| Astrogasm

The Diary of a Pro Astrologer, Tarot Reader, Numerologist, Psychic, Commentator, Social Worker, Mental and Emotional Athlete, People Mechanic, Biking Babe, Occultist, Artist, Meist, & YOUR Wisdom Guide.

New Moon in the 12th house – 7’59 ° Capricorn – December 29th, 2016 Transit

The new Moon will be going through my 12th house on December 29th, 2016.
I didn’t think much of it before – nothing much seemed to happen in there before (was that really the case?!), and I thought to myself: What a waste of a new Moon. Much to do about nothing. But last night I realized what it likely means for me.
Recently I’ve been studying non-violent communication, and going through YouTube video workshops held by Marshall Rosenberg.
I had not been getting along with someone close to me. Our communication had been passive-aggressive/aggressive, and getting nowhere, but I didn’t know how to get through it. Then in comes my sociology professor. She introduced Mr. Rosenberg (my saving grace) to the class.
Oddly, there was an actual toy giraffe issue between myself and this person I had not been getting along with. They had my toy, and I wanted it back but there didn’t seem to be any good way to get it back.
Then as I was watching the YouTube videos I realized Mr. Rosenberg uses the Giraffe, and Jackal animals to describe non-violent and violent communication styles.
Ah-ha. THIS is what I need to learn. The toy was trying to tell me/us!
This toy represented my late husband, with his super long neck on his 7 foot frame. He being a Pisces — well things are getting clearer now. Moon in 12th house is like Moon in Pisces!

Personal Transits

  • New Moon trine Mercury Virgo 8°
  • Tr North node conjunct Mercury
  • New Moon square Uranus
  • New Moon sextile North node
Mundane Transits
  • Moon conjunct Sun – New Moon
  • New Moon conjunct Mercury Rx
  • New Moon conjunct Pluto
  • New Moon trine North Node
  • New Moon sextile Mars
  • New Moon sextile Neptune
Not only my personal transits, but mundane transits highlight communication as an important subject matter – so it’s no surprise then that non-violent communication should be at the forefront of my new Moon mind. And this is a time for us all to dig deep.

Lessons Learned

And in comes the new Moon in the 12th on December 29th. Maybe *finally* I will learn how to communicate non-violently. With Aries on my 3rd house cusp, if I get into any kind of petty or low brow argument – the gloves are off. But non-violent communication is right up my 9th house Libra cusp alley – especially with Jupiter inside.
THIS is it, I hope.
This New Moon in the 12th house is likely priming me to *go gently, giraffe style*. <3
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Which House Rules Prostitution In Astrology?

I was looking at the search terms that came in today for Astrogasm and one of them was this: Prostitution 6th house matter.

Please see some astrology research. It’s interesting to note that the astrology found Capricorn (10th house), Leo (Sun), 7th house (Venus), and Venus in Virgo (6th) as showing up quite often in the 166 charts they did.

I hadn’t remembered writing anything about prostitution in the 6th so I did a Google search and came across Elsa Elsa’s board (what’s new?! The woman is the Queen of Astrology on the Internet. ;-).

Anyway, this is the question a forum member posed and I decided to answer it:

Which house rules prostitution in astrology?


@Mina I could totally see Venus Capricorn being a prostitute, as a profession.  Why?  Because Capricorn is the natural sign on the 10th house and Venus is the natural sign on the 2nd house.  These are the ‘career’ houses.

Venus Capricorn has a love of money and stability [and choose ambitious lovers].

And Venus Capricorn is like Venus-Saturn.  Having said that, not all Venus Capricorn, Venus-Saturn natives are or will be prostitutes nor will they fall in love with someone ‘just’ for their money.  But they will be more interested in someone who is financially secure, if not wealthy, but being in-love will still be important.

I wrote a bit about prostitution and the 2nd here, http://www.astrogasm.com/2012/03/11/2nd-house-sex-money-self-worth-prostitution

Also the 6th will signify a type of prostitution as well, but more at the mercy of someone else’s choosing (perhaps working for a madam rather than being an independent) because I believe the 6th is the House of submission and in this house (the house of Vesta and Virgo) the prostitute will not be paid well or recognized. They will feel ‘used’, possibly enslaved.  Whereas prostitution in the 2nd house shows a talent and ability to make money from prostituting one self.

Scorpio on the 6th could signify prostitution as well.

(Adding:  Because I can see the 6th having to do with prostitution, that means the 12th is involved too but I’d like to see Venus in that house and even then…)

I’ve wrote about Venus-Pluto being more like the Dominatrix as I believe the 8th house is the House of Domination (Pluto being the natual ruler of the 8th).  So if Venus-Pluto is doing any sex for money, she’s on top! ;-)

As for Venus Virgo.  Unless she’s in the 6th, 8th, or has some interesting planets and/or aspect in (and to) the 2nd or 10th (such as Venus, Saturn, Mars, or Pluto), I can’t see her selling sex for money or otherwise.

(Adding: I could also see Leo on or Sun in the 2nd as far as being able to prostitute oneself for money and because the Sun can identify and express itself strongly with the values and themes of the 2nd house.

Other than that, it’s all water and earth houses showing up in my thoughts!!)

And again, just because one has this placement or signatures, doesn’t mean they will become a prostitute but there is an option, opportunity, or ability to do so.

And as with anything related to reading a natal chart or analyzing the complex life and possibilities of a human being, something can show in more than one place but the meaning is modified. So, with this example, prostitution isn’t indicated by only one signature.  Many different signatures can indicate the same thing in a chart but the explanation, meaning, or experience for the native will be modified.

I <3 astrology. :D


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Animation Video: AlterEgoTrip’s, The 12th House (Plus The 6th)

Well done!

This has an artsy, philosophical feel to it as well as straight facts about the house!

Here’s the full size animation video.

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The Second House (2nd House): Prostitution, Sex, Money, Self-Worth, etc.

Just had a chat with one of our ‘event readers’. We were talking about self-worth and money. I was talking about how a lot of organizers don’t value our service (because readers, worldwide don’t) and it’s difficult to go over this year after year as to why our service is valuable and why we are worth our professional fee.

Anyway, that snapped me over to the 2nd house. A house that relates to money we earn, beauty, value, sensuality, etc.

The house of Taurus places value on things and that’s why our self-esteem gets affected and ties in with 2nd house issues: Being highly valued, increases our self-esteem.

The 2nd house is also where we find our personal security. Again, it’s often through money, sex, and beauty that we possess. When we don’t have these things, we are likely not to feel secure in our world.

With Taurus on its cusp, and being ruled by Venus — the prostitute archetype came to mind. And many of us have heard quips about ‘prostituting’ ourselves or selling our soul for work, to get accepted as being worthy.

The reader and I talked about how money is often the ‘value’ exchange in today’s world but anything can be exchanged to earn our keep: sex, love, beauty, etc.

When organizers ask us to work for free, readers ought to ask for a ‘tax receipt’ or something else that acknowledges the readers value and that is also something the organizer values. Without it, the organizer can and will not value the reader.

But if the organizer acknowledges the reader’s worth through something they do not value themselves, the energy exchange is null and void. There must be the Libran (Venus) win-win for the 2nd house to be balanced karmically.

If a community or organization has already done something for a reader, telling them how much the service is worth lets them know what you have essentially, paid back.

A debt repaid, and giving back to one’s community, etc. increases self-worth and personal security. Let us not suggest this behaviour is only altruistic and sacrificial (6-12th axis) because it often isn’t. And if it is, there’s a hefty price that you pay.

Which got me thinking… I often say that tarot is 12th house, Neptunian material and this also collaborates my story in how difficult it is to get organizers (for parties) to regard our work when so many tarot readers are making a ‘sacrifice’ in devaluing their work by giving it away for free (ie not asking for tax receipts, etc.) — essentially, telling organizers that we need to pay and serve ‘them’!

Perhaps many tarot readers are paying back a karmic debt in this lifetime but that’s not my path nor the path of the readers who work with us! Ours is to gain self-respect, self-worth, and value!

I have an intercepted Pisces-Virgo 2nd house which is likely to account for why the oft traditional ‘sacrifice’ is being intercepted and has been replaced by a revolutionary spirit in this matter, having Aquarius (Uranus) on the 2nd house cusp.  My North Node Pisces resides inside the 2nd!

What do you have and what does that mean to you? What makes you feel valued and valuable?

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David Bowie Quote: I’m a collector of personalities.

“I’m a collector of personalities” ~ David Bowie (Sun-Mars Capricorn in the 12th house)

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