Well done!
This has an artsy, philosophical feel to it as well as straight facts about the house!
Here’s the full size animation video.
Well done!
This has an artsy, philosophical feel to it as well as straight facts about the house!
Here’s the full size animation video.
This goes out to all my Pisces brothers and sisters, the other half of Virgo. Sorting is fun stuff if you play it like a ‘game’ with a ‘mission’ and all that. Imagine sinking into a sea and coming out into a clear spring… sorting the debris from the clean shiny stuff, is refreshing. Take a dip!
Interceptions: “I have never yet had a client with an interception who wasn’t mastering their karmic failure and giving the gift indicated by the interception.” Aquarian Essence
“…The intercepted house polarity is the part of consciousness that the native feels like a complete failure about, when it is in fact the part of themselves that is developing the most.” Barbara Hand Clow
My rising sign is Capricorn. Pisces and Virgo are intercepted. I have no planets, signs, asteroids, or points in Aquarius except the part of fortune. My North Node in Pisces, 2nd house. Aquarius is on my 2nd house cusp. I have Moon, Mercury, Venus, Pluto, SN Virgo in the 8th house. I have double “Gemini/Sagittarius: Reason vs. Revelation” Mary Devlin.
“The lack of balance may be within the person’s own development or is suited to assist other’s with balancing this axis. ” Aquarian Essence
My biggest strength is deep communication (discovering), and it’s also my failure. But I feel compelled to teach others how to speak with authority, clarity, and bravery to themselves and to others (Mars on the 3rd house cusp, Chiron Aries). I don’t always do such a good job at that.
“The most important thing for a person with an interception to know is that there is no need for feeling like a failure or feeling guilty, which is often the case.” Aquarian Essence
Oh, ha, they’re good!!
Aquarian Essense says there’s a lack of communication and education that is projected on my love axis. That makes sense. Often there has been strain in regards to my daily living and working habits and the partner doesn’t communicate this to me until its too late. As I continue to read the article, AE suggests that it’s the ‘intercepted native’ that projects. In my case, I have been completely honest with lovers (as an adult) and they have deceived and lied to me. Communication of important details were not provided. So I’m not sure how that one works. Then again, I have the 5/11, 6/12 axis so that could be the difference.
“When looked at objectively, it will be clear that the axis is well on its way toward balance, especially by mid life.” Yes! Agreed.
Another interesting article from Rosicrucian.com about interceptions.
“As a result of an intercepted diameter in a chart there will be two pairs of houses covered by the same diameter. Wherever this “phenomenon” occurs, you will know that the houses concerned in this “duplication” represent experience-patterns on which the person concerned is “making up for past defaults;” Rosicrucian.com, Elman Bacher
I’d agree. I have often said: I must have done something horrible in a past life or even making wrong choices when I was younger to have to experience the communication hell I do, today. I do feel like I’m making a sacrifice and being of service because I myself, lacked communication skills and a voice when I was younger. I also wasn’t entirely honest or had complete integrity, in my youth. (Note: the higher degree is on my 6th/12th axis and that’s where I probably have the most ‘projection’ with the polarity)
“If the second cusp is covered by the next sign in sequence, then we know that the person is destined in this incarnation to express a higher octave of quality of his past… No one ever exactly repeats a level from one incarnation to the next–upwardness is always a factor to be considered in karmic interpretation.” My intercepted sign is Pisces, I have North Node in Pisces, and Aquarius is on my 2nd house cusp.
I’ve said this about interceptions:
In some ways it feels like a stellium because it spans two house cusps. It makes talents and weaknesses overwhelming obvious. It has an intensity and overdone quality to it. The double sign indicates where prominent themes are at play. With having Gemini on the 5th and 6th house cusps, I LOVE my job. What I do for fun, I do for work. On the flip-side, what I do for work, I do for fun. So that means, I’m not always having fun or I’m not always working. A large part of my day is communicating — talking on the phone, by email, and learning. It makes me a bit of an information geek.
And after a conversation with another intercepted native (from twitter), we came to this conclusion as well:
My Aquarius energy is filtered through Pisces so I experience the emotions of an Aquarius but hidden. It’s my Pisces heart that is electric. When I sort through my detachment and coldness and know what I think, it is often a very soft and lamb-like nature that emerges. All my Virgo signs get a Leo treatment. I am fair minded to my core but have Jupiter Libra that indicates that as well. :-) So I am creatively critical, and an analytical authority, or an authority on a subject – expert.
“…determine the possibilities of why one diameter may represent a “holding back” or a “promise of future development” in this incarnation. The duplicated diameters–when they are lined up with structure-sequence–will indicate which pair of houses represents a condition from the past that must be repeated–for complete fulfillment–in the present.” Rosicrucian.com, Elman Bacher
Here’s a link delineating the intercepted houses.
“Virgo/Pisces Axis or Sixth/Twelfth House Axis
If your Virgo/Pisces or sixth/twelfth house axis is intercepted it may take you quite some time to find a line of work which you find to be fulfilling. This disillusionment you feel in your day-to-day routine is destined to force you to question your spirituality and seek answers of a rather esoteric nature to help you better understand the life role you were born into.
You are an old soul who has experienced much in lives past and will find yourself bumping into people who you knew long ago. These rekindled friendships will add meaning to your life and keep you going during those times when you feel overwhelmed with trials.
Unfortunately, you will learn from experience that you must continually question the motives of those you meet casually because many will have agendas which are at cross purposes to your own. While secret enemies abound, these encounters will help you learn to keep your own council and look beyond the veil of the outer persona when judging a person’s true character.
You will in all probability have a part-time job or business in addition to your primary vocation which will bring you a little extra money as well as help to fulfill some of your self actualization needs.
You may at times feel as if you have heavy burdens because you will find that you have many obligations and responsibilities which keep you firmly grounded to the earth. While it can be depressing to find that you must tend to your day-to-day duties while it seems that others around you have ”
Do you have an interception?
Regarding last post… Scorpio connects to Taurus, Leo to Aquarius — all Fixed signs covered!!