| Astrogasm

The Diary of a Pro Astrologer, Tarot Reader, Numerologist, Psychic, Commentator, Social Worker, Mental and Emotional Athlete, People Mechanic, Biking Babe, Occultist, Artist, Meist, & YOUR Wisdom Guide.

World Transit: Void Course of Moon – Scorpio

Today, the Moon is feeling invasive. My Saturn Taurus has been Opposing it since early this morning.  The Void of Course Moon is currently at 28° 38′ 9″ Scorpio at 20:10 UT time — just riding the critical degree of 29° that Mercury was at yesterday.  So it’s no surprise that the Moon has been on my mind, and the mind of other astrologers today.

Awhile back, I asked a group of professional astrologers why we were experiencing so many Void of Course Moons. Along with the mention that it was because many of the Moons were in early degrees (this one is in a late degree, soon to change signs), this reply from astrologer Hal Bahr, stood out:

November 7 at 2:01pm The first thing that strikes me is not the VOC moon periods [how many we have been having lately] but rather the acknowledgement that all the planets representing the great gods of change are in early degrees of signs signalling a new era of sorts and pointing to new places and themes we must revolutionize (this has been going on/building up for some time but Saturn finishing up in Libra has been acting as a braking mechanism). There is a greater and greater push to do tangible things that provoke change. All the VOC moon periods speak to me of what can happen when we use that youthful energy (youthful folly – I-Ching) to initiate things without taking the timing into consideration. Many initiatives come to naught if they were not launched with attention to detail, practicality, and timing. On the other hand I find VOC moon periods to be excellent times to dream, vision, and employ non-linear techniques to problem-solving and to going deeply within to discover creative ways of changing ourselves and coming into alignment with the energy of the times., Hal Bahr, of Soul Design

Late degree signs are also about starting something new by putting an end to the old (what’s matured and ripened — has born fruit already), and all with a child-like wonder. The fact the Moon is in Scorpio right now, emphasizes this theory. Scorpio is regenerative and about ends and beginnings. Also, Mars (the planet of initiation) co-rules Scorpio.  Coincidence?!

What was my Void of Course Moon day about?

It was about making a decision to start pouring my long winded writing into books, and then taking snippets of those books and putting them into blog posts (either before OR after publication).

Given that my Virgo stellium is in the 8th (the house of Scorpio) and the topics I write about are Scorpio-like, it makes perfect sense that I made an emotionally difficult decision to put an end to something (that needs to end) when Scorpio was void of course in a late degree. And this had been on my mind for awhile too.

It is said not to start anything new during a void of course, and I haven’t.  I’m still writing here.  I haven’t begun my outlines for the books I intend to write.  That will all happen in 2013.  No, this was a time to dream up my future, make peace with the past, and when this Moon has begun to wane — I will begin plotting out my future writing strategy (Scorpio style! ;-).

So this late degree VOC Scorpio Moon was Opposed my Saturn, and because of that I was emotionally damp today.  But working through this upcoming change in my writing (one I haven’t wanted to do) — will help me finally get ‘serious’ about it.

At the time of publishing this article, the Scorpio Moon is now at: 29° 41′ 59″ 21:53 UT time.
More coincidence? I think not. :D

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How it Works: Astrology & Duplication of Insights

There is duplication within astrology.

Like most (if not all) languages, more than one word can be used to convey the same or more accurately — similar meaning.

Fixed stars, for example, are duplicated in other ways within the chart and vice versa. For example, my own Moon Conjunct Denebola in the 8th can be restated as my Neptune in the 10th or Mercury Semi-sextile Uranus straddling my 9th. Of course, Moon Conjunct Denebola is the most precise way of saying that what I see, many others do not.

Thankfully the language (of astrology) has been written so that you don’t need to know ALL THE WORDS (symbols, data) in order to get the meaning and understand things fully.

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TarotSeek: Tarot Card ‘Anchors’

My ebook Psychic Jucy’s TarotSeek:  Learn How To Read Tarot Cards For Yourself is  about giving a reader a method of reading that will give instant, accurate, and objective readings without any formal tarot training, memorization, or long-winded reading.

Having said that, if the reader is lacking confidence in their abilities (ie new to reading or doesn’t believe they have the *gift* cough, cough) it can be very hard for them to interpret their ‘answers’ or ‘responses’.

Today, a student mentioned that the Tarot Prompt: Describe the card meant that all the cards would eventually mean the same thing and she wouldn’t get anything new out of it.

I said that’s only one prompt.  What about this one:  What’s the first thing you see?  Is the light in the Hermit’s card the first thing you always see?  Or maybe do you see the mountain, walking stick, or beard first?  Whatever you see first becomes the ‘anchor’ of your response.  It has meaning, and there’s a reason why you see one thing over another first.

Also, after you’ve described the card once or twice, you don’t have to keep doing it for that deck, as you’ve already done it.  And doing it, connects you with the card’s core meaning.

TarotSeek is a tool for traditional tarot reading, as well as standing on its own as an original method of tarot reading.

(Note to self:  Add this to my TarotSeek blog and twitter account).

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Meditation & Learning Meditation: Deepak Chopra’s Leela™ (Wii & 360)

Deepak Chopra’s Leela™ is a MEDITATION game. Yup, you heard that right. And by the way, it works.

I just got this in tonight and it’s perfect for the first day of Venus RX especially since I wrote about expanding my meditation practice.

And I’ll be working out how to beautify and balance my thinking and speaking with a daily meditation and self-love practice as well as re-formulating communication tasks and the environment I do them in – April 6th, 2012 blog post

I tell you, I really AM on auto-pilot (driven by the universe) a lot of the times.  LOL

I ordered this for my Wii about a week ago and when I wrote the above, I was thinking of the meditation programs I already have like:  Walking Meditation, 8 Minute Meditation, and Mindfulness Meditation!  I really didn’t think I’d be getting Leela in but I’m so happy I did.

Leela, in Sanskrit, means PLAY.  And my Venus Rx is currently in the 5th house and I’m ready to re-energize, review, and rethink my playtime.

I believe I’ll be looking at bringing more art, money, cerebral play, and romance into my life.

And the ‘active’ part of Leela IS a sort of mindless cerebral play that is a feast for the eyes — perfect for Venus Gemini. By the way Deepak is a Libra/Scorpio cusp.  Hrmm. Cool.

There’s two parts. One part is active and one part is reflective. The active part gets you doing mind numbing and peaceful actions that give a sense of growing something. The reflective part gets you to rest and do nothing, go within.

As I play with it more, I’ll update this blog post.

You can get Leela on Amazon.

United States


XBox 360 Kinect


Xbox 360 Kinect


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Aspect Types: Oppositions in Synastry & Natal Astrology Chart

I was grazing the incoming search terms and “oppositions in synastry” came up but unfortunately they didn’t find the blog post they came to read (hint: use the SEARCH feature to the right, at the time of writing this!).

So I’ll take a moment to share more thoughts on that signature.

To simplify, synastry isn’t much different than natal astrology except for the difference that instead of the chart showing your ‘relationship with yourself’, the synastry chart shows a relationship with an external entity (another person or persons).

The conjunction, inconjunction, and opposition all share something in common — a blind-spot of some sort.

An opposition is really just another side of a conjunction and an inconjunction is a maladjusted or poorly constructed opposition.

Oppositions in a natal chart indicate extreme vacillations (see my posts on oppositions) or at least that’s how it can appear to people on the outside.

To you, on the inside, you may find the annoying back and forth, yo-yo dance (that you can’t quite figure out the steps to) irritating and you may even perceive that it’s outside forces causing your missteps.

In synastry, an opposition has a similar effect.  In fact, it’s kind of crazy making because it causes a one foot in, one foot out (hot and cold effect) with the object of your affection or dejection.

An opposition is imbalanced, like the inconjunction, but unlike the quincunx, the instability of an opposition can last much longer and there seems to be a much harder ability to or less interest to harmonize differences ( a real blind-spot!).

Where do you have oppositions in your chart?

That’s where you are out-of-focus and have great difficulty seeing the whole picture.

So in synastry, an opposition basically means that the celestial objects and angles that form that aspect basically don’t see eye-to-eye and the people involved struggle in a tug-o-war to get the other person to see their point of view. It’s very Aries (Mars)-Libra (Venus).

Some say this is hot.  And if the right celestial objects are involved, it IS hot (in the exciting way) but how often and long do you want to burn?! If Mars is control, the relationship or “planetary themes” will burn out faster then you can say FLY or is that FIGHT. Of course, if you’ve got Saturn in the mix, you’re going to be forced to fry until you figure out what karmic mess you’ve both involved yourself in.

But hey, why not beat the red planet with a softer planet?  Lets bring Venus in.

One of the best ways to harmonize this aspect is for ALL people involved in the synastry to: Compromise, and extend the olive branch and be interested in discovering what’s on the other side.

BUT if only one person does that, the other (the partner) will surely be dissatisfied.  Because when it comes to Libra, there must be a mirror effect occurring for the love and fairness of Venus to shine through.

Now before we get too smitten with Venus, in the dance of the opposition, Mars is still quite necessary as he keeps it real and reminds that individual needs are still important. And Venus can be too soft and then you may end up with apathy and nothingness for fear of the somethingness (intended spelling mistake) you may not want.

So we can not ever really have Mars (activity) without Venus (receptivity), and vice versa, unless we want to eventually land into a funk. Afterall, Earth is situated between the two.

That means that Venus doesn’t get her way, nor does Mars BUT they can both get their needs met and that’s what you’ll want to achieve in an opposition, within synastry.

Alright, I REALLY need to get out of this Astrogasm blog for awhile and back into VirgoVault.  It’s just that it seems to take so much more ‘time’ to write an article over there because after I write my article, I read up on what others say, give them a shout-out, find some groovy picture, organize the article, etc. etc.  It takes a long time to write one of those beasts.  LOL But I see I keep writing long winded articles on here and this blog was intended for short quips. Mon dieu! ;-)


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Learning Predictive Astrology: Abella’s Tips

One of the best ways to become more accurate in your astrological predictions, is to pour through past personal charts (solar returns, progressions, transits) of yourself and people you’re close to as well as read the biographical events of celebrities that interest you.

When reading biographies select material that often highlights dates and locations. And for yourself and personal relationships, seek out diaries, journals, documents, and other recordings of events. This would be a good time to reinforce that keeping a diary, as an astrologer, is quite important to your own personal development as well updating and challenging your general astrological understanding.

We can see how the symbiosis between the cosmos and yourself manifested the very personal and specific events that happened.

Astrologers base much of their interpretative work on observation over time (if not their own, others); however, the specific details may be off because while the chances of one thing happening are ‘high’, the native always has an element of freewill where they can direct the themes and rulerships of the planets in a different direction while retaining the essence of the lesson, opportunity, gift, test, or challenge.

As well, mundane celestial events alter the general character, culture, and well-being of the masses and that also has a direct effect on the outcome of personal predictions. So in-depth astrologers are looking a large number of charts to determine an outcome.  One chart, just like one aspect, will not tell you the whole story when it comes to predictions.

Predictive fear (Saturn-Neptune) can be removed and replaced with manifestation plans (Saturn-Jupiter).

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Considering Becoming a Professional Anything? And Wondering: How Much Should You Charge?! Watch This!

If you want to stay in business for a long time, love what you do, and be respected as a professional — charge fair, affordable fees.  However, ensure these fees are professional and based on all the expenses incurred in doing business, as well as your experience, ability, and unique offering.

If you find you can’t or are unable to charge professional fees, you may want to consider getting into another line of work because it will cost you and your colleagues a lot if you don’t think about your entrance or continued presence as a paid professional within your industry.

As a full time astrologer, psychic, and tarot reader — I fully support what Mark is teaching here. I couldn’t have said it better. And unfortunately in the creative and holistic fields, many professionals do not consider the cost of doing business and can not make a full time living, doing what they love, because they are selling themselves short.

I have a different perspective in offering my services because I took business, as a major, in school.  I took business because I loved marketing, promoting, and selling what I believed in and my father ran his own business but also because I had no idea what I wanted to be when I grew up — the work I do today and will do tomorrow, was totally NOT on my radar. I was a hard core conservative back then, believe it or not. My how things change!

So I didn’t actually learn a particular skill in school, other than what’s involved in running and managing a business, and for the longest time that bothered me but now I can see how it’s been of benefit.

So if you didn’t get business training, yet you want to offer your services for money — do consider learning all you can about running a business, and take to heart videos like this.

Much love <3

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Artwork: Perspective Drawing & Portrait Shading

I’m currently working on perspective drawing and shading.  Gee, who knew art was so technical?! :-)

I just hope it doesn’t ruin the fun of doing art.  In other words, one of the important things about art is seeing — I mean, truly seeing.  I hope I can turn off seeing like I often have done with my psychic stuff.  Because right now, I keep looking for the shadows and shades in everything.  haha

I’ve been working with the Drawing Mentor series ebooks by  Sarah Bowles.  I’m currently working with Drawing Mentor 3, Perspective & 3D Shapes, Drawing Mentor 9, Sketching People & Animals, and Drawing Mentor 13, Portrait Drawing.

These ebooks are quick and simple, and are giving me a taste of what I’ll need to do to get better at drawing. Eventually I’ll be taking a special course to further develop technique but I hope my style will remain.  As much as I want to know how to draw realistically, I really like idealistic and abstract drawing.

Libra on the 9th house cusp. :-)

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How to Read Tarot: Make It Up.

When you are reading tarot for yourself forget that you are trying to come up with anything ‘real’. Instead, make it up. Yup, that’s right. Tell yourself a story. Learn & Know Tarot

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Uranus in the 9th, Libra

I found this description of Uranus in the 9th, bang-on!

My Uranus is in Libra. I often prefer teaching one-on-one but I can work with groups too. Maybe that’s because I have Jupiter Libra, in the 9th as well.

Also, Libra is related to languages and I believe astrology, tarot, and numerology are just that — languages!

Uranus here does not readily accept ideas and rebels against being told what to believe. They may resist a number of higher education establishments, unless the teachers are open minded, progressive and enlightened. The individual may also be interested in studying Uranus related subjects – Science, sociology, computers, astrology and astronomy. Those with Uranus in the 9th house often encounter exciting teachers, and similarly this person is considered a highly stimulating and electric educator.

More than any other placement this individual is interested in the truth of the system. – read more at The Astrology Place

If you seek a dynamic teacher who doesn’t teach out of someone else’s book, I’m your Gal.

Currently connecting you with your innate knowledge of astrology, tarotnumerology, and relationship skills.

My Uranus contacts are Sun Septile Uranus, Mercury Semi-sextile Uranus, Venus Conjunct Uranus (Venus rules my 9th house), Saturn Sesquiquadrate Uranus (yup! haha), Uranus Opposition Chiron, and Uranus Square AC. My Jupiter contacts are Venus Semi-sextile Jupiter, Jupiter Semi-sextile Neptune, Jupiter Trine North Node, and Jupiter Quintile Ascendant.

On the flip-side, I have Mars (Aries) on the third house cusp and Chiron resides within. And Mars is Trine Chiron. So I will push for your voice to be heard.

Read more about my thoughts on the 9th house.

By the way, I prefer to be called YOUR Wisdom Guide or you could refer to me, to others, as MY Wisdom Guide.

In the end, it’s YOUR innate wisdom that will ensure you learn and retain the material well.

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Libra, Leo, Aquarius, Gemini Love Learning From Me

Later degree Libra, Leo, Aquarius, Gemini Suns love learning from me because of my Jupiter in the 9th house. Aries, Leo, Sag, Aquarius also enjoy learning from me as I have Mars on the 3rd house cusp. Having said that, it is a Mars placement so there could be competitive, overly aggressive, or testing elements there.

Other signs will enjoy learning from me as well because it’s not just the Sun sign.  I’ll just make those Sun signs feel great while they are learning from me but say you have those signs in your Ascendant, Moon, Mercury, or Venus we may get on very well with each other too!!  And, of course, since I’m teaching occult subjects — anyone with Virgo will benefit greatly from and admire my style of teaching.

Also, my Jupiter is late degree and Uranus is early degree Libra.  I could also expand the consciousness of early degree Scorpio, for example. Basically if you feel good about how I express myself (wisdom), you’ll probably enjoy learning from me.

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Memorization: Tarot & Astrology

If you want to learn tarot or astrology well, do NOT memorize someone else’s  tarot keywords or descriptions for the cards, nor astrology keywords and descriptions for the  planets, signs, houses, etc.

I didn’t memorize astrology (because when I did that with tarot, it ruined my experience forever) just as I don’t encourage tarot readers to memorize tarot meanings. It does take a lot of personal thinking, research, and meditation about what something means, but it’s worth it.

Become ‘one’ with the material. Own the material.  Yes, there’s a structure and if anything, that’s what I suggest memorizing.  With the rest, I suggest ‘filling in the blanks’ on your own.  And that’s how I teach.

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Becoming an Astrologer or Tarot Reader

It’s not easy for everyone to learn and translate a foreign language. It takes a certain kind of person to absorb and assimilate the information into something that is understood by others. Being an astrologer or tarot reader uses a variety of skills such as story-telling, consultation, and giving advice (even if that’s just to you).  A knack with seeing patterns and combining is also helpful.

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Emotional and Intellectual Arrogance: Tarot Readers vs. Astrologers

Astrologers tend to be ‘intellectually arrogant’ whereas I have found tarot readers to be ’emotionally arrogant’. Remember that I’m both an Astrologer and Tarot Reader, a Leo, and can say without a doubt that I’m oft-times arrogant. :P

During your journey in astrology, consider becoming ‘intellectually arrogant’ or rather focused on the ‘mind’, ‘logic’, and ‘critical thinking’ skills. *This* will help your studies immensely. Basically remove the ’emotional’ part (right side), while studying, and get jiggy with your brain (left side).

Then when you have a good grasp on astrology, bring your intuitive skills back into the mix because they’ll be useful when interpreting charts.

So instead of ‘feeling’ things out, ‘think’ them out. Ask ‘conscious’ rather than ‘subconscious’ questions… TONS of them — to yourself and to others… Astrologers are researchers of data.

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How to Interpret Your Own Eighth House

In order to help you understand the nature of your Transformation, Obstacles & Longevity karma, we will walk you through a few steps. First you will learn which Sign contains your 8th House and how that sign affects your transformations, obstacles, longevity, legacy, chronic health issues and other 8th house indicators, such as inheritance, gains through others and sexuality. Then, we will get more specific in accessing your 8th House by examining the planets placed in that house, and also where the “ruler” of your Eighth House is placed.

How to Interpret Your Own Eighth House 

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The Wicked Smiley Face

I really have to stop using ‘smiley’ faces, to inject warmth when communicating sensitive matter, in personal and professional email. I think it can come off as condescending, sarcastic, and a myriad of other negative things I do not intend. In person, it disarms. In email, it arms.  And it lacks a seriousness that I very much have when discussing difficult topics. Ah, the wicked smiley face!

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Astronomy: Time & Degrees

360 degree circle 24 hour circle (or day)
Degrees 1/360 hours 1/24
Minutes 1/60 ° Minutes 1/60 h
Seconds 1/60 ’ Seconds 1/60 m
360° = 24 hours
30° (1 sign) = 2 hours
15° = 1 hour
1° = 4 minutes
15’ = 1 minute
1’ = 4 seconds
15” = 1 second
1” = 1/15 second


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Abella’s Tarot: Tarot is YOUR life. It contains the big …

Tarot is YOUR life.

It contains the big milestones and events in your life (education, marriage, divorce, moving out, graduation, paying taxes, etc.) as well as the everyday things you do (house cleaning, working out, eating, sex, etc.). In this way, it’s Saturnian and earthy — it illustrates your whole human life from birth to death. It’s also there for you so that you can navigate the murky waters of life with more finesse. And that’s why tarot is by the people, for the people. However, the act of reading cards is generally Neptunian. TarotSeek blends the earthy and water qualities in tarot so that everyone can learn tarot with ease.

Tarot tells the true story of YOUR life. If you’re afraid of tarot, you’re afraid of life. — My Jupiter in Libra would like to add the word, ‘probably’. ;-)

Your Tarot Teacher, Abella

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Learning Abella’s Astrology: Houses

“The houses tell us about how the planets and signs actively live out their desired drama in our lives as well as the roles we are to play and why.” Abella Arthur

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Learning Abella’s Astrology: Planets & Signs

“The PLANets have plans for us. The Signs are the style in which we carry out those plans.” Abella Arthur

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Fabulous Dynamic in-the-sky Mundane Horoscope

This is a dynamic and interactive mundane horoscope: http://www.astrologyscope.com

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Learning Tarot from a Book

Most tarot books are like trying to learn English from a dictionary or thesaurus. Keywords and descriptions won’t help you put a sentence together nor will they give you an accurate tarot reading. Your Tarot Teacher, Abella

This is why most beginner’s have a hard time learning tarot from a book. Try TarotSeek http://www.TarotSeek.com — from a book, but teaches what you need to know – how to actually read the cards.

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