Awhile ago I was having immense trouble with my Mars Square Saturn aspect and getting stuff done. I was frustrated, overwhelmed, and my work was imbalanced.

No matter what I got done, I felt it wasn’t enough and that stuff was being left out. So I decided, enough was enough, and set out to create solutions for this problem.

Recently I found out, through Leah Whitehorse, that one of the solutions actually has a name and formal process to it. It’s called Timeboxing – a time management technique, can turn a Mars-Saturn, in hard aspect, to a harmonious one.

If you or your client experiences work related frustration, delays, overwork, etc. consider mentioning Timeboxing (if you don’t already).

For myself, I rotate tasks and jobs throughout the month, and I do a variety of things throughout the day without the expectation that I will complete any of them by the end of day. Some I will and some I won’t and that’s okay because I have a “plan”. :D

Note that I have Gemini on my 6th house cusp and variety is essentially within my day-to-day tasks and how I manage my time.

Somehow I get more done, feel more accomplished and relaxed, don’t neglect one thing for another, and feel less frustrated because I’m getting somewhere — I can see the results.

Hope this helps for someone else. Cheers!

Originally published May 4, 2011



Thanks Nancy Schorr

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