| Astrogasm

The Diary of a Pro Astrologer, Tarot Reader, Numerologist, Psychic, Commentator, Social Worker, Mental and Emotional Athlete, People Mechanic, Biking Babe, Occultist, Artist, Meist, & YOUR Wisdom Guide.

Some Recent Astrogasm Search Terms & Replies :-)

These are recent search terms so I thought I’d say a few things about them. :-)

  • moon square Chiron 2 — Wounded feelings or wounding emotions.
  • moon square chiron transit 2 — See above.  This transit sucks. ;-)
  • venus in 9th house 2 — You have a love of higher knowledge, spirituality, equality, and art. And that’s what you can study.
  • gemini in the 6th house 2 jobs 1 — Gemini’s love variety and hate boredom.  Have Gemini in the 6th and yup, you will usually have more than 1 job.  And wherever you have Gemini, usually means you’ll have more than one of that thing.  Like I also have Gemini in the 5th and I have more than one hobby.  In fact, I have MANY.
  • synastry so much of oppositions 1 – Sorry to hear that.  It’s a challenge, for sure.  Good luck.
  • aquarius in the 7th house 1 — This one is a challenge too.  This is an independent, in relationships signature but at the same time, it’s hard to give freedom to your partner OR your partner wants ‘too much’ freedom (like you!)
  • saturn and venus conjunction astrology 1 — Long lasting love.  Being in love with the old.  ie. You can still love people 20 years down the road, as if it were yesterday.  That “in love” chemical never really dies with this aspect.
  • venus saturn friends 1 — Long lasting and loyal friends though with the square, the friendship may never really get off the ground and instead can hang in the background indefinitely.  Trines or sextiles are easier…
  • sextile signs 1 — Lots of opportunity and agitation.  It can be good for bad.
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Post Statistics

Here’s my post statistics:

Sum: 48194 words
Minimum: 3 words
Maximum: 1330 words
Average: 139 words

Longest post: About My Blogs: Part Two: Readings & Consultations
Shortest post: I’m “Sharing Awesome”!

Total reading time: 2 hours, 40 minutes, 38 seconds. (very good reading speed)

Wow, I’ve written close to 50,000 words in about 60 days! :-)

I guess we can say that I’m not for one to be at a loss for words with Mercury Trine Ascendant, Mercury Sextile Midheaven, and Gemini in the 5th and 6th houses! :-D

And since my average words are 139, I’m keeping to the Twitter length. LOL

One of the careers I wanted to do, a long time ago, was to be a columnist! Would have been a perfect job for me but no opportunities that came followed through.  For example, I was asked to write an astrology sun-sign column in our daily paper (even BEFORE I was an actual astrologer — no kidding!!) but that fell through.

I have an occult library (over 2,500 books but I’ve lost track!) and I grew up with the Encyclopedia Britannica (one of my favorite childhood pastimes was to browse through the books).

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Blogs & Drafts

I’ve managed to scratch out 74 drafts over a period of two months.  Oh, that’s a bad habit. LOL … Time to try to get those posts OUT the door and onto your monitor.

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VirgoVault vs. Astrogasm

Just pouring over the stats of Astrogasm and VirgoVault.  It’s not even close, VirgoVault wins.  On November 11th, for example I had 648 visitors.  The average daily is much higher than Astrogasm.  I guess it’s time to move over some of my Astrogasm posts and VirgoVault them. Also, I think it’s time for VirgoVault to get a facelight.

The great thing about Astrogasm is that it’s generally quick to type my posts up (2-45 minutes) whereas VirgoVault can take hours to a whole day.  Maybe I’ll make Astrogasm the ‘draft’ blog and VirgoVault the fully thought out blog. What fun says my Gemini on the 5th. :-D

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Time Off & Quote About Virgos

Normally, I wouldn’t announce that I won’t be blogging for awhile or will minimize it but since I’ve been doing it everyday and its title is “Daily Diary…” I thought it would be good to let you know. :-)

During my time off I’ll be completing my ‘sale’ set up which has taken so much time and I had to rework part of my site and have more to do.  Also, I have some home ‘organizational’ projects that need to get finished. And I’ll be taking more time out for myself to exercise and improve my spiritual, physical, and mental health. Plus I’m in process of hiring, training, and redeveloping my business model.  So much to do!!

A number of things need to go to make way for an increased workload and personal well-being…

I love blogging but it definitely doesn’t pay the bills (for me) so I imagine I’ll find myself muttering about this and that (to myself) LOL while I’m away because Gemini on the 6th will do that if they don’t have an outlet. But at the same time, it’s good for Gemini on the 6th to close the mental shop now and then.

Then again, maybe I just need to get this blog back-on-track with 1-2 sentence quips! :-) Oh, how mutable of me to say!

Will I stay or will I go? Will I stay or will I go?  Oh, I don’t know…

Virgo Energy Quote:

It is clear that those with the Moon in Virgo or Virgo rising, or with heavy Virgo stellium, are amongst the most puzzling personalities we encounter. Virgo is capable of heights or depths, but these are not necessarily obtrusive. The Virgo person is a ‘deep one’. – Martin Seymour-Smith

Me: Virgo stellium, Virgo Moon. Maybe you too. ;P

If nothing else, I’ll definitely be back to post the sale details once I’m finished updating everything.

Thanks for reading, sharing, commenting — love you bunches and catch up with you soonish.


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Statistics: Mundane Astrology & Horoscopes

Statistically it’s amazing how many hits a mundane post about world transits will get in comparison to regular astrology posts or how-to astrology posts.  Actually, I imagine the same is true for horoscopes.  This tells me, in some way, that readers would rather be delivered the goods than learn how to read their own charts.

Because I’m a natal astrologer, I’m focused on personal chart readings.  This is one reason why mundane astrology or writing a horoscope column hasn’t interested me as much.  But from time-to-time I get the bug to write about an astrological event, as I did below with Venus Rx.


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Leaving Comments On My Blog

I really appreciate blog comments. There’s a lot of the same people visiting my blog (glad you’re enjoying it) , but not many replies to my posts.

I think people feel they need to come up with something smart and long for me to like what they have to say (see 7th house post below). No, that’s not true. A few words, is quite nice. Having said that, if a long comment is left I might only reply with a short one (if I reply with one at all).

Comments that are too long are generally too much but I welcome them nonetheless. It’s been suggested on the Internet to write up your own blog post and then link my post to your post, and tell me about it, if your reply is too long. But if you don’t have your own blog or public forum, just leave your wonderfully long comment if you desire.

And if you have some additional insights or questions about what I’ve said, that’s very welcome too.

Unfortunately the comment section of a blog is like an empty dance floor.  Not too many are willing to be the first to get on the floor and strut their stuff first.  I imagine they’re cautious and want to see how I’ll respond, and how they should respond.  As chatted about in my 7th house post, I’m not this way at all.  If I have something to say, I’ll say it and I’ll say it outloud. Be authentic.

I guess it’s the courageous Sun Conjunct Mars, Aries temperament to do so.

I have installed Disqus so you can edit your comments and you can also use an anonymous name (though I’d really like to know who you are) but if you use your twitter account, you can hit the ‘bird’ and post back to twitter so I’ll and others will see your comment there too.

Every now and then be brave and leave your thought, feeling, or impression instead of hitting and running or there may not be much in the future for you to hit.

So say hello, introduce yourself, and dive in.
Much love ♥

p.s. And ‘sharing’ my posts and linking the website and post, so that others can discover it too, is nice and helpful as well. Thank you!

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Wrote about 250 posts in one month. Will take about an hour to read at this point!

At this point, my blog will probably only take about an hour and a bit to read so if you haven’t already done so, now is the time. I wrote about 250 posts in one month! 14 of them are currently under another author name as I made a mistake during set up.

Just go to the home page | Astrogasm and all the posts are in full-length on every page (no clicking) except when you move to the next page.

There’s about three pages at this point as I’ve set the number of posts to one hundred, per page! I also can’t seem to add page numbers at the bottom of the page. Maybe I’ll figure that out at some point so it’ll be easier for you to navigate.

And remember to share if you like something I said.

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I’m having a lot of fun posting on this …

I’m having a lot of fun posting on this blog. I hope you are enjoying reading, experiencing it. <3

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When asking a question, please keep it o …

When asking a question, please keep it on topic. Anything that requires reading your whole chart (& most questions do) is best left for a professional consultation. A question about: What does x, y, z mean? is good.

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