| Astrogasm

The Diary of a Pro Astrologer, Tarot Reader, Numerologist, Psychic, Commentator, Social Worker, Mental and Emotional Athlete, People Mechanic, Biking Babe, Occultist, Artist, Meist, & YOUR Wisdom Guide.

The Voice & All That It Tells Me

Abella Arthur

The voice to me, is the number one attractor or detractor. I can tell the character of a person within their first sentence.

Being a phone psychic, sound is #1 (even if you don’t talk but you at least must make some sound / noise). Perhaps listening for cues to tell me the story of the person I’m reading, is overdeveloped. I can hear so much in sound. Sound carries so much information in it along with the words, and how they are strung together (ie, the order).

I can hear liars, lovers, friends, and friars in the sound that people utter.

Do you experience that too? The person’s voice is more important than their appearance, body language, or their tone?

When I close my eyes to visual stimulus and focus on sound, alone, a vibrant true story is painted in my mind.

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New Moon in Aries, 2nd House

New Moon In Aries, 2nd House

Make use of your talents!

You long for a secure foundation upon which you can build your life, and you should now go about achieving this. If your relationship still lacks stability or has become less stable, you can do something about this in the weeks ahead. Get rid of any uncertainties, be open and honest about how you see the relationship developing, and see if your own hopes are compatible with those of your partner. After all, you want to be able to rely on him. If you are single and now meet someone, any relationship which develops has good chances of being a stable one.

However, if this doesn’t happen, you should use this time to work on your self-confidence. Ask yourself what you’re good at and take every opportunity to do this. Make use of your talents! Get a sense of how special you are. This will help you create the necessary foundation for a healthy self-confidence. And this self-confidence is in turn the basis for any good relationship.

New Moon in house 2, 2°22
active only on 22 March 2012

Astro.com Personal Daily Horoscope

What’s weird about this is that the New Moon will be in my 2nd house at 2°22 2 (same degree for everyone) on March 22! lol… Lots of 2, 4, and 22 action!!

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Artwork: Elephant

Some time in 2011. I might put colour to this later.

Title: Elephant

With all my abstract, swirly pics, I don’t start out with anything in mind.  It’s only afterwards where an image appears along with a story. The tusks are an important metaphor with this one as well as the eyes of ‘shock’ and the two halves of a heart or elephant ears.

This way of doing art may have something to do with my Venus Tredecile Ascendant aspect.

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New Artwork: Spring Is Here — Flowers…

I’m not much of a painter and I’m not happy with this painting but I’m going to post it anyway. :D

In fact, when I say I’m not much of a painter — I mean it. This is only my second painting and I have zero technical painting knowledge (which is most likely evident) but I LOVE art and playing with things, and making things.

Interestingly, I hadn’t clued into the fact that today was the first day of spring or Aries until after I painted this collection of Spring Flowers or is that Spring Stars!.

Cool, huh?!

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Mega Biking & I’ve decided to get out every day…

I’ve decided to get out ‘every day’. I work from home, and get comfy easily, so this is a HUGE deal. And for the next 8 months, I also plan to take my bike short and long distances while avoiding public transit, when I can. So I’m going to get all the ‘commuter’ gear that I can get and get doubly fit.

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I flow with earth.

I flow with earth.

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Quotes: Why Earthly Humans Can’t Do Without Venus & Mars

Earth is sandwiched between Venus and Mars.

Love, Art, Money, Beauty, Ambition, Sex, Identity, Activity, Women, Men, Femininity, and Masculinity make the world go around.

Earthlings get caught in the middle of Libra (partnerships) and Aries (self-hood).  Human beings feel the push and pull, yin and yang of peace and war, love and hate.

As a whole, we try to express the interdependent space between co-dependence and independence — an ‘at-one’ with others and ourselves.

On the surface, Venus spews her “love, not war”, “we’re in it together” campaign, while Mars suggestively asserts “all for one, and one for all (get it?!)”, “fight, instead of flight”, behind closed doors. We often end up feeling a tug-o-war — an us vs. them.  An I, vs. we.  And yet, it’s neither for Earth.

We ask ourselves:  What is real? Am I crazy? Is it me or other?

As we are showered with Venus (Air, Earth) and Mars (Fire) themes in our everyday lives, we can benefit from remembering that we’re from EARTH (full of water).

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Dream Manifestation: Write It Down & It Will Happen

There’s not a lot of ‘popular thought or sayings’ that fit my karma but this one works for me…

I was going through my papers last night and again, I noticed a pattern.  Any dream I wrote down,  I have achieved or I am well on my way to fully achieving.  Even if it’s years later, I saw that I made it happen.  But I noticed there was nothing left to achieve and the stuff that had a luke-warm achievement was due to not being specific enough.

For example, one thing I wanted in my life was regular exercise and while I have achieved that, I haven’t been consistent.  So last night, I wrote that I want to have at least a half hour of ‘moderate to heavy breathing’ exercise in the morning and a half hour at night, everyday.  If I do more, great! Which reminds, I want to add a Pilates and Yoga practice to that regime, whether it be meditative, physical, or otherwise — okay 15-20 minutes a day for that one (for now).  Must write that down too (though it’s written here as well).

Our fingers have meridians flowing through them.  That’s why you see in fantasy stories the use of wands and such and the emission of a powerful light or energy. Let your fingers manifest your dreams.  If you do not have them, let your toes do it.  No toes either? There are meridians flowing through your whole body; use whatever you have to manifest your dreams through your body.

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Things to Do in Astrology, Tarot, & Business

I really want to create a 2012 Transit Calendar.  I also want to finish up my tarot card meanings, at least the major arcana very soon — they are the toughest! And I really need to write up a 2012 Newsletter for clients as well as get my ‘April special’ details out there.

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Drawing: Garden & Grow

March 7th, 2012 Drawing: Garden & Grow
During AGO, Ian Baxter& Exhibit

Different angle with sweet purple-blue positive candle!

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Libra, Leo, Aquarius, Gemini Love Learning From Me

Later degree Libra, Leo, Aquarius, Gemini Suns love learning from me because of my Jupiter in the 9th house. Aries, Leo, Sag, Aquarius also enjoy learning from me as I have Mars on the 3rd house cusp. Having said that, it is a Mars placement so there could be competitive, overly aggressive, or testing elements there.

Other signs will enjoy learning from me as well because it’s not just the Sun sign.  I’ll just make those Sun signs feel great while they are learning from me but say you have those signs in your Ascendant, Moon, Mercury, or Venus we may get on very well with each other too!!  And, of course, since I’m teaching occult subjects — anyone with Virgo will benefit greatly from and admire my style of teaching.

Also, my Jupiter is late degree and Uranus is early degree Libra.  I could also expand the consciousness of early degree Scorpio, for example. Basically if you feel good about how I express myself (wisdom), you’ll probably enjoy learning from me.

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Female Leo Sun’s, With Lots of Virgo Energy Make For…

Female Leo Sun’s, with a lot of Virgo energy make for this image: The Queen serving food in a soup kitchen. A noble leader.

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Where Is Your Sun? What Do You Bring Others?

Where is your Sun? What do you bring people? My Sun is in the 7th. I bring people improved self-confidence, and identity in: partnerships, beauty, art, and money!

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The 8th House in Virgo: House of Privacy, Intuition, and Intimacy

Some peeps are just going to have to go through the Plutonian fire wheel of tests before they are let in.

They can scream paranoia and too private all they want;  but 8th house, Scorpio, Pluto, Virgo stellium people — don’t buy what they’re selling.  Their intuition is not as sharp (don’t easily believe the lies people often tell themselves) nor is their integrity.

A certain level of privacy is important to me. Intimacy is something that is earned over time, and given when comfort is there. Many people do not understand or care about the fragility of others.  They often do not hold the secrets of others very well.  A well-adjusted 8th house person  does, especially a Virgo stellium in the 8th house.  The gravity of some people’s casual and random intrusion is often not understood by them. I get that they believe they’re being harmless, but they’re not. If a person has a depth of character and sensitivity, their spirit can be easily screwed with.

Anyone who respects someone else would not be so readily and bossily nosy when they have no right, connection, invitation, or privilege to do so.

Pestering ought to be met with rudeness if nosy people try to move past boundaries! In the past, I would have felt it wrong to be rude but some people do not take a simple “no, I’m not comfortable sharing that” with graciousness. Today, I recognize the other person is being rude so being rude back is fine if that’s what is needed to get the point across.

The other annoying thing is that people who are nosy and have an expectation for you to share your secret bits, often are quite secretive themselves and have little intention of reciprocating the one way telephone conversation.  Go figure!  The world is backwards!

Goading anyone into telling you their secrets is not the way to open them up; it’s classless.

The best way to deal with that classlessness is to give them some of their medicine and pester them about sharing something personal about themselves.  Watch how fast they try to squirm out of it or lack disclosing anything of importance to them (similar to of what has been asked of you).

I see people. I see you.  That’s what I do for a living. See. If I don’t openly call you on your crap, there’s a good chance I’m just being Venusian.

p.s. Celebrities, and people who earn a large chunk of their living from public affairs, are by the nature of what they do, often exempt from a certain level of prying by the general public and commentators.  It’s not really the same thing when reporters, etc. are trying to get the story of their lives out of them or is it??

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Favorites: Chakra Candle Votives

I love the way these candles burn and easily come out of the jar. They do not stick to the sides like wax. It’s a clean burn. Great energy to them too. Check out my blue candle and jar.

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How to View & Fix a Problem

A problem is not an opportunity for an excuse. Take action; Find solution.

Be a Solution Generator unless it serves to be a Problem Finder.

1. Identify / acknowledge problem. 2. View problem outside of yourself. 3. Take a look at it. Ask other people to take a look at it.

Cup your hands, put your problem inside of it. Now the problem isn’t a part of you. It’s something to look at, external. And if you are not sure exactly what it is, then motion your cupped hands (filled with the problem) to someone else to look at.  Ask them if they can help you with your problem. Make solutions internal and problems external.

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Memorization: Tarot & Astrology

If you want to learn tarot or astrology well, do NOT memorize someone else’s  tarot keywords or descriptions for the cards, nor astrology keywords and descriptions for the  planets, signs, houses, etc.

I didn’t memorize astrology (because when I did that with tarot, it ruined my experience forever) just as I don’t encourage tarot readers to memorize tarot meanings. It does take a lot of personal thinking, research, and meditation about what something means, but it’s worth it.

Become ‘one’ with the material. Own the material.  Yes, there’s a structure and if anything, that’s what I suggest memorizing.  With the rest, I suggest ‘filling in the blanks’ on your own.  And that’s how I teach.

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iTunes Music Purchases

Well, I broke down and got an iTunes account and purchased my first card so I could take Thomas Dybdahl with me wherever I go! ha!

For now, I got songs that I didn’t have on a CD I have or  one’s that are on a compilation album or where they are featured on the work of another artist.

  • Just Can’t Seem To Give A Shit    4:05    Thomas Dybdahl & Mélanie Laurent    This Day (World Hepatitis Day)
  • U (Live)    3:54    Thomas Dybdahl    The Six Sessions (Live)    Singer/Songwriter
  • Je t’aime moi non plus    4:21    Serge Gainsbourg & Jane Birkin    Serge Gainsbourg    Musique francophone
  • Monsters (feat. Randi Laubek)    7:58    Rosa Lux    Monsters
  • Be Here Now    6:23    Ray LaMontagne    Till the Sun Turns Black
  • You Are the Best Thing    3:52    Ray LaMontagne    Gossip In the Grain
  • L’espace d’un instant (feat. Thomas Dybdahl)    3:37    Mélanie Pain    My Name (Bonus Track Version)    Musique francophone
  • Free Fall Debut    3:31    Randi Laubek    Mona’s Verden (Original Soundtrack)
  • Crazy (Live)    5:05    Gnarls Barkley    iTunes Live from SoHo – EP
  • Crazy    3:02    Gnarls Barkley    Crazy – Single
  • Superstitious    3:56    Symon    1+1=3
  • Ne me quitte pas 4:10 Jacques Brel Les 100 plus belles chansons de Jacques Brel Musique francophone
  • Sugar Hiccup 3:42 Cocteau Twins Head Over Heels Alternative
  • Song to the Siren    3:30    This Mortal Coil    It’ll End in Tears

On my wish list… Siren, Nightwish, and Melody Gardot – Les etoiles and Over the Rainbow. Actually I already have her My One and Only Thrill CD so I’ll see if I can transfer that music onto my music player.

More ear candy… and what do you have in your music player? Any favorite songs to share?!

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About Astrology, Horoscopes, & Private Consultations

Astrology is a living & breathing system partly based on observation, and empirical study. It’s also a language. Interpretations can & do change slightly, over time — just like words and meaning change in a dictionary.  Astrology evolves, as does any language, with cultural and other changes of the people it imitates and describes.

Astrology is a combination of freewill AND destiny. Paper horoscopes are limited but if the astrologer is good, it will ring some truth to everyone of that sign. It will be vague because it’s general to a ‘sign’, not a specific person. Stop getting the free paper horoscope to help you live your life. Invest in yourself by getting a professional astrological consultation. http://www.KnowTheWay.ca

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Cashiers: The Art of Counting Back Change

Tonight, a cashier held back $1.00 from my change.

When I was a cashier, I counted back the change. So if you gave me $10 and the amount was $4.61, I would state the charge, hand you back the amount of change that brought it up to the next dollar, in this case — $5 and then keep counting back.  So I would say $10 while handing them the $5 or if I was handing twonies and loonies, I’d say each dollar until I got to $10 such as $5, $7, $9, $10 while placing the  two twonies and a loonie into their hand at the same time.  That, along with the original change that rounded up to the $1 that was already in their hand.

Today, they just hand you everything all crumpled up in one go. They don’t say how much the total was or count back the change. Either that or I just did things differently. I’ll also say I was rarely over or under on my till and when it was, it was a very small amount and I questioned the person counting my till and that’s because I counted back change (double check!).

Anyway, I got this weird feeling that I was short changed and I asked what type of change I got back. She seemed surprised, looked over to her supervisor quickly, and then handed me the withheld $1 while mumbling, “oh, yeah…”.


What’s interesting and happens frequently is that I can actually see the person processing a transgression against me, a dislike, a mal-thought, etc. in slow motion.  In the past I’ve ignored it because too much is going on but lately I’ve actually started following through on my hunches and it hasn’t steered me wrong yet!

Of course, often times a) I wish I was wrong and b) I wish I wasn’t so highly observant.  It’s not very nice processing other people’s negative thoughts.  I think I’ll take up knitting and wear horse blinders! haha

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Human Nature: Should have’s and could have’s

Never beat yourself up for would-have, could-have. I have had the opportunity to go down different paths with the same pattern, people and the end result is always the same. We’re all on auto-pilot. Destiny awaits us.  Better to focus on what we are here to accomplish within rather than what we want to change without.

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Aromatherapy: john masters organics, blood orange and vanilla body milk

I’m intoxicated by the scent (bourbon vanilla?!) of john masters organics, blood orange and vanilla body milk. There’s something about heavenly scent that can cut through negative vibes. It’s almost like putting up a shield from the negative intrusion. If only the scent lasted more than a half hour!

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Favorites: One of my Blue Candles.


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Running & Starting a Business: Having a Business Plan

Starting a business is a HUGE responsibility one enters into.  It’s like being pregnant, and having a baby.

Once your “baby” is born, there’s often a long way to go in nurturing and maturing your baby towards being a successful adult.  And bumps and bruises, joys and pains are often the norm.

If you are a new parent (business owner) a lot of mistakes are bound to happen along the way…

And no matter how hard it gets, most of us wouldn’t give up on our children and in fact, it would often be considered a social disgrace to do so.

When you start a business, you are often tied to that business forever.  Having said that, others have decided to just give it all up: Dead-beat Dad’s (i.e. closing down the shop) and Mom’s who give their children up for adoption (i.e. selling your business) for examples.  And sometimes, some people have babies and they know they won’t be keeping them such as the case of being a surrogate mother.

Whether you choose to start a business to sell it down the road or keep it and pass it on to your living relatives when the time comes, having a business plan is essential in keeping your eye on the prize and being focused – emotionally, physically, spiritually, and financially.

Having a “business plan” is important and suggests a seriousness in “thinking through” who your obstetrician will be, delivery, hospital considerations, and the first five years of your babies life when few others will be able to care for him / her.  A business plan helps you figure out how much money you will need to raise your new born, what you need to buy along the way, and your “plans” for upbringing, etc..

I could continue on with this “business like a baby” analogy; however, I’m sure the point has been received. :D

When considering starting a business, consider the investment and sacrifices you’ll be making because they are HUGE; however, the rewards are just as big and sometimes even BIGGER.

The other thing is that once your business reaches about 5 years old a new plan will often need to be made. Every five years 16 Psyche Returns and this 5 year cycle indicates weakness, debilitation, and is in detriment.  Your business needs to re-connect to its next upcoming phase and get its strength back.  Design a new plan based on lessons learned, new hopes, and a new understanding on what your business wants to do.

So if you have been running a business for at least five years, it’s time to get cracking on a new plan!!  I know I will be…

so… Lets go…

(originally published Wednesday, April 13, 2011)

Seeking a session:  Visit –> http://www.YourWisdomGuide.com

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The Astrology of Twins

If twins have some differences in personality, how can astrology be accurate?

Here’s what I have found out:
a) Every four minutes, the ascendant changes one degree. Every degree matters and makes a difference.

b) My work with clients, who is a twin, has shown a couple of things:
1. One twin is the exact opposite — the ‘evil’ twin. In astrology, as is a general universal law, there is duality — a good and a bad, two sides. ..
2. Twins can ‘share’ chart attributes. So one twin uses it but the other doesn’t.

I have not done enough astroloogy research about ‘twins’. Do you know of anyone who has?

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Hearts For Autism: Sharing Feelings Without Speaking

Back in 2010, I made a series of color coded hearts for a friend of mine who had a hard time sharing what they were feeling. Because I knew they were tactile and color conscious, I figured these would help.

Chain of Hearts for Autism

I wrote words on one side so that whoever was being shown the heart could know what it stood for.

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The Wicked Smiley Face

I really have to stop using ‘smiley’ faces, to inject warmth when communicating sensitive matter, in personal and professional email. I think it can come off as condescending, sarcastic, and a myriad of other negative things I do not intend. In person, it disarms. In email, it arms.  And it lacks a seriousness that I very much have when discussing difficult topics. Ah, the wicked smiley face!

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Metaphysical Languages: Tarot & Astrology

Tarot and Astrology are languages.  Reading tarot or astrology is the act of interpreting what the symbols and more, say — it’s like reading letters that form into words, then into sentences, and paragraphs. From there, context is gleaned and a message is formed. At that point the reader of the material can criticize, analyze, and offer solutions for what was read. The act of reading tarot cards or an astrology chart isn’t much different from reading a book or a magazine article.

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Lioncub, Lioness

March 7, 2012

Drawing, Chalk, Colored Pencil, Glitter Paint: Lioncub, Lioness

Drawing, Charcoal, Colored Pencil, Wet Glitter Paint, Photoshop

Drawing, Colored Pencils, Unfinished

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Being an Artist

Tonight a lady gasped in delight that I was drawing and she remarked about how lucky I was to be able to do what I do and I said, “Nah, I’m just drawing squares and circles!”… “Maybe that’s what the gallery will do for you, inspire your inner artist too.”…

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Drawing: Learn & Grow

Garden and Grow, AGO. Ian Baxter& ExhibitMarch 7th, 2012 Drawing: Garden & Grow
During AGO, Ian Baxter& Exhibit

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Quotes: Mars-Saturn

“When Saturn says no, Mars can’t go.” Abella Arthur

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Virgo Humility and Leo Pride

My Sun in Leo really doesn’t like the humility of Virgo. A maladjusted Virgo sort of acts like a doormat along with a sign that says, use me. I mean, having some humility is good but not over-humility. And there’s a time and place for everything. I had to let go of the Leo ego before being able to balance it out (Libra makes a showing!). So now it’s time for Leo to take its rightful place — displaying some pride, and acting on its sense of entitlement. In a good way, of course. Go Leo! ;P

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Bright Idea: Half-Size Cigarettes

Half-size cigarettes. Idea first conceived in and around July 2004. Since then, seen half-size pop drinks and chocolate bars!! :-) Moral of the story? Half the vice is better?

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Bright Idea: Changing Wall Color or Hangings

Colour has a great impact on our psyche so it would be nice to be able to change a room’s wall color or wall paper, at will. It would also be cool to have pictures that rotate or reverse an image so you’d have a wall hanging that would change to suit your mood, event theme, or guest’s tastes.  Idea first conceived in and around July 2004. I have since seen transit posters ‘rolling’ a new poster in!!

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About Learning Web Design

doctype is similar to a dialect } (x)html is similar to a language a person might speak } head is the head of a person — pretty straight forward } body is the body of a person — pretty straight forward } p, br, table, tr, td, ul, ol and other structural tags are similar to the insides of a body: heart, lungs, intestines, ribs, skeleton, etc. } Attributes are the size, volume, width, height, etc.. of the insides/organs (what a structural tag might look like) } Content is similar to blood, nerve endings, and what’s inside/organs. In other words, content goes between the body tags! } CSS is the outside presentation of the person… their clothing, hair colour, shape of their body, etc. etc.

This bright idea was originally conceived in and around July, 2004.

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Original Ideas?

Are there any original ideas? I think not. I think we can modify, add, subtract, and borrow to create something new — that can often appear, original.

My new ideas are either ones downloaded from the collective conscious, universal highway of the mind, or are latent rehashes of something that has occurred before.

From a pure sense, I don’t believe that anyone has an original idea and that every rare idea, made public, was thought of by someone else too — maybe even at the same time so the originality of it is cancelled out.

We’re all connected!

Enjoy cough,cough some of my bright ideas.

Inspired? ©redit

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Consultations with Abella: Do you have a Leo, Libra, Virgo, or Cancer Sun, Moon, Mercury, or Rising?!

Do you have a Leo, Libra, Virgo, or Cancer Sun, Moon, Mercury, or Rising?! If you do, you’d probably love to have a consultation with me. For example, I have Jupiter and Uranus in Libra, a Virgo stellium, and Cancer on the DC — so my planets connect to your planets and angles.  What that means is that we co-create BIG, POWERFUL, and POSITIVE CHANGES for you.

Hop to it! :P http://www.KnowTheWay.ca

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Happy Sunny Leo Sunday

Happy Sunny Leo Sunday. This is my favourite day of the week. I wonder why. ;-P

Oh, why not… more music!!
Crank that sound!

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Quote: Astrology Mimics Life

Art mimics life? Another a word does the same: Astrology mimics life.

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Bright Ideas: The General Public

“The General Public” would make a great name or title for some product, service, or entertainment piece.

Update on my apparent latent memory (previous post cracked it open aka got the brain storming): Been advised that a number of bands already use this name. What’d I say? Would make a great name for that sort of thing! It’s a bright idea. haha… tweet-on!

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Positive Occult Practice & The General Public

I like to think of myself as making a positive contribution to occult studies and practices. I’m largely friendly, warm, practical, skeptical, thoughtful, analytical, bright, connected, accepting of differences, soft-hearted, understanding, and ethical. I’m also somewhat normal, on the outside ;-). Pisces-Virgo with a good dash of Leo?!

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Quote: A great sweater is like a good hug.

A great sweater is like a good hug.

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Abella Quotes: Stealing Work

“I have neither the fame, nor the fortune to enjoy the compliment of someone stealing my work.” – Abella Arthur

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Abella Quotes: No Fame & No Fortune

“If I don’t have the fortune, I don’t want the fame. :P ” ~ Abella Arthur

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Abella’s Artwork: Heart Explosion

Program, Illustrator
Heart Explosion, 2001

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Abella’s Tarot: Tarot is a tool

Think of tarot as ‘working with or using tarot’ to answer your questions rather than tarot being the one giving you the answer. All answers are within because we are connected to spirit and the universe. Tarot is not an entity in and of itself, but rather a tool to help you access your own wisdom. Your Tarot Teacher, Abella

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“Look at a single element alone as well …

“Look at a single element alone as well as within the environment that surrounds it.” Abella Arthur on *synthesizing / analyzing data.*

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Abella’s Artwork: Drawing

Drawing, 2003

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Abella’s Tarot Philosophy: Tarot is a collection of picture cards …

“Tarot is a collection of picture cards that tell the true story of your life.” Abella Arthur

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