| Astrogasm

The Diary of a Pro Astrologer, Tarot Reader, Numerologist, Psychic, Commentator, Social Worker, Mental and Emotional Athlete, People Mechanic, Biking Babe, Occultist, Artist, Meist, & YOUR Wisdom Guide.

Venus-Pluto: Astrologer & Story-teller Kim Rogers-Gallagher Writes Again!

Reposting with permission.
I just HAD to post this one due to Venus and Pluto taking a lead in this story! :-)

I’ve written about Kim before…

After’s yesterday’s Flower Debacle with Venus, Pluto was kinda depressed.

He was up all night, obsessing about what he should have said and what he should have done and how Venus would probably never give him a second chance, and how nobody ever wanted him around, and…well, his mood just got worse and worse, until early this morning, he decided to just End It All and defect to another Solar System. Of course, Pluto being Pluto (see “Revenge-R-Us”), before he left, he wanted to be very sure that Venus knew exactly what she’d driven him to (okay, and maybe give her a chance to beg and plead with him not to go). He crept quietly up the stairs and down the hallway toward her room…

Venus’ door was ajar, and when Pluto peeked in, he got quite a surprise. Apparently, during the night, Venus had decided to paint her room and that every wall should be a different color. (See “Gemini,” see “variety.”)
Pluto was horrified (see “Capricorn,” see “stark”), but he couldn’t tear his eyes away. He watched as Venus put the finishing touches on a spot near the ceiling, laid her paintbrush carefully across the open can on the top step and climbed down the ladder. She wiped her hands and surveyed her work and seemed quite pleased at first, but then suddenly, she stopped and frowned, hands on her hips, talking to herself. (See “Gemini” again.)
[(Oh, no…These really aren’t “Spring” colors, are they? What if they don’t match my complexion?)] (See “Queen of Vanity.”)
She reached under the plastic on her dressing table, pulled out her favorite hand-mirror and began backing up to each wall, comparing her complexion to the colors. Of course, she wasn’t looking at anything but herself (and she’s not retrograde), so she bumped right up against the open ladder.

The ladder started to collapse in on itself.
The paint can teetered precariously on the top step.
Venus panicked.

She struggled to hold onto her mirror with one hand and keep the ladder steady with the other, but it wasn’t working. Venus looked back and forth desperately from the mirror to the ladder, trying to decide which to let go of…

Pluto couldn’t stand it anymore. He ran into Venus’ room, grabbed her mirror and pulled her away from the ladder. The can of paint fell to the floor with a loud “plup!” and the ladder started to fall toward Venus. Pluto got under it right away and steadied it, but it took him two hands to do it and in the process, he dropped the mirror…

Venus stared at the huge green paint splatter on the floor where she’d just been standing. She looked at the broken shards of mirror. Then she looked at Pluto. She tossed him a quizzical look.
[Hwat rea *oyu* odgin eerh?]
(See “Venus inconjunct Pluto.”)

Pluto had no idea what Venus said, but he read her look. He stuck his hands in his pockets and stared at the floor.
[Well, I didn’t want you to have any back luck, and you know what they say about walking under ladders and breaking mirrors, so…I figured, better I should risk seven years of bad luck than you…especially today…Aw, never mind, you don’t know what I’m talking about, anyway…See ya around, Venus…]

Pluto shuffled back Downstairs and sat behind his desk, brooding. A few hours later, someone knocked at his door. It was Venus. She was smiling and holding a sleeping black kitten in her arms. She handed Pluto the kitten and a note, kissed his cheek and headed back up the stairs. Pluto shut the door, tiptoed over to his favorite easy chair and sat down, stroking the kitten until it began to purr in its sleep. He set it down gently on his lap and opened the note.

“Hi! My name is Persephone, but I like to be called “Seffy.” I enjoy long stalks, (especially at midnight), mercilessly hunting prey and operating in total darkness. My survival instincts are unsurpassed, but I firmly believe in total devotion to my One and Only.”
Happy Friday the 13th!
Thanks! You’re the best!
Love, Venus.

Pluto looked down at his kitten and smiled.
[“Seffy,” huh?]

Happy Friday the 13th, everybody!

You can follow Kim Rogers-Gallagher on her Facebook page to read other daily stories, and I believe you can purchase a personal natal astrology story from her as well.

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Which House Rules Prostitution In Astrology?

I was looking at the search terms that came in today for Astrogasm and one of them was this: Prostitution 6th house matter.

Please see some astrology research. It’s interesting to note that the astrology found Capricorn (10th house), Leo (Sun), 7th house (Venus), and Venus in Virgo (6th) as showing up quite often in the 166 charts they did.

I hadn’t remembered writing anything about prostitution in the 6th so I did a Google search and came across Elsa Elsa’s board (what’s new?! The woman is the Queen of Astrology on the Internet. ;-).

Anyway, this is the question a forum member posed and I decided to answer it:

Which house rules prostitution in astrology?


@Mina I could totally see Venus Capricorn being a prostitute, as a profession.  Why?  Because Capricorn is the natural sign on the 10th house and Venus is the natural sign on the 2nd house.  These are the ‘career’ houses.

Venus Capricorn has a love of money and stability [and choose ambitious lovers].

And Venus Capricorn is like Venus-Saturn.  Having said that, not all Venus Capricorn, Venus-Saturn natives are or will be prostitutes nor will they fall in love with someone ‘just’ for their money.  But they will be more interested in someone who is financially secure, if not wealthy, but being in-love will still be important.

I wrote a bit about prostitution and the 2nd here, http://www.astrogasm.com/2012/03/11/2nd-house-sex-money-self-worth-prostitution

Also the 6th will signify a type of prostitution as well, but more at the mercy of someone else’s choosing (perhaps working for a madam rather than being an independent) because I believe the 6th is the House of submission and in this house (the house of Vesta and Virgo) the prostitute will not be paid well or recognized. They will feel ‘used’, possibly enslaved.  Whereas prostitution in the 2nd house shows a talent and ability to make money from prostituting one self.

Scorpio on the 6th could signify prostitution as well.

(Adding:  Because I can see the 6th having to do with prostitution, that means the 12th is involved too but I’d like to see Venus in that house and even then…)

I’ve wrote about Venus-Pluto being more like the Dominatrix as I believe the 8th house is the House of Domination (Pluto being the natual ruler of the 8th).  So if Venus-Pluto is doing any sex for money, she’s on top! ;-)

As for Venus Virgo.  Unless she’s in the 6th, 8th, or has some interesting planets and/or aspect in (and to) the 2nd or 10th (such as Venus, Saturn, Mars, or Pluto), I can’t see her selling sex for money or otherwise.

(Adding: I could also see Leo on or Sun in the 2nd as far as being able to prostitute oneself for money and because the Sun can identify and express itself strongly with the values and themes of the 2nd house.

Other than that, it’s all water and earth houses showing up in my thoughts!!)

And again, just because one has this placement or signatures, doesn’t mean they will become a prostitute but there is an option, opportunity, or ability to do so.

And as with anything related to reading a natal chart or analyzing the complex life and possibilities of a human being, something can show in more than one place but the meaning is modified. So, with this example, prostitution isn’t indicated by only one signature.  Many different signatures can indicate the same thing in a chart but the explanation, meaning, or experience for the native will be modified.

I <3 astrology. :D


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Quotes: On Jealousy

Jealousy doesn’t prove love;  what it does prove, is a concern for potential loss. ~ Abella Arthur

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Venus-Pluto: Venus Conjunct Pluto, Venus Opposition Pluto

Venus-Pluto: Venus Conjunct Pluto, Venus Opposition Pluto and Love, Beauty, Money.

Like Venus Scorpio, Pluto Libra / Taurus, Venus in the 8th

Venus Conjunct Pluto has the ability to be sinister or scintillating. Venus Opposition Pluto tends to veer towards being sinister because it seesaws from sweet love to possessive love, extremely and the native hides what is happening and when.

The conjunction creates the desire to achieve a powerful and deep love and artistic works that can be exceptionally transformational or horribly destructive and hateful.

Whereas the opposition, if the native hasn’t healed its oppositional nature, can lean towards being quite dangerous — possibly leading to sociopathic tendencies when and if threatened or betrayed (perceived or real). Manipulation, control, and power subtly mixed with love, money, and beauty can be initially intoxicating. However, as time passes by it’s often toxic.

Venus-Pluto has the ability to manipulate their appearance. They can be like snake charmers in that what you see may not be what is. They may also command a lot of financial power and authority and can make fabulous financial advisers, accountants, negotiators, and stock brokers. They can also make controversial artists.

As usual, I have scratched the surface of this aspect. There are many ways for it to manifest. I welcome additional insights, comments, thoughts, and links for and against. I’ve provided a limited manifestation of these aspects in this blog and will continue to provide insights as time goes on.

And it’s also important to remember that one aspect does not make the whole person.  It’s important to look for other signs  (aspects, houses, etc.) that say the same thing and then that needs to be weighed against items that can cancel out, dull, or brighten it.

This is an excellent article about Venus-Pluto natives.

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