| Astrogasm

The Diary of a Pro Astrologer, Tarot Reader, Numerologist, Psychic, Commentator, Social Worker, Mental and Emotional Athlete, People Mechanic, Biking Babe, Occultist, Artist, Meist, & YOUR Wisdom Guide.

Word Play: Is it Arrogant or Ignorant? or Maybe Aigroance

One of the negative traits mentioned about Leos (by the way, the Sun is in domicile in Leo) is arrogance.

To me, there’s nothing wrong with earned and healthy arrogance.  Arrogance generally comes from a learned individual, who has a set idea on how to do something best because they have the knowledge and experience that has confirmed its success — it works for them and others.

They are assertive (and sometimes aggressive) in their assertion of what is the best way of doing something, and that can tick off individuals who lack their own sense of mastery in something.

Unhealthy and unearned arrogance, to me, is something I call — ignorance.

The two words are quite similar.

Note that the only letter difference between arrogance and ignorance (other than an extra r) is i. Ignorance comes from incorrectly perceived rightness rather than actual truth. And I think it also comes from a sense of ‘i’.

When people do that and are unwilling to get their facts straight, while attempting to aggressively force their ignorant views upon others, this can be perceived as arrogance but to me, it’s not — it’s really aggressive ignorance.

Someone is ignorant when the speak upon their high horse and don’t have any experience or knowledge to back-up what they’ve said.

Perhaps this could be called aigroance because it causes a groan to witness such behavior. LOL


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Emotional and Intellectual Arrogance: Tarot Readers vs. Astrologers

Astrologers tend to be ‘intellectually arrogant’ whereas I have found tarot readers to be ’emotionally arrogant’. Remember that I’m both an Astrologer and Tarot Reader, a Leo, and can say without a doubt that I’m oft-times arrogant. :P

During your journey in astrology, consider becoming ‘intellectually arrogant’ or rather focused on the ‘mind’, ‘logic’, and ‘critical thinking’ skills. *This* will help your studies immensely. Basically remove the ’emotional’ part (right side), while studying, and get jiggy with your brain (left side).

Then when you have a good grasp on astrology, bring your intuitive skills back into the mix because they’ll be useful when interpreting charts.

So instead of ‘feeling’ things out, ‘think’ them out. Ask ‘conscious’ rather than ‘subconscious’ questions… TONS of them — to yourself and to others… Astrologers are researchers of data.

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