well.  I specialize in natal, synastry, and vocational astrology.  I also studied career and work counseling for awhile but I never completed the program – maybe that’s why I keep forgetting that I have some natural talent in reading a natal chart with a vocational focus.

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I’m Published by Norton. ;P I’ve Been Quoted About What Intuition Means. :-)

“Intuition is a combination of historical (empirical) data, deep and heightened observation and an ability to cut through the thickness of surface reality. Intuition is like a slow motion machine that captures data instantaneously and hits you like a ton of bricks. Intuition is a knowing, a sensing that is beyond the conscious understanding — a gut feeling. Intuition is not pseudo-science.” Abella Arthur

Am I quotable?  Apparently, I am. :D

Part of the  quote above shows in a W. W. Norton, Independent Publishers book about Intuition, as an epigraph (opener to the book), in Chapter One! I’m even ahead of Ralph Waldo Emerson.

‘Search inside book’ for my quote.

I was officially contacted by the author, followed by the publishers last year, to get my consent for use of the quote.  My contact information and one of my website addresses is also provided in the book.

The book is called Clinical Intuition in Psychotherapy: The Neurobiology of Embodied Response and was written by Ph.D psychologist Terry Marks-Tarlow.  It looks pretty good —  high minded, yet useful! What’s also interesting is that Terry loves art and draws profusely, like I do.  A kindred spirit, for sure — possibly even a Leo.

So yeah, I’m officially not self-published only!  LOL

How’s that for the inspiring Sun in the 7th?

Available in Paper or Kindle

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How to Read Tarot: Make It Up.

When you are reading tarot for yourself forget that you are trying to come up with anything ‘real’. Instead, make it up. Yup, that’s right. Tell yourself a story. Learn & Know Tarot

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Learning TarotSeek (Tarot) Testimonial

You are an awesome teacher and you truly want me to succeed. Thanks for going above and beyond for me yet again!

Want to learn tarot? Now is the time…

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Venus Square Saturn, Being Rejected, & How To Overcome It

Venus Square Saturn on Rejection

Please note: If you want to get a more thorough treatment of Venus Square Saturn, please visit my two part series on VirgoVault.

The native can feel that their love, affection, financial portfolio, artistry, and/or beauty are being rejected and that very well may be the case.

Most of us encounter rejection — not being able to play our music loud at 1am, not getting that loan we wanted, or not being someone else’s type. But it’s how the Venus Square Saturn native deals with normal rejection that sets them apart.

What is rejection anyway? Are you being rejected in whole or in part? Why is the person rejecting something you do, say, or offer? Is it personal?

We all have the right to reject what we don’t like, what doesn’t resonate with us, what doesn’t make us happy, etc. even if we do not get our wishes fulfilled — even Venus Square Saturn natives.

The Venus Sq. Saturn native can do well with not taking rejection personally and to remember that they too reject things, and parts. And it may be their own strong and harsh rejections that makes them acutely aware and sensitive when it comes time for an aspect in themselves to get rejected.

Ve 90° Sa may also want to find out why something is being rejected and consider whether that is something they are willing to change or accept it’s just how they are and they need to find that loan, or love elsewhere.

And a square has the opportunity to become a supercharged trine!!

by the way, I’m Venus Trine Saturn and I recently got rejected for an art installation.  My response: Meh… and NEXT… hey people, look at my artwork. :) Ha!

My stuff isn’t for everyone and I’m sure they have a good reason why they rejected my proposal.  And maybe they made the wrong decision but it’s a mute point because they prefer one thing over another and that’s just life.  Onwards and upwards!! <3

So my suggestion is to strive for my attitude when it comes to rejection, and use the square energy (while turning your square into a supercharged trine) to get you closer to your best match.

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Aspect, Planet, Sign Delineation: Many Ways to Read Astrological Signatures

As many astrologers would agree, one aspect or signature does not tell the full tale.

How could someone who loves to sing (me!) actually sound good (maybe) if they don’t have the classic aspects for a vocalist — Sun Conjunct Venus or Mercury, and Venus Conjunct Mercury?!

Well, my Venus is in Virgo and it goes like this:

* Venus in the 6th or 3rd
* Mercury in the 7th or 2nd
* Venus Conjunct Vesta
* Venus Conjunct Mercury

Phew, all from one planet and one sign combination!

Getting to Venus Conjunct Mercury, with this method, shows that I have underdeveloped singing talent!

I may not become a superstar vocalist but I do have it in the astrological DNA or as a signature, though hidden! And it’d be better if it were Venus Gemini (as Mercury has a stronger rulership over that sign)! But with practice, and training I might be able to sing where people aren’t trying to run away from my sound. Ha ha.

Or I might be able to become a one hit wonder (coming out of nowhere, the underdog!). :-)

As probably can be discerned, one aspect or astrological signature can open the reader and seeker to so much more. That’s one reason why astrology is complex (yet simple, at the same time).

When I tell you that I have Venus Virgo, you know at least FOUR things about me (see the bullets!).

You know that I:

* love to talk and communicate with all sorts of people.
* love to serve and I am a devoted lover.
* make money from communicating.
* value health related things such as fitness, organic and natural food, etc.
* talk a lot to my partners and business associates.
* frequent communication, speaking, etc. is part of my daily habit or work.
* show my love to others when they are sick and that I am loved, when I am sick. Also that I get love-sick and love can sicken me! But I love to shower my love on to a partner, everyday! Yeah, I’m an affectionate PDA kind of Gal. ;P

Oh shoot, that’s more than four things (dang houses)!! And it’s still a superficial delineation.

Now with my Venus being in the 8th, I have a deep Plutonic vibe.  I write my own songs and I’ll sing about themes that are often deeply painful or dark in tone (if you discover the underlying occult meaning, that is).

So, I’m not finished with my bullet points yet — with Venus in the 8th, I also have Venus Conjunct Pluto!!

Get more out of reading aspects, planet and sign, charts… feel it, know it, own it.

If there are duplicate or triplicate signatures (ie You have Venus Virgo in the 6th), you’ll know there’s a powerful theme going on — take note.

Here’s another one…

Venus Capricorn is like:

* Venus in the 10th
* Saturn in the7th or 2nd
* Venus Conjunct Saturn

Now, you try it.  Take any planet and break it down.  If you want more of an explanation, reply.  Heh, reply anyway.  It’s nice to know people are reading and if you want it to show up on your twitter timeline, just hit the ‘bird’ image before posting!

To learn more about the myriad of ways to delineate an aspect, check out my four part Virgo Vault blog post series from February 2011.

This post inspired by twitter friend, ringthedamnbell

Now off to get the bike tuned up for a long spring, summer, and autumn of biking goodness!!

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Libra, Leo, Aquarius, Gemini Love Learning From Me

Later degree Libra, Leo, Aquarius, Gemini Suns love learning from me because of my Jupiter in the 9th house. Aries, Leo, Sag, Aquarius also enjoy learning from me as I have Mars on the 3rd house cusp. Having said that, it is a Mars placement so there could be competitive, overly aggressive, or testing elements there.

Other signs will enjoy learning from me as well because it’s not just the Sun sign.  I’ll just make those Sun signs feel great while they are learning from me but say you have those signs in your Ascendant, Moon, Mercury, or Venus we may get on very well with each other too!!  And, of course, since I’m teaching occult subjects — anyone with Virgo will benefit greatly from and admire my style of teaching.

Also, my Jupiter is late degree and Uranus is early degree Libra.  I could also expand the consciousness of early degree Scorpio, for example. Basically if you feel good about how I express myself (wisdom), you’ll probably enjoy learning from me.

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Astrology Play: Find Your Niche or Special Offering

Astrology Play: Read your chart as if everything in it is for everyone else. For example, I have Moon in the 8th. I open up the psychic and psychological pathways in others to discover.

Saturn in the 4th gives others a stable and secure home base, grounds others in reality and responsibility in home life. Neptune in the 10th gives people the ability to make me up, to provide magical and spiritual experiences for others. My Jupiter in the 9th Trine North Node in the 2nd provides an expansive and abundant learning experience for others to help them actualize their full potential. With North Node in the 2nd house, I’m also able to help others get paid doing ‘psychic’, ‘spiritual’, ‘dream’, or ‘art’ work since I had the same struggle. Mars Square Midheaven challenges others to get off their behind and fight for their rights and their dreams.

What have you discovered? What’s your niche? What’s your special offering to the world, for your clients, friends. or lovers?

This post semi-inspired by DreamerGame.  More on this topic can be found on my Virgo Vault blog.

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Self-Tarot Reading Training by Abella Arthur, CPTR

I teach in a way that provides you the confidence to eventually earn a living being a psychic, if that is your destiny. If it is not, you’ll become empowered and receive tremendous value in being able to read (with certainty and confidence) your own tarot cards.

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Memorization: Tarot & Astrology

If you want to learn tarot or astrology well, do NOT memorize someone else’s  tarot keywords or descriptions for the cards, nor astrology keywords and descriptions for the  planets, signs, houses, etc.

I didn’t memorize astrology (because when I did that with tarot, it ruined my experience forever) just as I don’t encourage tarot readers to memorize tarot meanings. It does take a lot of personal thinking, research, and meditation about what something means, but it’s worth it.

Become ‘one’ with the material. Own the material.  Yes, there’s a structure and if anything, that’s what I suggest memorizing.  With the rest, I suggest ‘filling in the blanks’ on your own.  And that’s how I teach.

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Tarot is Neptunian; Astrology is Uranian, both are grounded in Saturn – the Real Truth.

Tarot is Neptunian; Astrology is Uranian, yet both are grounded in Saturn — the Real Truth.

Interestingly, a lot of tarot readers act in Saturnian ways. They want to know tarot through memorizing keywords and being ‘sure’ that what they say about tarot is what is said by an authority on the subject.

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Running & Starting a Business: Having a Business Plan

Starting a business is a HUGE responsibility one enters into.  It’s like being pregnant, and having a baby.

Once your “baby” is born, there’s often a long way to go in nurturing and maturing your baby towards being a successful adult.  And bumps and bruises, joys and pains are often the norm.

If you are a new parent (business owner) a lot of mistakes are bound to happen along the way…

And no matter how hard it gets, most of us wouldn’t give up on our children and in fact, it would often be considered a social disgrace to do so.

When you start a business, you are often tied to that business forever.  Having said that, others have decided to just give it all up: Dead-beat Dad’s (i.e. closing down the shop) and Mom’s who give their children up for adoption (i.e. selling your business) for examples.  And sometimes, some people have babies and they know they won’t be keeping them such as the case of being a surrogate mother.

Whether you choose to start a business to sell it down the road or keep it and pass it on to your living relatives when the time comes, having a business plan is essential in keeping your eye on the prize and being focused – emotionally, physically, spiritually, and financially.

Having a “business plan” is important and suggests a seriousness in “thinking through” who your obstetrician will be, delivery, hospital considerations, and the first five years of your babies life when few others will be able to care for him / her.  A business plan helps you figure out how much money you will need to raise your new born, what you need to buy along the way, and your “plans” for upbringing, etc..

I could continue on with this “business like a baby” analogy; however, I’m sure the point has been received. :D

When considering starting a business, consider the investment and sacrifices you’ll be making because they are HUGE; however, the rewards are just as big and sometimes even BIGGER.

The other thing is that once your business reaches about 5 years old a new plan will often need to be made. Every five years 16 Psyche Returns and this 5 year cycle indicates weakness, debilitation, and is in detriment.  Your business needs to re-connect to its next upcoming phase and get its strength back.  Design a new plan based on lessons learned, new hopes, and a new understanding on what your business wants to do.

So if you have been running a business for at least five years, it’s time to get cracking on a new plan!!  I know I will be…

so… Lets go…

(originally published Wednesday, April 13, 2011)

Seeking a session:  Visit –> http://www.YourWisdomGuide.com

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Metaphysical Languages: Tarot & Astrology

Tarot and Astrology are languages.  Reading tarot or astrology is the act of interpreting what the symbols and more, say — it’s like reading letters that form into words, then into sentences, and paragraphs. From there, context is gleaned and a message is formed. At that point the reader of the material can criticize, analyze, and offer solutions for what was read. The act of reading tarot cards or an astrology chart isn’t much different from reading a book or a magazine article.

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Turning Saturn-Mars in hard aspect to a harmonious one

I think the Mars Square Saturn aspect comes down to respect. In natal charts – self-respect and respect of authority figures, in synastry charts – respect of other, who may be an authority on something you’re not.

Turning Mars-Saturn in hard aspect to a harmonious one:

Tip #1 – Acknowledge the old man (Saturn) for his experience, hardship, and wisdom.

Tip #2 – Take your time. Keep commitments. Discipline yourself. Avoid distractions.

Tip #3 – Make a plan, then work your plan. Don’t rush the process but be FEARLESS.

Originally published April 9, 2011

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About Learning Web Design

doctype is similar to a dialect } (x)html is similar to a language a person might speak } head is the head of a person — pretty straight forward } body is the body of a person — pretty straight forward } p, br, table, tr, td, ul, ol and other structural tags are similar to the insides of a body: heart, lungs, intestines, ribs, skeleton, etc. } Attributes are the size, volume, width, height, etc.. of the insides/organs (what a structural tag might look like) } Content is similar to blood, nerve endings, and what’s inside/organs. In other words, content goes between the body tags! } CSS is the outside presentation of the person… their clothing, hair colour, shape of their body, etc. etc.

This bright idea was originally conceived in and around July, 2004.

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Abella’s Tarot: Tarot is a tool

Think of tarot as ‘working with or using tarot’ to answer your questions rather than tarot being the one giving you the answer. All answers are within because we are connected to spirit and the universe. Tarot is not an entity in and of itself, but rather a tool to help you access your own wisdom. Your Tarot Teacher, Abella

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Abella’s Astrology: Aspect Delineation Video

Right then, learning about aspects: How I overcame my block. The JMAD Swap Technique.

It takes me until about 2:20 to ‘show’ you what I’m talking about. Sorry for the high pitch sound in the background.  I think I’ll do this one over again. My explanation is a bit jilted (need to cut the Virgo down to a beautiful GEMin’eye’ size) and I have a bit of a cold too.

Learn more about the JMAD Swap, and other aspect delineation techniques, on my Virgo-style blog.

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Learning Abella’s Tarot: Keywords & Descriptions

My tarot philosophy is to come up with your own keywords and descriptions before you taint yourself with the impressions of others. I created this worksheet back in 2006 to help you with this: http://www.divineclass.com/downloads/78TarotKeysC.pdf Your Tarot Teacher, Abella

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Mysticism and the Occult

I like to take the mysticism out of the occult when teaching metaphysical subjects. Why? Because I often work with Learners who don’t consider themselves mystics and therefore the learning curve is much shorter when we face the material in practical and Saturnian terms.

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