| Astrogasm

The Diary of a Pro Astrologer, Tarot Reader, Numerologist, Psychic, Commentator, Social Worker, Mental and Emotional Athlete, People Mechanic, Biking Babe, Occultist, Artist, Meist, & YOUR Wisdom Guide.

Rants & Raves

<rave>I’ve been ranting awhile about a particular business topic (nothing recent on my blogs) and my lovely-not-so-lovely squares FINALLY figured out what I need to do to get over the nonsense.

There’s a quirk customers have in that they’re always trying to find loopholes and get away with sheat no matter the consequence.  I don’t find this to be decent, helpful to anyone, or showing integrity in personal and intimate relationships, even business ones.  I’m not selling burgers or a pair of jeans.

But that’s okay.  I figured out how to counter the obstacle.  Oh yes, my Scorpio MC found a STRATEGY that will address their needs while addressing mine. And this is my motto:  Get the needs of others met, while you get your needs met too.

I had to go all Saturn because I find no resolution can be completely Uranian when working with everyday folk.  They have to have something to hold on to, a precedent where their sheep and flock have decided unanimously that THAT thing is the right thing and anything new must be tested, weighed, and accepted by the masses before they’ll accept it.

I can’t go into what it is that I’ve found a solution for but it’s one that the masses can’t readily turn down and one I can readily get behind with a Scorpionic smile. ;P  I will say it has nothing to do with personal reading consultations. And I’ll say the reason why I have so much trouble with my Sun & Mars is that I don’t want to go down the road of Scorpio but fact is, I’m in business and Scorpio fits the bill in dealing with the games people think they need to play (social custom in business) with me but don’t really have to.  So it’s harder to walk down a path of personal integrity when others are not or think you’re not.

In other words, it’s definitely hard to make money with integrity but somehow I get creative and figure it out after a LOT of verbal ranting.  LOL

I think this is why I LOVE helping clients who rant about their life. Because after they’re done, they’re raving about my insights, solutions, and strategies to what was once considered a problem.

Of course, I could be wrong.  My strategy might fail so I won’t be too cock-sure about it.  But what I will allow myself to be, is pleased that my Sun-Mars squaring MC are good for something! ;-)

..and now go back to the drawing board to reignite my dreams — a lot of work to do but nonetheless, I’m pleased!! Woohoo </rave>

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What’s Worst in Synastry? An Opposition or a Square?

What’s worst in synastry? An opposition or a square?

I think an opposition is worst because there’s such a see-saw and tug-o-war effect, the couple can be opposed to each other, and even if they manage to synch up and blend — it could go extremely in one way or the other.  Whereas a square is something more manageable. Harmony can be brought to the table if both parties are willing to make some compromise and fall-back a bit. As well, the square tends to have a dynamic quality about it, a fortitude that I don’t see as clearly with the opposition.

What do you think and why?

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What Makes an Aspect Minor or Major? (Astrology, Zodiac)

I do not agree with so-called “minor aspects”.  I rather call them “shadow” aspects.  And major aspects — “common or popular”.  Every degree on the wheel has something to offer us.  I’m fairly certain there are 360 aspects out there just as there are 360 Sabian symbols.

It’s all about “patterns” for me…

The clients I work with often have sesquiquadrates (traditionally considered a minor aspect).  I’m beginning to think it’s why they come to see me. They are coming to me for what is hard for them to understand and solve on their own.  They come to me for what they can’t see clearly on their own.

Since I believe people are smart, knowledgeable, and capable — they are not seeking “common or popular” knowledge, as it would be right in front of their eyes (what the problem was)  — they would have already caught on to it and wouldn’t need me much to help them get to the light.

Shadow aspects (minor)  hide in the background.  They are hard to see and hold on to but they are still extremely important in solving often long-standing and difficult problems or hard-to-reach destinies.

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Opposition: Glasses, Look Closer To the Other Side

An Opposition looks like a pair of glasses on its side!

Moral of the story? Turn sideways and take a closer look to see what’s on the other side.

Oppositions are a tug-of-war, two sides of the same coin, create a see-saw effect, back and forth…

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The Connection Between Semi-Sextile Signs: The Truth

The Connection Between Semi-Sextile Signs

Here’s an example:
Virgo- Libra-Scorpio
Scorpio wants to find the hidden truth. “The truth hurts.”

Virgo wants to find the absolute core truth. – “There’s your truth, my truth, and then THE truth”.

Libra wants to find the middle path of truth – “Three sides to every story: Yours, mine, and the truth.”

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Sesquiquadrate or Sesquisquare

There seems to be three main themes that come out of the Sesquiquadrate: Adolescence & Maturity, Abnormal Different Ability, and Unaccepted & Unusual Awareness.

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Harmonics: Septiles — Spiritual power, divine downloads…

Notes drawn from AdZe: Septile – Spiritual power, divine downloads, self-knowledge, non-conforming harmony (like Venus / Jupiter / Trine)

“There is a whole family of septile aspects including the septile, bi-septile and tri-septile forming one, two and three sevenths of a circle respectively. Septiles are measured in denominations of fifty-one degrees twenty-five minutes, one hundred two degrees fifty one minutes five seconds and one-hundred-fifty-four degrees, seventeen minutes and two seconds. The septile family of aspects is very different. They divide the circle into one, two and three sevenths respectively. This is the first series of aspects that to not divide evenly. This is a somewhat irrational force of energy, something sacred and holy going on here. Much like the number seven, Septiles contain spiritual power and imply the possibility of cosmic intervention. Septiles indicate harmony and union though in a non-conforming way. These aspects can indicate extraordinary creative efforts at self-knowledge and ultimate understanding and can be a real turn on. Septiles resonate with Venus, Cardinal, Air and Libra energy.” AdZe MiXXe.

I have Mercury Septile Jupiter, Mars Tri-Septile Ascendant, Venus Tri-Septile North Node, and Sun Septile Uranus.

This aspect stimulates ‘divine downloads’ from the universal highway.

Divine insights or allowing the native to view the world (things and themselves too) in ways that few others do, is partly what this aspect does. One would expect the native to have had formal training, to arrive at what they do, but they haven’t!!

The Septile gives inspiration, is inspirational, or motivational. For example, Mercury Septile Jupiter can indicate “motivational speaking’ or writing ‘inspirational wisdom’. Sun Septile Uranus, an inspirational ‘role model’ for self-empowerment and “beating to your own drum”, and self-confidence or one that is inspired towards these pursuits.

Meditation or martial arts are especially helpful for any native who hasn’t tapped into the power of their Septiles, because it helps quiet or slow down energy to listen to / receive ‘divine downloads’.

Personality wise, it could indicate having an Autistic or Asperger’s type temperament but I haven’t tested this theory yet! Oh, I just found this Facebook note by astrologer David Rowan talking about how Septiles could be connected to this. I have mild dyslexia, by the way.

Do you have a Septile aspect?

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